Revisionism Plastering Over Inconvenient History

We all have at some moment or other embellished events, slanted an experience to make it look better in the eyes and ears of the listener. These are human weaknesses around honesty and truth. An excess of this behaviour turns ordinary folk into inveterate liars, mendacious creatures and politicians that ultimately willingly scar their own souls at the expense of humanity’s humanity.

When perpetrated on a far vaster canvas, its purpose is for control, power and deception of a magnitude that effects the many. A personal rejigging of experience, life and events comes from a desire to be seen as more than one presently presents.

So too does the grander scale version, yet the effect on far more people traduced into believing these distortions has consequences far more radical, far more pernicious than most conceive. There is no innocence, no honest error of memory, no slip of the tongue. On the greater scale it is planned, executed and delivered in order to make truth fit agendas, facts bent to create a sick reality delivered.

Revisionism is one major tool in this kit of control.

History is full of these tweaks and twisting. Today, with technology and mass communication it has been manipulated to a degree never before available to the deceitful, lying psychopaths lording over us.

Keeping examples of this age old modality relatively modern examples are many, so choice is in this writer’s gift. Assuredly many will cite far more, and rightly so. These manipulations are the very stuff of control, in both mind and information that create beliefs supporting the twisted reality some presently impose. If there is any way to break this cycle of revising historical fact and truths, it has to come in  breaking the adherence, insistence that the truth of the powers that be is the only and unalienable truth.

In the late 1800s, a new venture was created. One that would reinvent the roots it sprouted from, so decisively destroyed in 1250 by the Persians and Russians. The remains of this destruction would grow into a monster, self named as Zionism. With zero DNA to any semitic race, it nonetheless claimed, like cuckoos, the nest of the Semites as its rightful origins.

It went on to sow itself into Bolshevism, where it perpetrated its horrendous retaliation on the destruction of the Russian royals and the Imperial State, in retaliation for its own destruction centuries earlier. Its modus operandi however made sure its incarnation was perceived as a just and rightful arm of the Jewish race. Its persuader, by its own admission, was to curse, blame and stigmatise any who questioned this historical make believe, as anti semitic. Today that process has been inculcated into every arena of power as defence against its indefensible actions.

That control and manipulation through media has been its stormtroopers heading the charge. It is also a major hurdle real truth disseminators have to break through.

I mention this as a prime example of revisionism since its talons and tentacles have over the centuries permeated so much of what we refer to as today’s world. There will be those, whose sole purpose is to maintain this fiction, that will jump up and down and themselves resort to the AS deceit in order to stamp out these verbal sparks. There will be others so drenched in the deception as to accept it as truth that profess any other version to be the rantings of conspiracy theories.

The phrase conspiracy theory being itself another invention and tool, gratis the CIA,  to distract, deceive and divert anyone from believing, giving credence to or merely investigating other outcomes questioning the ‘official version’ of John F Kennedy’s assassination. Its slap down of alternative inquiry was so successful initially, it became the go to revisionist tool rubbishing voices questioning anything except the ‘official story’ ever since.

Today this hollow drum has transmuted into a symphony orchestra, albeit trading resonance for dissonance.

Media today, most especially so called mainstream, diligently feeds us all information, news, call it what you will, that specifically sanctions and augments the message we are supposed to believe and digest. Historical inaccuracy or purposed omission is a major feed. Be it creating complete hoaxes such as the Douma gas attack, the 9/11 perpetration, the realms on why it has been so important to ‘civilise’ the indigenous peoples around the world, all these and so much more are specifically to feed fear, division and right and might of the day’s victors.

The genocide committed in Dresden by the British, the purposeful slaughter of hundreds of thousands in India and Ireland leave an indelible stain on the individuals and state controlled mechanisms responsible for these atrocities.

Modern atrocities committed in the Middle East and Far East are wiped from collective memory through the lack of any meaningful investigation or admitting attempts to understand via independent, non ‘official’ sources.

The promotion of the LGBTQ-etc-etc issues as headline news merely forms a smoke screen, diversionary cover for the stuff that is truly world changing. Minorities become the arbiters of conversation and topic – a mirror to the few that take the reins of power and control. Dress up the willing slaves to spread their overblown importance as information, giving them the sense their causes are seminal to a rights filled world – that is both drug and indoctrination. Not that each minority has no right to a voice, far from it. What it does not have is a right to be THE VOICE on the collective.

When it comes to feeding the big fear, in order to demand and get the public baying for false protection from great wipe out or pain, then the whole climate, human created global warming doom becomes the perfect vehicle for outright submission.

Look at it – create a corporatocracy hell bent on controlling everything in the economic, financial sphere as their own. A system of ‘owning’ the water, food, air and life arteries of our existence. Establish a scenario where toxicity is beneficial to life. Then, in order to hide the real outcomes of such a bent and criminally insane modality, create the fiction that it is our own despoliation of our world that is causing XY and Z.

Helped by another factor, the natural world’s cycles, it looks a fait accompli. Create and manipulate the youth, whose future depends on a world staying around in a supportive role, then bash, stigmatise and go after any who rightly say – Stop! Consider the natural cycles, the millennia of proven ups and downs. Have you factored those into the equation?

Well, no of course not as that would destroy the myth that it is almost all human made.

Natural cycles are as permanent as it gets. They are as predictable as night follows day and since they have been around for every second but one of our eternal 24 hour clock, it is lunatic at best to blame that second for the twenty three hours, fifty nine minutes and fifty nine seconds we were not around. Still revisionism rules today!

One wise person said:

“History, real history can only be verified as those alive presently, the rest is a collection of convenient and inconvenient fables created to keep whoever is in charge, in charge”. 

It would be far more beneficial if people could truly learn that truth and live by it rather than depend on the fairytales fed to them. This unfortunately is why critical thought, questioning everything, along with tolerance, interest in others and mindfulness is considered to be the enemy of the state.

That is also why revolutionaries, dissenters and heroes will always rise from the swamp and speak out. Choose who you prefer to be and then take full responsibility for that choice.

That, my friends is what living a true life is all about and how maybe learning from history is well and truly learned and offers a better legacy for those coming after!

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