Buy Land, They’re Not Making it Anymore!

Mark Twain always had the right word at the right time. That is why I repeat it here!

In Ireland they are creating a law to forcibly steal land off you. Yes, you heard it right – steal it by their corporate-run legal criminality. Do not believe it will never transpire here in the UK. Oh, it will, as testing in Ireland is merely the guinea pig for the rest . That formula, or playbook if you will, has been the foundation for all the crap they are throwing at us.

It seems it is getting more maniacal every day. You would be right, it is. Why?

Because they see and are hounded by forces way beyond their control, way left field to their evil plans in every area.

Hounded by who?

We the people, or at least a small but majorly significant section that is threatening, nay bringing down, their hegemony. While most of the people are oblivious to what is being done in their name and for their freedoms, the few are an army so powerful, so strong and righteous, that they are almost invisibly taking down all the crap and bullets thrown us.

You may say – “I have not seen in the press or TV anything to suggest that!”

Of course not, because we are D-noticed to hell, as what is happening is the very death of fraudulent criminality in our name. The media or better, legacy media are 100% the propaganda voice and rationale for their criminality, thus we never get any air time or column inches. It’s the only way to keep the masses ill, or uninformed. It has ever been so, so nothing new. However…..

What is being done gradually, so as to not to frighten people into the reality of it all, is they are ‘mission creeping’ everyone to their Agenda 30 terrors. If that makes no sense to you, then you most definitely have not been paying attention, and that attention deficit is going to kill you, disable or injure you in most definite, life-changing, ways. If you take my stark warnings as fear mongering, then when has truth and pre-warning been fear mongering. What it shows is you have sucked up the lies and BS you have been fed and not bothered to seek solutions.

The only way we shall take back our land is by owning it.

In Ireland their scheme is to pass a law that makes their wet dreams come true – to buy your land thru a trumped up law. When their laws go against the people of the land (think, for at least the last 50 yrs) then the moment has arrived to take it all back. That is what is going on in the background, quietly owning by purchasing the land, or it being gifted to the people by way of those already owning their land, yet seeing the way forward. Coming under a wholly different jurisdiction than the criminal UK jurisdiction, is what is completing it.

Haven’t heard of that? Then get up to speed and take your life into that jurisdiction where no harassment by any authority will have any power over you and your family. If you have not discovered that yet then go here, do your research and feel whether it resonates, then do that for your children and their children’s children.

Sometimes I feel like someone shouting from the roof tops and all just turn away, thinking the crazy on the roof is better throwing himself off said roof into extinction. Like so much these days what they perceive in others is merely a spoiler alert for their own lives and extinction.Those of us who have been prepping and building for years now, have gone way beyond the point of caring for others’ individual life choices. It is, under Natural Law, the 100% responsibility of each to determine their lives. If that is negated, then bad things will always follow.

You seriously have to step up to the time where choice makes the difference between life and an ugly death or lingering life getting worse. There is no time to say “Yea, but I’ll leave that till later” or “Sure, you crazy, not me fella!”

Empathy has its limits, unless you are keen to be dragged under by the drowning soul refusing to accept the lifeboat.

So, find out where the exit door is, then how you can claim your place in land, and freedom from the tyranny that lies all around you, ready, like the wolf, to eat you alive.


The End of Supermarkets and Food Control

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to pop into the grocer, the butcher, baker, greengrocer, fishmonger or the local convenience store where they all know your name, greet you like family and throw in a chat to boot? I fear you would have to be of a certain age to remember most of this in its fullness and richness.

Today we are told these emporia are not worth running, are not cost effective against the large corporate food and services chains. Stores that can mass purchase and undercut local trade outlets and community contact points. You see we are constantly forced into a one option situation where it is the superstore/market that must supply the needs of every community with a blanket coverage that must be accepted.

What this wholly unsuited for local communities proposes and forces down our ‘choice-throats’ is shaped as convenience. Well, one man’s convenience is another woman’s imposition. Let us look at the pros of having or re-introducing local outlets of a size that fits a High Street position. Look at a charity outlet that has spawned itself so virally over any premise routed out by the corporate entities. The loss over the last 50 years or so of community led, connectivity inspired hubs of joy, sharing, chatter and commerce that relies as much on friendship as knowing your customer.

Now that KYC, now an essential part of the banking or finance sector is an imposition on to the private and personal like no other. An imposition that has nothing to do with local, meaningful growth of connection but everything to do with intrusion and ownership of information that , in the old days, meant sharing and knowledge the community could and would attest to, only when essential.

Where there was a thriving community in the village/town centre, it brought people together. It sponsored a sharing of common values, respect and knit together care for others, like no other. Then, not even fast forward but general creep, we have the corporate shadow of ownership and jackboot that demands everyone be of the same simplistic mindset and desire as to be spenders in their emporia, that are faceless, yet marketed as friendly partners.

Such bullshit has ingrained on the public psyche a modality of acceptance that leaves most susceptible to a position where the next stage is facial recognition or no allowance to purchase. Forced shortages of food and items of necessity inflicted on customers for the most spurious of deception, in the pursuit of government control. Anyone who believes these methods of crowd and lifestyle control are necessary are too far gone to be saved.

As real choice and opportunity to ‘go elsewhere’ have been written out of the contract to supply, so the task of herding the population into the supply centres of financial robbery becomes the norm, not the aberration.

So with this well-known scenario in front of us, how, you may ask can we turn the freedom of choice, the quality of produce and product around, so that we as integral local community may be able to say no to the alleged convenience of the big stores and markets? You might imagine that with the terrors of poverty and economic ruin all around us, that simple choice no longer is possible. The magnificent proposition E. F. Schumacher, in his book Small is Beautiful, a study of Economics as if People Mattered, holds much that would encourage anyone to reconsider the ability for local to trounce corporate. Yet when gauged by the optics of economic realities touted by the system, it would seem like a dream too sadly passed.

What if I was to propose to you that this thinking is as archaic and without merit as us all being able to transport life instantly to live of the moon. Yes, that long shot!

