Once a Nazi Always a Nazi

The bug word Nazi and all that it has been dressed up to be believed has, like the Holocaust story, been the big bad wolf that the little red riding hoods of us all, the people of the world, mostly the Western world, have been brought up to believe were the sores and scourges of all evil. We have been told by those that have propagated these things that we must learn the lessons of history and make sure that it never happens again. You know the same old shit of never again, never again.

Well, what a surprise to learn from pathological inveterate liars. This was all just another cover-up lie fed to the unassuming, the starving hungry masses, the illiterate when it comes to true history.

Now I may be, to many, going out on a limb here but bear with me. You see looking back on reasonably recent history we can look at the archeological remnants of what passes as the past and see an inveterate pattern reading an altogether other story.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, as the saying goes. Those who have been wielding power for many decades and gaining a huge foothold over the Western world find themselves in a position where they are reaping that power through all sorts of means, well tested and tried. Looking back we have excursions of power grab that brought the Bolsheviks to power, through the revolution and slaughter of the crown, in its aspect of the Tsar. In passing it was the what would morph into MI6 that was directly responsible for the slaughter of the whole family, but more of that later.

Then there were the Boer Wars, WW1,WW2 and so many other belligerences littered across the globe as to demonstrate this was much more than a mere transition to democracy and freedom. Far more, it was the principle of Nazism, being infected and perfected over all these global and local adventures that have landed us here today with the West supporting their Nazi stormtroopers in Ukraine. My objective is not to go into the long history of the British perfecting what today can be seen as a goal of reinstating the Empire, so emphatically lost years ago, it is merely to illustrate how the horrors of utilising all that we are told is Nazism, for their end goals, is now the main agenda to Agenda 30 and beyond.

One aspect of what is happening today is that the same nascent MI6 that used its assets to assassinate the Russian royals, are the very same plotting and executing with their Ukrainian patsies, the criminal terrorism in Crimea, Maidan, Zaporozhye NPP and the Sevastopol Black Sea. The British have, through their subversive and terrorist excursions placed the British people in direct response by Russia. Their placement of overt arms and military assistance, along with their American criminal partners is a goading too far and far too dangerous for the whole world.

We have to go back to the start of the East India company, through to the rise of the Rothschilds who, by deceit, bought out the Bank of England after Waterloo, having convinced the British they had lost to Napoleon, before the British messenger arrived back with news of victory – too late. From that moment on the Khazarian mafia took over the British banking system (control) and spread itself through formation of the B.I.S (Bank of International Settlements), to own and operate all banking virtually worldwide. Through this blanket control money, finance and manipulator of every vestige of power was harnessed.

There has remained on the planet only two sovereign states. Two countries that have never ceded their sovereignty. These are Russia and England. It has always been and continues to be the ambition of England to take down, over and plunder Russia for all its natural wealth and landmass. Russiaphobia was started in earnest in Napoleonic times by the British and has never stopped. The enmity Britain holds for Russia is legendary, no matter what sweet lickspittle words emanate from the Foreign Office. The British have always put across their ‘fairness’, diplomatic skillsets, you name the BS, yet truth is they have been the Brutus to a Russian Caesar. The difference with that analogy is that Russia will never allow anyone, let alone the treacherous Brits to stab them in the back.

What we see in Ukraine at the moment is the full force of using their Nazi loving tools to do the work of taking down the Russians. 

You might say that the USA is the main instigator of world domination. Yes, I agree they have been the front line of interference with so many countries they had no right to invade or coerce. It is good to remember the US is made up mostly by immigrants from the Mayflower onwards, discounting Columbus and all that rag tag European cockroach infestation. These immigrants were some of the many who spread the City of London financial and British legal apparatus with their arrival.

We can see the WW1 and WWII as attempts and experiments as to how to decimate the populations at the same time as use their putrid exterminations and bestial cruelty to fashion a world where power and domination were king. The fact that the royal ruler puppets in the UK and Europe were all related, made no odds. If it takes killing your cousin the Tsar, so be it. If it takes creating dissent with the Kaiser, your cousin, let it be. Blood may be thick but history shows us that it is also the cruellest and mendacious criminal.

