Disease, Pandemics, Fear and Attrition

Control of people, containment of challenge and unrest, over the ages, has always been executed through fear of something terrible taking over. The solution to such terror has always been offered by powers’ persuasion they can and will protect.

Most powers, be they government, state or others have absolutely no reason to protect out of selfless service. Their interests are purely selfish – to retain power and control at any cost.

Today we are controlled by powers so selfish, so arrogant and self serving, we the people become mere pawns in their games. Mechanisms for control and culling of an overabundant population are, behind everything, a very serious endeavour. Depopulation is, as these entities see it, an essential program maintaining the status quo.

Such horrific action is interpreted by many, as incredulous. In the vein of ‘they would never do such a thing, would they?‘ they support their illusions. The truth there is, as history has proven so often, yes they would and they are. Cue the latest attempt – the coronavirus deceit.

“In 1918 and 1919 while fighting the ‘Flu’ with the U. S. Public Health Service it was brought to my attention that rarely anyone who had been thoroughly alkalinized with bicarbonate of soda contracted the disease, and those who did contract it, if alkalinized early, would invariably have mild attacks. I have since that time treated all cases of ‘cold,’ influenza and ‘la gripe’ by first giving generous doses of bicarbonate of soda, and in many, many instances within 36 hours the symptoms would have entirely abated,” wrote Dr. Volney S. Cheney to the Arm & Hammer Company.

Where so many of the global population have been reduced to or never risen above a catatonic state of malnourishment, enfeebled survival and being fed a diet of toxicity, both environmentally and through the food chain, their weaknesses and vulnerabilities have been neatly prepared for mass culling.

Think I am being far too dramatic and conspiratorial? Think again and see how primarily the rich/poor divide increases daily, the dependance of even Western societies for survival on the Pharma corporate offerings. How pollution created by the energy and fossil fuel extractors has created ruinous environmental problems and their knock on effect on our lives, made dependent on these very poisons.

Remind yourself or even discover how any moves towards nature based solutions, be it technological, food, nutrition, health or balanced living styles, have been stigmatised, usurped, bought out, taken over, suppressed and hidden in favour of corporate greed solutions. Controlled science has always maintained power and say. All other contrary solutions and evidence are lampooned, attacked, destroyed or suppressed.

The Coronavirus Natural Solution – no need for lock down, Big Pharma involvement. They’re suckering you in on your fear and ignorant misinformed status.

The body and nature is very well able to challenge and protect itself from negative invasion. Yet when interference, through self interest and greed inflict toxic states in both bodies, the problems begin. Today we are faced with a huge disparity of balance, a mighty resistance to resetting the natural rhythms and cycles, while peddling distractive solution-semblance ways that offer the uneducated the feeling ‘things are being done‘.

What is actually being done is our total collective ecology becomes infected with a shed load of fear. Whether that be the erroneous script of the climate change horror, killer virus threats, alien terror threats, unknown unknowns imminently attacking us all, alongside attritional disease and pollution that threatens our survival. All of these can be pointed back and shown to have emanated from those those whose self interests are met. Blaming people, their life styles and their dependance on what is fed them, shows how duplicitous, devious and self serving these powerful interests are.

To say we have been forced into the pen as guinea pigs for their gain would be an understatement. Yet the very triggers of defence needed to combat such travesties are, ironically, the very traduced. We ourselves are the ones who can and must stop this global exercise in genocide – which is bluntly what it is.

Focusing on the 100 seconds to midnight drama is merely another fear inducing mechanism. All means of communicating proper solution based actions are subverted through the spread of ignorance, lies and deceit, dressed as solutions. Guilt and blame onto the victims solidifies reasons why solutions must be managed by the perpetrators, the power manipulators.

People get very defensive when challenged about the climate change hoax, others fall into full metal jacket defence mode when the ways and means of those who are committing the real crimes are questioned, challenged or otherwise threatened. The diseased mind of the many is the weapon used with precision against the sane proposals by the few.

Bio warfare – Real War, weaponising Fear – multiple agendas satisfied

So much that is naturally considered solution based is turned on its head and shown to be its opposite, war is peace, truth is lie, natural is unnatural and so on. To question the actions of the perpetrators of power becomes treason, conspiracy and all the rest of the rubbish thrown down.

Behind all this is fear. Fear cultivated by the indoctrination of  ignorance and false belief. They will tell you that this or that is very real, creating set up scenarios to prove their point. So many have been manipulated through tech toys, environmental hammering onto human physiology, mental states and propaganda. We truly are as vulnerable to manipulative exploitation as we have ever been, yet told over and over we have choice, the power to change and create different, if we but follow our leaders.

An exhausted, enfeebled creature needs superhuman reanimating to face up to and defeat the monsters we, ourselves, have allowed mutate. Nature is not responsible for our plight, fiddling with the climate and natural cycles is a daydream of hubris in action. Nature will do what she always has done – carry on creating a perfect plan. Our arrogance is in denying we must fit into that plan or suffer at Her hand.

We humans have to face our own self created demons, use the immense power we have untapped within or witness our own self destruction and extermination. For most arrogance, ignorance and assumption will continue to deny positive ways out of our mess. Simple first steps will be ignored as being too simple and ineffective. We have all been weaponised to self destruct while trading ignorance for knowledge.

Not all are so infected yet will it be a big enough percentage to save the whole?

Therein lies the rub!

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