What I shall propose may come as news and a total shock for many, save those who already inhabit the space. It is no dream, no yearned for, yet unrealised possibility. It is something about to perpetrate and set up the real essence and reality of local community. Communities where values, voice and power, as the rings created by its stones, thrown into the still pond of corporate and governmental absolutism emanate and vibrate outwards. The inevitable report that is the loud bang of positive action, reigniting everything that community, self-determination and autonomy present will be heard across the land.

So what is this report? It is the definitive and Britain-wide existence of nations, mirroring the ancient lands always gifted through stewardship to the British people. It is the establishment, or should it be, re-establishment of the people’s sovereign status. It is the gradual challenge and winning of these lands back to who really are the owners – the people. Facing off the tyranny that endeavoured to carve its own corrupt, power hungry control over us, the rightful sovereign. The forced and malignant empires of the dark self-interest began over 1200 yrs ago if not more and has reached its pinnacle of imposition and self-destruction today, we all witness.

The People regain their true position
The People return to regain true Sovereignty

Any abuse and manipulation flying in the face of, not only the Constitution, and the powers gifted to the people eternally through the Coronation Oath of 1688, the Bill of Rights 1689, makes a mockery of those claiming sovereignty that only the British people hold. Neither Parliament nor the Crown hold any higher authority over us nor are ever allowed to claim they do.

A treacherous Parliament attempted to usurp British sovereignty by way of section 38 of the EU Withdrawal (Agreement) Act 2020, whilst the Coronavirus Act 2020 treasonously purported to suspend the birthrights of the British people, as guaranteed by the Common Law, which gave rise to Magna Carta 2020 – Declaration of Rights, the purpose of which is to restore sovereignty, freedom and Natural Law, manifested through the Common Law.

It was to eradicate this centuries-old unlawful power grab that the Universal Community Trust Treaty was established and recognised internationally in 2012 to bestow again the rightful position of the land and people. Its ever increasing development of nations under it and within the British Isles benefiting an altogether non-governmental controlled autonomy and jurisdiction, enables the British people to shelter under the protection afforded to indigenous people/anarcho nations within these Isles. Such protection and self-sufficiency allows all those under the UCT Treaty to also benefit from living within a credit based existence rather than the injurious and externally controlled debt-based system we all have experienced to this point.

Where we are shortly to witness a melt down of their financial bondage, utter destruction of non-corporate enterprises and the yolk of ever increased control through technology and invasion of the last vestiges of what they laughingly call freedom and choice, those under the UCT Treaty remain immune to such invasions into individual and collective lives. Under Natural Law all these are an anathema, criminal imposition and injury to each and every one of us.

Where, people may ask, is there a solution to this travesty. The answer is – here!

As each nation under UCT across the lands of Britain take back lawfully, swathes of land always having been theirs, then local villages and towns are enabled to procure examples and enterprises that are locally driven, serving the needs of all those opposed to the imposition of supply and deserving (facial recognition etc) that otherwise would continue to diminish each and everyone who believes there is no other solution.

It is under these conditions and potentials that empty or poorly occupied premises will again be able to fall back into the people’s ownership and operation. As things worsen for all remaining in the UK jurisdiction, all that thrives under the protection of the UCT Treaty jurisdiction will be seen and experienced. Those experiences will become the living breathing examples of another way, lawful, free and joyful.

As we have seen over the past years, the containment, deprivation of anything close to a real life and its expression, along with the fraud doled out as pandemic and illegal adventures into foreign lands, has and will never have any impact on those who have stepped aside of such criminal jurisdiction on every level.

Along with the continuing prosecutions ever ongoing and challenge to so many, by way of fraudulent alignment and perpetration and presentation of the false beauty and convenience of their proposals and unlawful laws directing the British People, will be inevitably taken down and reverberate such changes and benefit across the globe.

Never let it be believed that the people as sovereign being from birth are not the power and the glory of what is humanity. No blabber of Human Rights, as they portray, extension of the two genders to illogical ends and domination, the poverty of indoctrination dressed shabbily as education will ever deny the truth and reality of life lived full and free.

All it takes is for each one to make their choice of where they wish to thrive and evolve – one where everything is denied this process and one that is the perfect soil for such onward procuration. It offers a choice of hope, joy and return to a place where the generations following us all can be nourished like never before. To create that potential for those not yet born must be the greatest project any of us can enter into.


About the author: Jonathan Trapman is an author, public speaker and professional photographer. He is also part of the Albion Nation that covers an area described as Somerset and Bath in the UK, one of over thirty autonomous nations around the British Isles

The Albion Nation can be investigated here

Bird Flu – The Latest Scam

As a young lad I was fortunate enough to be brought up on 250 acres of beautiful Sussex farmland. The world was the horizon and beyond. I loved those precious first 15 years of real and actual freedom that were the 50s and 60s. Among the treasured livestock were 35,000 chickens, 5,000 layers, 100 head of Jersey cows, a bull, 5,000 turkeys and several dozen pigs amongst others. It was always Sunday when the pigs got out and the septic tank burst.

Yet even though I loved the chucks, I helped at a tender age to collect them six to a box to be carted off the our factory near Three Bridges to be the first processed, deep litter chickens this country had experienced. Intensive production was heaven then compared with the battery hens of today. They were housed with good open ground, fed and watered with care and love and I and all the farm folk became attached to their growth and presence.

When an occasional foot and mouth came round, we dealt with it organically. I never remember bird flu being a thing, yet today with the shenanigans laid upon us all, it is used to gradually take home grown and even properly intensive farmed animals out of our hands and into those who would wish to drive us all into total dependancy on an authority outside of our influence and against our best interests.

A few weeks ago, on our regular trip to collect spring water near by, a little old lady who must have had the most beautiful chucks, as the colour of her eggs were varied and superb, had stopped posting boxes of their multi coloured eggs in a roadside honesty box. We put it down to winter non-production, yet I realise now that her beautiful birds were no longer, as she, poor dear had believed the tripe of culling such creatures for the sake of bird flu, H5N1.

Her obedience to our tyrannical government became yet one more scam they pulled on an old dear and us all.

This bullshit follows in the path of so much false guidance – think Covid-1984, and the recent foot and mouth disease, mad cow etc.

