Jabbed Frogs Against the Future

It’s a curious thing life, just as the boiling frogs find, that as the inexorable draws closer, the greater the dissonance to reality.

Watching one’s fellow beings being drawn into even deeper and deeper ignorance and denial is a pathetic spectacle. When we are such magnificent beings within, like a chrysalis awaiting that moment of release, so many have stagnated, become still born to the beauty that awaits.

Yet, that is life and all its multifaceted choices arrayed for us to choose from. The sweetie shop is stacked to the gunnels, yet the low hanging fruit of compliance is the first port of call without even the use of a compass for direction. This choice is then marketed by the devils incarnate as the war cry for the many:

“Jab, Jab, Jab!” and more jabs.

A third “booster” is inevitable. 30 million desired? 30 million obvious death culls

Yes. of course such predictions will be hammered as conspiracy, yet pretty much all the so called CTs have been proven correct. Luckily for those perpetrating these evils, their subjects are so conditioned by now that you could tell then the moon is made of cheese and they would agree.

Are these the fellow human family we all recognise on some sane level? Well, if it has arrived at this then perhaps the culling of the downright dumb is in the greater divine plan. For no progress can be evolved to a greater awareness, if masses of these utterly ponerised people are floating around like some mass detritus in a Saragossa Sea of mental flotsam and jetsam devoid of content. No point in addressing any climate anomalies until we have sorted the human anomaly of crass stupidity.

Everyone of us who are witnessing the reality of the perpetrators’ mass culling, total lies and fraud are more than witnesses to travesties so global it would in any other age be jaw dropping. Here it has become some 21st century Twilight Zone experience we all are piled into, without release.

Two major world wars have handed down witness to the depraved human condition when pressed into action. The massive death tolls almost serve as some kind of grotesque football score on our ability to score the own goals of sheer baseness. Yet even this, for the pitiful few that imagine they control us, is not enough in their plan to exterminate all the useless eaters they imagine we are.

For all those that question “Who are they?” Well time spent in research will reveal the long tentacles of such control.

However, it is not all doom and gloom. We have been led to believe that the tyrant is all powerful, because of what he dictates. This is a mirage, an illusion, yet so forcefully fed, we believe it. Telling something enough times that it will become belief is an old adage, yet our lack and use of critical faculties, belies this incandescent lie.

So many love to spread the hand me downs of propaganda as some kind of proof they are subjugating us to, yet all we are doing by such repetition is handing round the vomit we are fed, by the very powers we rail against.

There is no knowledge nor wisdom in doing such things, it merely points to the proclivity of empty action. For those of us who wish for change, who desire to drive that change, it requires a committed effort fo reform, reshape and reconstruct dynamic, purposeful change of how our very lives are conducted.

It is not useful to throw the baby out with the bathwater, yet to analyse, filter everything we have taken as useful and life constructing is imperative. Group and community construction and effort is essential. Yet when our lives have been forced into a position where community is destroyed, where family and extended family have been seen as the problem and decimated, we most certainly have a task ahead of us. Not insuperable, yet mighty.

There is much that is in formation. So many avenues where progress is being forged, yet to expect all these avenues to be fully paved, thoroughly finished to a level where we can just all partake without effort is naive at best and foolish at next best.

When we talk about all of us forging our collective and personal futures it means just that. It is a constant work in progress, yet so many expect it all to be laid out, ordained and complete. Such dreamscape desires are utterly fanciful, yet in the world we are leaving behind it has been the dream fed by those, our captors.

The first and swiftest action is to withdraw compliance, support and interaction with the powers we wish to see gone. For many that means cutting the lifelines to survival dependency on the very state we have suckled under for our whole lives.

In the voting booth it means not going there ever again. That might sound counter intuitive, from the point of view that our vote counts and makes a difference. Tell me when in history that ever bore fruit. You see everything they have traduced on us has been BS, lies and coercive connivance. That is precisely why we need to withdraw all our support.

These actions do not come readily to everyone, yet these are the actions and superlative actions demanded in this 3rd World War. If you do not believe we are engaged fully in a 3rd World War then best trot off and get all the jabs you can. of course there is a very good strategy in taking it a step at a time. No point burning out bridges before we have covered our retreat. These are individual decisions made through strategy not fear.

For all those wishing to research and embrace the new Era, under the Common Law of these islands, then a good start is to read everything around the Universal Community Trust Treaty and how this treaty, since 2012 has been the ratified treaty offering all sovereign beings the power of their own authority and place in a world free from tyranny, usurped power and terror.

The fear of cutting ties, dependancy and adherence to tyranny is a big one for most as the response often is “Well, what if they come after me and my family?” In short, to believe they have any authority over you is a fallacy. Of course you need to pluck up all the courage and conviction, and you have to face these false representatives off. Doing through letters is far better than direct confrontation. Any trespass onto your sacred turf is illegal. They need to be warned of that.

The self educational side of all this is not able to be handled in this article. Follow those who are specifically doing this and one reference for that is the blog of one of the mightiest, most successful individuals who has been for over a decade a leading exemplar of these actions – The Bernician.

Wishing to join other likeminded souls who are forging the future, rather than regurgitating the same old, then I suggest you gather round the camp fire of The Freedom Cycle Chat on Telegram. Here future blue prints are being forged and encouraged.

We are family, in all shades of that comprehension. More importantly we are all human, thus our endeavours are for each and every one of us. May we all rise to that great gift of being here, creating a far better world and sharing it with love, humanity, compassion and empathy for all.

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