No Real News To Report But Weather Armageddon Heading Our Way

In the UK it is a national pastime, allegedly.

In the world it is a natural part of the whole. In the eyes and minds of those ruling over us, it becomes a distraction technique of the most insidious, callous and easily utilised imaginable.

It is The Weather.

The mainstream media’s MO is producing what they term as ‘news’,  saccharine coated fully serviceable redirection, propagandised spouting talking heads specifically chosen to tow mainstream lines through every hour and day. Each broadcast concluding with a candy covered, feel good item leaving the listener/viewer with a feeling of being ‘informed empathically’, while indoctrinated incessantly.

This is The News.

Any divergence from this formula and stated/forced intent is labelled ‘foreign agent in the pay and assisting enemy powers’ interference with legitimate democratic national interest, domestic terrorism or just coined through the soundbitten, easily digestible put down and shut up descriptor –  FAKE NEWS

The obsession with the weather has been an inculcated ‘norm’ on the British population for decades. It has, like the state funded (via coerced, forcible, public consent) broadcasting corporation, the BBC, been made a cosy, warm feeling, propagated as an essential in the British way of life. Thrust down viewers and listeners throats and ears, it is raised as high as any national emblem, a sacred right ritualised every hour of every day for copious monthly and yearly hours. Beyond irritating for cognitively sane movers and thinkers it remains the mind numbing conditioning for all those bought and paid up to having their lives ‘controlled’ by others.

Corporate TV and radio in the States exponentially uses precisely the same mind controlling methodologies. Yet let us focus on the British, since to all intents and purposes, they have never let go the reins of colonial and empire past. Thus what is good for the empire goose is good for all colonial ganders.

If one is brave enough to endure even a short period of research watching/listening to the delivery of the weather message it becomes obvious it is wrapped in so much cotton wool and Pollyanna whitewash that it caresses our critical faculties, becoming a toxic stroke and wet fish clout passed off as essential information.

The British media, especially the BBC prides itself as being our “Auntie” of essential information. Yet the reality is this state broadcaster, government biased output in news and current affairs is as specious as ninety-eight percent of its content. Bleating cries of “We are an unbiased source” is on par with any red handed caught criminal crying “It was not me, guv. I’m innocent!”

Yet the weather addicted viewing public, trapped in their own myopic acceptance of such falsehoods, punctuated by incessant weather updates, refuse to believe they are being played like third world made Strads.

Weather changes all the time. That is its nature. Yet creating this natural occurrence to have its own soap opera presentation using all the pathetic tricks in the book of location placement, viewer grabbed images subsequently ‘owned’ into their huge copyright abusing libraries, so called sensational ‘breaking weather’ updates keeps the twenty four hour schedules replete with even greater and more pernicious bullshit continuing the mind numbing of audiences.

Mainstream ‘News’ is rarely anything of the sort. Controlled by a handful of self interest, operated as fiefdoms to the ruling elites the minute by minute controlled incarceration of information feeding is way more dreadful and insidious than Orwell could have ever imagined. His written warnings, in the shape of such tomes as 1984 could never have imagined the depth a dull sensed, ignorant and compliant public could be willingly led into.

The arrival of the Internet, alternative news outlets and sources has at least given opportunity for some balance and redress. The war on such journalism is witness as both to its threat and the vicious, totalitarian-driven and lunatic reaction in both methodology and substance.

Truly this WW3 we are constantly warned about is in full swing and is actually a Global War on the Mind. Hidden for a greater part, mendacious, lying, covert and overt it ramps itself up as a fully transparent leviathan for good, while in reality being its antithesis. Two constants in the armoury of the aggressors are The News and Weather. There are many more larger and smaller obvious and  less obvious weapons. Yet when it comes to control of our thought processes, the nurturing of our self created ‘comfort zones’ these two are up front, personal and  ‘in yer face’.

It is fascinating to notice how many alternative sources are devoid of weather updates unless it is actually impacting and essential to real news reporting, as in tsunamis, firestorms, hurricanes and the like.

What is certain is that it will rain, shine, wind and snow on us to some degree, at every point of today, tomorrow and beyond. What is highly disputable is whether we need saturating in its performance beyond normal awareness and taking precautionary measures. Yet until enough people shout “STFU with your BS” it will be a major artery in our collective control.

Under cover of distraction news and current affairs real news of unreported evil, wars, coercion, control and abuse of power are smoothly avoided. When such real news is reported in the alternative outlets it is lambasted as Fake News.

While the criminal is allowed to cry innocent when obviously parading his own transparent guilt, such dystopian times will continue. Only individual actions of rebellion and informed rejection and revolt can stem this cancer.

Highly Likely News, heavily targeted by the evil forces to be silenced refuses such aggression and will continue to bring you the other side and hopefully stir the juices of critical thinking into lubricating inner awareness and change.