Yes there can be detrimental disasters in farming, yet more and more they implement disarming and destruction of homesteaders, free farming and anything that lies outside of their control and reach.

Well, as with their edicts of jabbing, masking and separation of family friends and community, it is time to stand up and tell them to bugger off with their control freak ways to cull us at very turn and twist. Do not fall for their looking after our best interests, they never have and never will.

Thankfully for all those that have or might be affected there is yet one more process that will aid everyone to challenge this specious lie and coercion. I refer you to a Notice of Conditional Acceptance that will place them all on a path to receiving justice for their wrongdoing. If you do not own birds then let all those you know who do that this sort of mendacious practice has lawful outcomes for those that feel they can play God with us all.

So many are now becoming aware of the deceit and murderous intent contained in the JibJab fraud, so it is now we must step up and refuse to believe their lies any longer.

Are we to tolerate this criminality any longer? No! if we care for ourselves, our families and our children’s futures. Start using this NoCA, all who have birds and all who care for our families of bird relations.

We have to, like our Dutch cousins and French farmers, stand fast and say “No, not in our name“. Are we, obedient servants to tyrants, able to become the strength we believe we have been, or are we going to just roll over and demand being shafted for the ‘enth time?

Your call!

Dead Birds Never Fall Out of Their Nests

So the Prince of Wales, aka Willy Royal meets with All Time Forgetter, Joey Bidet against a background of faceless urbanage that they will tell you is somewhere in the Great State of America.

This solemn occasion is meant to start a whole conversation about fighting against climate change. How an upper crust toff who has little desire for looking after his relationship with damning imbalance in privilege and wealth and a senile old fuddy duddy, who cannot string a coherent sentence together without large font notes or a teleprompter, could possibly make a conversation that has any pertinence to sense.

It is a sign of the times that we even are presented with such scenarios. Their world is so far poles apart from ours as to make any pole shift ongoing irretrievably impossible towards any alignment.

You see the saddest thing is that while these two and so many millions of ill-informed, or straight-out deniers refuse to even consider that it is the very pole shifts, along with cosmic weather changes that are and always have been the responsible parties for such changes that we have been experiencing and will continue to do so. The very fact that it is not and will never be in human gift to effect changing the natural order, that those that rule us and wish to have dominion over us, wish we never get to know these truths.

Why? Because that will certainly show all of us that those professing protection of us all, have not one iota of ability to control the uncontrollable. By that fact they lose their power over us and expose their own emperor’s new clothes.

Inflicting power and control through deceit, lies and treachery is always bound to fail, no matter how tight the grip is. These standard bearers for the walking dead are no exception.


Go seek the real procurer of change in our world’s natural order – Climate forcing!
Suspicious 0bservers


Meanwhile back in Propaganda Ponziland the efforts to distract, confuse and make us shamed as hell that it is all down to us and cow farts, as to why we are heading to hell in a hand basket, even more money making ‘solutions’ are laid on us as the very criminals that procure their complete disregard for solutions to aid our integration and balance with Nature, march on in their shit pile of waste.

Every one of their conferences, get togethers and the rest are accompanied by super private jets zooming in and out with compunction. Their motorcades denying any other solution than what they have their own pincers of the patents. Energy emergencies procured by their myopic sanctions regimes created by themselves on their perceived enemy.

The objective here with all things anti-Russian is to destroy a sovereign state and pillage all the natural resources with no acknowledgment of who truly stewards it.

Oil has never been a fossil fuel, merely designated as such to imply finite resource. Oil is the life blood of the planet and not being fossil, always renews and resupplies – one huge lie spread on us all, because the controlled science says so. Bullshite of the highest degree. Research it, don’t swallow it.

As much as they love to control everything in their name of power, there is arising a global recognition, by way of internationally recognised treaty that will not only expunge these criminal lesions but will also free up all hidden and suppressed technology for the betterment of humanity and the advancement of all.

As we hurtle headlong into another year of change, let us remind ourselves – we shall become free, we shall take down this evil empire fuelling entity that is all but on its last legs. Only we the people can achieve this, not by killing each other but enabling each other to reach for their best selves.

It is an endeavour and choice, no less. If you desire it enough you will take all steps needed to attain it. It is facing us, it has been prepared, its base and roots, now it is for each and every one of us to place ourselves in the position of driver, to reach those goals.

Still waiting for the criminal powers to sort things out, give us all the best deal we could wish for?

Well, if that is the case, I’ll see you the other side of Hell.

As for dead birds, well, as my uncle used to say, they never fall out of their nests – and that was when it was spied his flies were undone. You see he never fell for any of this crap, he had a shield, a shield of humour that carried us all into the land of hilarity, never the land of terror.
Oh, and as a final note, if you want hilarity, humour that ridicules the status quo and is banned because it tells so much truth then you can do no better than the Speakeasy Comedy Club – at a pop up near you throughout the year

The POWER and THREAT of Truth

As the bloated, arrogant, single minded selfish psychopaths in power settle down for their feast of change, the hidden spectre of truth and justice hangs like the Sword of Damocles, invisible above them.

Blinded by an unwarranted majority, and the belief they have the country behind them, these out of touch, unfeeling over privileged yobs march forward. On the journey through the Slough of Despond, via unmitigated Hell.

Over the years we can now see panning out in front of us from the Brexit delusion through Pandemic fraud, mass rotating door at No.10, broadsides of interminable financial suicide and the war cry of old to sink Russia in its own defeats, the British people are being used as the cannon fodder for these ultra criminal activities toward Agenda 2030.

The by now stupefied and simpleton voters throwing their crosses and backing onto an excremental pile of shitty lies and deception caste before them, believed them to be gold encrusted jewels for a better future. Even when the contrived ‘cost of living’ crisis was forced down throats as an ordered restraint on living, the people are now being asked by a Chancellor, more like the Chancellor in V for Vendetta, to suck up the next great lie that all our woes are the fault of Russia and Putin.

Just today, as Sergei Lavrov lands in Bali to attend the G20, reports of his hospitalisation are spread thick and fast. Most likely to give the West an excuse not to interact with the Russian presence. As always the Russians share the truth.

Maria Zakharova, the press representative of the Foreign Ministry of Russia, and who is accompanying Lavrov, hearing of such BS shares a film of her asking Lavrov, sitting on his balcony in Bali, whether he knew the West was proclaiming his entry to hospital. They both laugh as yet again the Russians are able to prove the lies and BS coming from the vomiting media. On Sky and BBC it was a joy to watch them backtrack as such proof utterly slaughtered their attempts at lying.


Lavrov replied: ““this is a kind of game that isn’t new in politics.”

The 72-year-old diplomat advised Western journalists “to be more honest, report the truth more often” and be less one-sided when covering events related to Russia.

RT’s Maria Finoshina stopped by AP’s base at the G20 press center at Nusa Dua resort, asking her colleagues about their sources for AP’s story about Lavrov’s alleged health problems. However, the people at this stand were unable to provide any answers, eventually telling Finoshina: “Could you leave, please?”

So when Russia tells the truth, as it does far more often that the Western organs, people gradually, in the West, come to realise how deeply they have been traduced. Yes, the process is slow and sometimes painful. What is certain is that truth will overcome all the lies, deceptions and fake news that Western outlets and heads of state proclaim.

What is happening in Ukraine is the most determined efforts to not only bankrupt Europe, but an attempt to get Russia to ‘lose’ this Special Military Operation by battering them with BS. Trouble is Russia has a huge and as yet unused response that only if prodded hard enough through the most obvious first strike inflammatories, will they use their power.

It looks like that both Europe, UK and the US are prepared to bankrupt themselves in attaining these fantasy goals. Behind most of the terrorist attacks perpetrated on Russia – The Crimean Bridge, Black Sea attack by UK trained operatives, Nord Stream, the death of Darya Dugina, the attempted assassinations of Russian media journalists and other enticements to enflame tensions.

The main problem the West has is having to cover up the fatal crash of their debt-based system of robbery and enslavement. Unable to have been able to kill off enough through the ‘Pandemic fraud’, their attempts to stay on track are increasingly resorting to more and more ludicrous claims and attempts to persuade the public that RUSSIA IS BAD is the most frighteningly imminent disaster on the horizon.

Unfortunately for them, with the public seeing none of their efforts transpiring, yet the people’s lives being further and further squashed into hyper-taxing to the hilt while billions are spent for Ukraine, will never cut it. No matter how slow the British are in the uptake of ‘getting it’, it is inevitable, the truth will out.

Daily as we are marched, like those lines of undesirables, carried by trains in the Second World War, to the extermination camps around Europe, so all of us are being literally frozen into silence and death. As long as enough people succumb to the jabs and deprivations thrust on them, then a culling of the masses like no other will continue.

How long are we to wait for people to stand up and say “ENOUGH!”? As the rag bag of bandit stooges of their masters’ command are operating, it seems few will stand and resist.

Having operated within the machine that lies, deceives and vilifies all who do not sing the right song for decades, I was faced with how their nasty little games unfolded. The moment I knew I had gained enough information as to their ways I stepped out. Like my great uncle in the twenties, who similarly worked in press media, exposed the cartel cabal engineering the Crash of ’29, I now use my insight and knowledge to do likewise and carry the family tradition of truth exposure.

Truth, they say, is the first casualty of war. Well, updating that truth is the casualty when tyranny and regimes wish to dominate the information space. Trouble the one thing truth has proven with 100% certainty – it always wins over.

We, who are developing the alternative to this mighty 21st century shit storm, girded with the armour of fearlessness, use our mighty swords of truth to decapitate lies, deceits and BS and do so with the shield of humour. No better warrior class outfit will win the day

Remembrance Day – Remembering What Exactly?

Like clockwork November 11th comes round like a sick reminder as to how we learn barely any lessons from history.

For all those feeling that sentence is sacrilege, then I ask you what the hell are we remembering? You might posit we are remembering all the pointless loss of life in a war, so archaic, so 19th century as to be what it always was – slaughter of the people as cannon fodder to higher plans of world domination only the few were privileged to be the ‘need to know’ class. That does not include the examples that followed of senseless murder, genocide and concocted excuses to slaughter the greater part of the human race.

At this stage I am not going to give you a history lesson as to how every conflict created has nothing to do with freedom and democracy, or whatever paltry excuse they concoct, but has everything to do with world order domination, ‘rule based order’ (wtf that even means) and the desire to eventually turn the world population, what’s left of it, into an even greater slave class that it has already acceded to, by compliant choice.

On our televisions we see everyone from talking heads to guests, to celebrity appearances donning the red poppy, in green leaves. Even the popular movement to have huge poppies adorning every high street on lampposts and the like, villages condescendingly displaying them at every corner and the ubiquitous metal-silhouetted soldier with bayonet, paraded everywhere to show the collective conditioned response to faux propriety.

Tell me about how I must feel empathy for the dead and gone in a war that is over 100 years old, tell me how I must bow low and be silent in the face of useless adventures created by those in comfortable chairs, while their soldiers are mown down for false flag, inexcusable follies of hubris and endless interventions, on behalf of ‘demokracy and freedum’. Tell me I must be, yes, must be respectful of the dead and I shall reply “Why?” – why must I be respectful of the most goddamn atrocious acts of war game psychos whose interest is as far from saving our freedoms but as close as binding our slave and servant status to their unholy plans for all.

If that is still not evident to the generations having to cow-tow to this insanity, then may all the coming destruction and folly they believe, will finally reap their rotten harvest.

Today we are faced with, as we all were way back in 1815, and probably before, the situation where the only two countries that had not already surrendered their sovereignty were about to be engaged in a very one sided war of destruction. That objective was for one of them to destroy the other’s sovereignty by way of rape, pillage and robbery of the natural resources that came with that destruction.

Fortunately for the world that did not take place, yet warfare by way of Russophobia had begun in earnest and continues to this day. Of course Russia was one of those two parties. The other? England!

So to hear that the British MI6 are evidentially responsible for the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline is no surprise to those that know the score, especially as it is now known they were the ones, MI6, that committed the murder of the Tsar and his family, way back. The British Secret Services are also active members in both the Crimean Bridge and the attack on Sevastopol maritime engagements, initiates way more than enough for a casus belli for Russia.

So while our leaders tell us through their propaganda channels how evil Putin is, how Russia wishes to conquer the world, the truth is nothing anywhere near this description. Yet, so many have repeatedly been told this lie as truth, it, like so much other BS becomes the defined truth, while remaining utter bollocks.

Russia is no way as intent on Empire building as the British have been for centuries continuing to think they are able, in their present position of inflated rodents.

Russia’s ability to monitor deep into the British, US, NATO and allies’ actions is no surprise. Forever the cries of the Russiaphobic Western elites yell “It’s Russia, Russia, Russia,” becomes as boring as any BS spouted often enough, as to be suckered in by the ignorant millions.

Russia knows precisely what is going down on a daily basis, and any intelligence sources worth its salt, would be remiss to be any other. The great dreamy belief that the James Bond Services the British have are the best in the world is wishful thinking on steroids. Even the Spetznaz are way more efficient than the British SAS and US equivalents.


When Russia won the Great Patriotic War for the West in 1945, the swiftness of the West to ignore the monumental sacrifice that took Russian souls, in excess of 27 million, and the subsequent treatment of thanks (hardly), was as pernicious as the venom of hatred for such saviours have ever been dealt out.

To get back to the propagandised poppy brigades, today we are facing remembering genocidal follies and crass evil tyrannies continuing to inculcate into millions minds forcing them to remember all the fallen, through our gratitude, when the very same tyrants slagged off Russia (then the USSR) for saving global butt.

Lest we forget that it was the very same actors in the West that instigated the Bolsheviks into revolution and subsequent power. Their experiment with ‘communism’ was tested for results. With the very Western corporations rebuilding the German war machine, following WW1 and the futile Treaty of Versailles, their plague of upping the ante continued apace right up to today.

The irony, not lost on those who research these things is that both world wars and pretty much all confrontations since have been concocted and executed as sick ‘experiments’ as to how much the people of the world can suck in and get behind and under, even via death. Such tyrannies today practice these exercises ongoing – be it VAX tyranny, constant ‘enemy’ identification (code for those that do not buy the agenda), global warming disaster warnings, all sorts of ‘deadly’ pandemics, curses that must be fought and won against, gender bending, DNA restructuring – you name it, they practice it.

Lest We Forget!

Poppy Day is merely yet one more insidious mind game being promoted on all the TV and Press media around the West. Not many people know that no one at this time of year is allowed public airing unless they wear the ubiquitous poppy on screen.

Control or free choice, you answer that!

This symbol of tyrannical overlording is now as pernicious as the mask wearing so many endured and died from and will continue to die from today and forward. Death by self-created lab doses is today’s bullet in the trenches. Its well covered, yet now exposed death dealing, along with the jib jabs will continue to haunt the gullible and the knowing for decades.

Sadly there will be no floral reminder of such genocidal swipes persecuting millions, if not billions over the past century or so.

What is left is for the growing exposure of such criminality to finally wake up those left on the field of battle.

Wilfred Owen

Move him into the sun—
Gently its touch awoke him once,
At home, whispering of fields unsown.
Always it woke him, even in France,
Until this morning and this snow.
If anything might rouse him now
The kind old sun will know.

Think how it wakes the seeds—
Woke once the clays of a cold star.
Are limbs, so dear-achieved, are sides
Full-nerved, still warm, too hard to stir?
Was it for this the clay grew tall?
—O what made fatuous sunbeams toil
To break earth's sleep at all?


Fraud, The Poster Boy of Tyranny

It is easy to bash a petty little fraudster as he endeavours to rip off a community through devious and sleight of hand ways. Outing such local criminality becomes obvious as more and more get stung.

Harder when on a far larger scale fraud is perpetrated on a whole nation, a whole world. In order to pull off such vast scaled fraud, so many layers of containment are needed to keep apart the whole puzzle.So very few have the whole picture, by necessity. It takes so very few to maintain and manage the so very many.

Yet we are told incessantly, that a global conspiracy to fraud would never be possible because too many people know. Therein lies the greatest lie, yet because of its size, it is easily believed. Ratios read wrong, the unbelievable believed to be so. Yet stop one moment and simply ask yourself – is not this present world and its criminal governance the very epitome of fraud?

It may be far too vast an answer to face, yet face it we all must since our very lives depend on recognising its frightful answer. Sadly, many will not even contemplate that question and throw it off like a bad smell. Yet in doing so they feed the fraud and sacrifice their lives in tandem.

If we were to take a few simple examples of the fraud perpetrated and then extrapolate them what would appear would be not a pandemic but a veritable global pestilence never before seen or perpetrated. Never before perpetrated is easily answered. Never before has humanity had the ability to connect with so many by so few before.

So let us start with money. Money has always been sold us (yea, pun village) as having intrinsic value as printed on the note, perceived on the coin. We, having flogged ourselves to near death agree as we accept the wage packet. We never consider that someone somewhere with an agenda told that story and all believe it without question.

Wages Hell

So the fraud of money is deep within the psyche. Money is merely a term we use to make sense and bring meaning to transactions and barter. It has no worth until two people agree its worth. It could have been seashells, nuts, eggs or anything, yet someone designated paper and coin to be the evidential worth. Sometime later another came along and decided they would be the arbiter of paper and metal coin and designated that their houses of distribution of said paper and metal would be the controllers of such value. Others agreed with that and demanded they have a substation of that house of value as long as they could cream a bit off the top to offer them value for being of service. The deal was therefore agreed that for every unit of paper or coin value they created, out of nowhere another nine notes, of that same value could be used to gamble with.

They also were introduced to another even more pernicious system whereby they merely promised each other they would pay an amount as and when they were called upon to do so. The promissory note, the lien, the commercial financial instrument was born. Not only born but this bastard child or worth superseded every known paper and coin denominating money. When it was encashed into the system, something somewhere became collateralised against it. What better collateral than the very people born into life. Now those who controlled the money, owned each and everyone that was born. The glory days of goods and chattel were fully formed and functioning. Oh, how they could grow their money reserves as the population grew!

We the people became the traded goods for a small cartel that literally lived off our very existence. A bigger fraud could there never be.

Sadly yes there was. They called it taxation. Yet beyond that is mortgage fraud, yet, before we get there let us continue with smaller ones.

A small fraud could be someone telling you they had some miracle cure that would relieve all ailments for a shilling, a dollar or Euro. Bottle bought and used to no effect. Snake oil merchant retires out of sight, fraud perpetrated.

Then comes a biggy of fraud, the bankster and mortgage perpetrators. Those that made you pay for a good part of your life through a system that was so fraudulent, so nefarious that its very existence made you believe that by following certain unlawful processes, the charges they laid on you and your property were theirs until you had paid the over three times the original ‘offer’ they had made. In fact in the eighties, experienced by this author, you did not even have to have the ability to pay the instalments, as long as you got suckered into their fraud.

It is now the time to call time on the fraudsters. Their filthy game is up and they have run out of track to run this criminal racket. On behalf of the People’s Union of Britain (P.U.B) the following were sent a Notice of Conditional Acceptance (NoCA) to defend the fraudulent activities they have used over decades to rob a good percentage of the British public – around 11.4 million of them, of their hard earned cash. Those sent were – Andrew Bailey – Former CEO of FCA, James Crosby – Former Deputy Chairman of FSA, Adair Turner – Former Chairman of FSA, Lisa Osofsky – Director of SFO, Graeme Biggar – Director General of NCA, Sam Woods – CEO of PRA and Nikhil Rathi – CEO of FCA. Read the full report here.

This follows the TGBMS Class Action To End Mortgage Fraud that has been ongoing for several years. The names featured above are merely the first in a long line of individuals who will be receiving their justice in the coming weeks.

This action, now fully initiated, will bring down, possibly the greatest fraud perpetrated in the last two centuries. Not only could the whole 11.4 million+ people frauded, be compensated but also the release of such return of capital would mean a huge injection of billions, if not trillions into the economy and people’s pockets. This endeavour would have been achieved, not by any persuasion of present political ambition but solely by the endeavours of the people of these isles. What that would mean is that the properties of those concerned would be rightfully returned to them, the injustices meted out on them corrected and the place of individual sovereignty returned intact and flourishing.

This endeavour does not nor will not end there. Fraud unravels all, as designated by the Supreme Court. The People’s Union of Britain has the goal of identifying all fraud against the people of these isles and rectifying all perpetrations of it towards the people.

Following the Notice of Conditional Acceptance, which PUB served upon the regulatory officers who have failed to regulate the UK mortgage industry, resulting in trillions of pounds being stolen under the terms of fraudulently registered mortgages, the Attorney General, Suella Braverman, who by all accounts has aspirations to replace Bojo as Prime Minister in the Autumn, was served with a notice requiring her immediate action to end more than three decades of institutionalised fraud on these shores. See this report

We live in times that look the most tyrannical, yet are also the times when truth trashes lies and mendacious acts perpetrated. For those that recognise these truths and facts, it is a glorious time to be living through. For those that have yet to awaken to these truths, there is a wonderful future lying ahead.

May we all get to live the lives we were born to live, the potentials we were encouraged to reach and the communities we deserve to live within where truth, justice and joy abound.

To follow the whole story of these events, find them here

Ballet versus Brutality

There are, I would posit, few who not only love ballet but also appreciate its art form.

I was among those who knew little or cared less for such beauty and art as I now appreciate it. In my years as a professional photographer, in an industry I was considered to be near its pinnacle, I photographed for a man who in his day had been, not only a top dancer, but had also immersed himself at the service of the ballet world. Meeting some of the greats in ballet, watching their performances opened my eyes to its inherent beauty, precision and conveyance of awe and wonder.

Is this piece to be about ballet? Well, yes and no.

I would like us to switch to the present ballet we are witnessing, or not, depending on the amount of censorship and propaganda those in the Western media, are subjected to. What is being enacted, far to the displeasure of the Western power suckers, has moved from a masterful display of chess to a military ballet performance of brilliance only matched by prior chess games. Now whether you like it or not, or you are happy to see and silently oblate to the UKR flag flying around across your lands, for no better reason than you think they are the good guys, well, stop right there. Masquerading as a people horribly traduced and invaded by an evil force, the reality represents all that was ghastly within Nazism, fascism and the totalitarian impulses, fought and allegedly won against decades ago. That reality is our disfigured and decrepit history lied bountifully around all that and what preceded and proceeded from it. This will have to wait fuller exposure in another article.

So, to the ballet.

As many know Russia produces some of the most talented ballet dancers the world has ever witnessed, Nijinsky, not the horse, the ballet genius, comes to mind. Thus, it is no surprise to witness the collective ballet display of Russia’s military performance in Ukraine and the swift dissemination of justice of the West’s UkraNazi puppets.

The launch of their ‘Special Operation’ took a belligerent, genocidal Ukraine force utterly by surprise, they themselves about twenty four hours or less from smashing their way into the Donbass, on mission to kill yet more tens of thousands of Russian speaking fellow countrymen and women. The Special Operation killed that idea dead, literally and metaphorically. With being numerically outnumbered by Ukraine three to one, this operation made such advantage nil. Pinned under relentless aerial bombardment the Ukraine forces were halted. The brutality they had hoped to extend on their own people was staunched. The Russians went on to immediately tie down the UKR forces in parts not of Donbass, as in Odessa and Kiev. Rather than fight them the Russians threatened the same and made cowardly Ukrainian forces wet their battle attire copiously. With these two fronts covered they set about bombing and obliterating every last military asset that fed and maintained Ukrainian forces. Oil, airfields, repair works, imported equipment and so on. The effect today is the remains of an army, far outnumbering the Russians at the start having little left, both in men and weaponry. Thus they have turned to barbaric slaughter and bombing of civilians, as has been widely portrayed in places such as Bucher and Kramatorsk, in order to blame the Russians, at the same time offering fake fodder to the pliant Western presstitutes. Such propaganda is their last, hate filled “Russians are bad” script they had to fall back on. Each of these efforts swiftly forgotten and dropped at the precise moment they were exposed as the fakes they are.

The West, with not a care for any of their own, be they exposed as mercenaries in Ukraine or rampant ex military, merely fed the Nazis with more and more of their outdated military surplus. This turned into a real depletion of their own stockpiles, as their ‘gifts’ became mere bonfires and destroyed piles, once crossing the border into Ukraine or shot down by air. Great for the Military Industrial Complex but winning jack *hit for the puppets on the receiving end. The embarrassment of what lay trapped in the Azov plant in Mariupol, will come to haunt them in the coming days and weeks. Even we see today hundreds of escaped civilians spouting truths the Azov battalions hoped would never emerge, as they thank the Russians for enabling their escape.

In spite of Western military experts dissing Russian progress, the truth is Russia always had three major objectives and is in no rush to complete them all any time soon. Yes, May 9th would have been a great target to declare outcomes, however as much as the Russians will rightly celebrate the winning of the Great Patriotic War for the world, on that day as they have done since 1945, the outcomes are far more longsighted.

The three goals are as follows, the only one that has time sensitive written over it is: 1) The destruction of the Nazis holding human shields as their protection, as well as their shelling and creating as much destruction as they can, while retreating. To accomplish this by May 9th would be sweet and an accomplishment of great worth. Russia’s singular imperative in this Special Operation has been, contrary to Western lies, safety and the avoidance of civilian damage. The polar opposite to the US in all its adventures.

The second and oft stated purpose is the demilitarisation of Ukraine. With much of its hardware already consigned to dust or taken as trophies to equip the two autonomous regions making up the Eastern part of the country, with a wealth of weaponry, this objective is well into its final stages. The third, most focused upon, is due as much to rid the final vestiges of what Russia defended against and lost tens of millions of its own, as to ridding modern day Western backed Nazis. Denazification will in reality take a long time, yet Russia never lacked in the patience department, hunting down all those that have tried and failed to blame Russia on their atrocities. Denazification at this moment in time is a paraphrase for extinguishing these

Deep in the psychopathic minds are those itching to be the Dr Strangeloves of today, in the West. Bubbling up in those hearts, wishing their cherished Great Reset to become The Thing, the imminent realisation that they will never win any war, let alone a nuclear apocalypse must be so impotent forming within their lack of creative juices. The superiority of Russia’s protective and offensive shields must humble even the looniest of military toons. Yet we are bombarded with displays of faux patriotism that would make even a royalist retch. The only advantage they carry, is the ignorance and compliance of their people, dumbed into silence and collusion by two years of pandemic tyranny.

With shortages in fuel, food and other basic essentials about to descend on an ignorant and compliant people, the cynically managed and sanctioned stupidity, will reap a harvest of kick back they, in their arrogance will never have imagined coming. Worse, if they believe their precious protective police and military will have their backs, then bring it on and see what real people in fancy dress or ordinary attire will spit back.

As the robbery of people becomes even more transparent, where those with bugger all are denied anything that looks like support, the tide will turn red in anger, bring hundreds of thousands, if not millions, onto the streets and finally put the power of the 99% to good use. With the amount of mind numbing Covid-1984 has inculcated, it may be hard to imagine such a dam breaking. Well, all you need to do is consult the history books and your answers are repeated and repeated.

Unlike anything we have been told or led to believe, the Russians are Coming is a cry of relief. Relief that the largest landmass in this world is standing strong, steady and demanding the criminals honour and respect true sovereignty, as well as take their punishment for all their criminality. By extension this supports the future of true sovereignty that is enshrined in International law of all indigenous people, micro nations and all anarcho nations who patently refuse to accept the tyranny of the present and past 2000 years.

The brutality of these beasts and ogres is finally being shown the trap door to hell, a hell they deserve, and the people, an exquisite exhibition of not only master chess but cherished beauty that is ballet conducted ‘en grand’. Perhaps this will enable many more eyes to open to changes initiated through peace, albeit with an iron fist, that heralds an age where darkness, slavery and inequitable behaviour are horrors of the past.

The creative and inspiring soul that is humanity can well do with a lift from the darkness of millennia, because behind the wretched compliance and ignorance really is an art of living, given a chink of light to see forward and evolve.

Useful links to the future:
Universal Community Trust
The Freedom Cycle News Channel
A new financial Bridge out of Money Tyranny

Propaganda – The Weapon of Choice for the Cabal

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Propaganda is the oldest technology in life. In war its darkest side is weaponised to keep the masses in thrall to the lies of the day from the side that wishes to keep truth at bay. In the early 1900s Edward Bernays developed and used tactics, some borrowed from his uncle Sigmund Freud’s work, that ultimately made him be credited with the title “The father of public relations”. Today he is much vaunted as the developer of what we now recognise as being modern propaganda, PR and marketing that generations have been showered and pummelled with. 

In this information age we find ourselves immersed in propaganda as its essential means in keeping people dulled, mind controlled and subservient to the message. Inculcated with beliefs and manipulations their masters wish to propagate, they become easy prey to control.

The long history of hatred and loathing of Russia goes back centuries, and today it is exploding with the Western regimes indicting Russia’s challenge and right to defend itself against the ever present Fascist, Nazi infestation that has permeated  Ukraine since at least 2014. 

That this geopolitical land has been itself infested and propagated with all sorts of horrendous sites developing bio-weaponry, is merely the surface to a plan that itself goes back centuries and whose ultimate aim is to destroy Russia and steal all its natural resources, in brief.

A little historical background

What now makes up the eastern part of Ukraine was, around 750AD itself part of the kingdom of Khazaria. Made up of wild and ruthless hoards of out of control criminals, it was a thorn in the side of both Russia and Persia.

The final destruction of the Kingdom of Khazaria came after its rulers and people ignored warnings to desist their foul practices made jointly by Russia and Persia.

Russia and Persia had repeatedly instructed Khazarian leadership that Khazaria as a nation and people had to change from its evil, inhuman ways and stop being parasitical to its neighbours, or else they would suffer complete destruction.

Khazarians were known, by those living in bordering countries, to generally be liars, deceivers, cons, robbers, road warriors, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, identity thieves and social parasites of the worst variety. And to make matters worse, their ruler King Bulan did nothing to reverse this because he too was like them.

When Khazaria was finally destroyed in about 1250, it had been literally terrorising, robbing, murdering and acting parasitical to both neighbours and travellers for over 500 years.

These endemic Khazarian criminal behaviours were institutionally supported by their leaders and by Khazarian culture (somewhat of an oxymoron!).

There was no rule of law in Khazaria, only the rule of manipulation, sociopathy, might, violence and evil.

And now today

Sweeping right back to today and you can easily fit those descriptors into the Neo-Nazi, Right Sector, Banderas worshiping hoards running rampant throughout Ukraine. The difference to earlier centuries is that the descendants of those vile people now sit atop the pyramid of power the West and global elites are made from, directing and infiltrating operations throughout these ancient Khazarian lands. So no change there.

Today, these ‘hoards’, having perfected and using all technological means available and developed, are persuading their Ukranazi scum to implement their program of retaining the lands their forebears so virulently rampaged over. Yet this time their objective is to see the final destruction of Russia, one that took them down those centuries ago. Today the mission is to rule globally with a bloody psychopathic hand that no one can subvert. They call that the Great Reset!

The propaganda, orchestrated collectively keeping people in fear and ignorance is a well crafted weapon. Having had a trial run with the Covid Pandemic Fraud across the globe, they felt this next step in the program is ripe for conclusion and their plan of ridding all resistance world wide, to be won.

What they fail to remember, through hubris and arrogance is history and the Russian spirit and strength. Having virtually never invaded other countries to match the US belligerence throughout most of its own history, let alone been the main reason the Great Patriotic War (WW2) was won for their Western allies and the world – an uncomfortable and unrecognised truth – Russia stands today on the side of truth and rightful self protection.

The propaganda merchants need these facts hidden, obscured and obliterated from collective memory. This special operation Russia is committed to, holds a far larger picture. One of rooting out the agendas of the Western hegemony that wishes to subvert freedom, self expression and sovereignty, in order to retain an elite structural control through mass genocidal extinction of much of the planet and other horrors (see the Rockefeller Foundation’s 2010 report).

Many have been led to believe Putin to be part of the cabal of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) march towards these goals. Truth be told Russia, and specifically Putin’s influence has always been for the security and well being of its people. That, as the great chess master he is, he kept his enemies the closest was merely part of the Grand Game. That game being; raising Russia to its heights of success as an autonomous sovereign land and a people, self sufficient, friendly to all those around who hold sincere friendly reciprocity and not to suffer fools, criminals and western elites gladly. It is a magisterial goal, yet we are witnessing its inception, as he has, not only cornered those that wish to destroy Russia into a manipulatred place of their own making, but he has also now aligned the ruble back to the gold standard, something the cabal of Western bankers and schemers ripped from the system back in the early 1900s. These moves alone are why the mastery revealed by the Russian Federation will, without doubt, get them to where they wish to be.
The uncovering of that part of their historical plan with the Crash of ’29 can be discovered in my book Dreams and Realities.

So many have and hold the belief that Russia is the evil empire out to rule the world. In fact an excellent rule of thumb would be to take all the actions and accusations made against Russia, China and all those set against their goals and see them a
s the actual desires and actions of the elites themselves.

It is a basic rule of propaganda to cast the enemy as precisely the creature you are yourself. Distracting, blaming and accusing the other with your own sins is merely par for the propaganda course. We have seen that with Skripal, Bosnia, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen….the list goes on.

The agendas they chase have nothing to do with their loudly proclaimed declarations of ‘democracy and freedom’. It has everything do with controlling, stealing resources and the jackboot of ultimate control.

The propaganda these entities have perpetrated and created through their Ukranazi patsies, their supplicant media and other methodologies, is steadily being noted, gathered, only to be destroyed by what Russia gathers as evidence of the massive fraud perpetrated. From the bio labs of many countries within Ukraine, the lies and BS the UK, US and EU have vomited over time, the fear mongering and all other manipulated tools, not only will Russia win through with this Special Operation, but it will also reveal on a massive scale, the perpetration on the people of the world, of the evil intended.

That will be to true victory for all people, not just the Russian Federation and its people.

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Syria’s Holocaust

Back in December 2016 an Arab Israeli news presenter, Lucy Aharish, the first Arab TV presenter to be on a main TV channel, gave a searing and scathing report to camera. Known for her shocking and truthful statements and views, this one is absolutely pertinent to return and remind ourselves that what went on then, is today and from way back in 2014 being played out in Ukraine, by the same perpetrators.

Sometimes it is so easy to block stuff happening in another part of the world and see no connection to our little lives we run. Yet truth be told every single thing happening in the world does have a relation to us individually. We may be told that this culture or that belief system is not us, yet we are all connected, most times utterly unaware we are.

So with that in mind and knowing or even not knowing the genocide that has been taking place in Ukraine for over 8 years, ask yourself – Is this really Russia Bad, West/NATO good? Of course not, binary thinking is totally blinding and as far from the truth as you could get.

Right now, in Halab (Aleppo), Syria, just an eight-hour drive from Tel Aviv, a genocide is taking place”….

Lucy Aharish is an Arab Israeli TV presenter
Her honest and truthful diatribe, in English is now more than ever so important for people to recognise what is going on and has been for decades, if not centuries. Braodcast in December 2016, it becomes a timeless reminder

As bombs continue to fall on Aleppo, Syria’s ravaged metropolis, Israeli newscaster Lucy Aharish switched from Hebrew to English during an evening broadcast of her show on Channel 2 television to direct a damning message at viewers around the world.

For all the news that is unreported go to The Freedom Cycle News

We bring you the non Western propagandised BS fed through our TVs and press. Truth as to why Russia is facing off the NWO and helping bring it down!

Here at Highly Likely News, we support all efforts to inform the people of what they need to make critically thought out decisions as to where truth lies.