So then, we have the Nazi element. Hitler and his war machine were set up by corporate America to expand. The British knew Adolf to be the patsy for their ends, even the Royals supported their ‘stooge’ in Berlin, until warned off in no uncertain terms by the mafiosi.

Why do you think the whole West, including most of the EU puppets and Australasian leaders are so obedient to the Ukraine Nazi line? Nazism never died in 1945, it merely hibernated and was fed to rise again. Yet, we the people have been brainwashed to believe the narrative of good and evil by the very band of monsters that are the evil. This way leads to obliteration through the sword, the jib jab and all other modern technological means we are persuaded to follow, keeping us safe and eventually dead.

So as Russia protects the world that refuses to buy into the travesties the Western psychopaths endeavour to inflict on us all, the world waits to see if the maniacs really will throw themselves fully into confrontation with a country that is all that stands between our collective evolution or obliteration. 

Nukes, now we know how close Hitler was to creating the final solution, it just would not be in his gift to complete. No, the Americans needed to show that their arrogant, power hungry greed would be the one to show they held ultimate power. They continue to allow their Nazi puppets to continue shedding blood for those that will never lead from the front. But death will come to all those bunkering down and throwing forward the cannon fodder and treasure of the people.

The POWER and THREAT of Truth

As the bloated, arrogant, single minded selfish psychopaths in power settle down for their feast of change, the hidden spectre of truth and justice hangs like the Sword of Damocles, invisible above them.

Blinded by an unwarranted majority, and the belief they have the country behind them, these out of touch, unfeeling over privileged yobs march forward. On the journey through the Slough of Despond, via unmitigated Hell.

Over the years we can now see panning out in front of us from the Brexit delusion through Pandemic fraud, mass rotating door at No.10, broadsides of interminable financial suicide and the war cry of old to sink Russia in its own defeats, the British people are being used as the cannon fodder for these ultra criminal activities toward Agenda 2030.

The by now stupefied and simpleton voters throwing their crosses and backing onto an excremental pile of shitty lies and deception caste before them, believed them to be gold encrusted jewels for a better future. Even when the contrived ‘cost of living’ crisis was forced down throats as an ordered restraint on living, the people are now being asked by a Chancellor, more like the Chancellor in V for Vendetta, to suck up the next great lie that all our woes are the fault of Russia and Putin.

Just today, as Sergei Lavrov lands in Bali to attend the G20, reports of his hospitalisation are spread thick and fast. Most likely to give the West an excuse not to interact with the Russian presence. As always the Russians share the truth.

Maria Zakharova, the press representative of the Foreign Ministry of Russia, and who is accompanying Lavrov, hearing of such BS shares a film of her asking Lavrov, sitting on his balcony in Bali, whether he knew the West was proclaiming his entry to hospital. They both laugh as yet again the Russians are able to prove the lies and BS coming from the vomiting media. On Sky and BBC it was a joy to watch them backtrack as such proof utterly slaughtered their attempts at lying.


Lavrov replied: ““this is a kind of game that isn’t new in politics.”

The 72-year-old diplomat advised Western journalists “to be more honest, report the truth more often” and be less one-sided when covering events related to Russia.

RT’s Maria Finoshina stopped by AP’s base at the G20 press center at Nusa Dua resort, asking her colleagues about their sources for AP’s story about Lavrov’s alleged health problems. However, the people at this stand were unable to provide any answers, eventually telling Finoshina: “Could you leave, please?”

So when Russia tells the truth, as it does far more often that the Western organs, people gradually, in the West, come to realise how deeply they have been traduced. Yes, the process is slow and sometimes painful. What is certain is that truth will overcome all the lies, deceptions and fake news that Western outlets and heads of state proclaim.

What is happening in Ukraine is the most determined efforts to not only bankrupt Europe, but an attempt to get Russia to ‘lose’ this Special Military Operation by battering them with BS. Trouble is Russia has a huge and as yet unused response that only if prodded hard enough through the most obvious first strike inflammatories, will they use their power.

It looks like that both Europe, UK and the US are prepared to bankrupt themselves in attaining these fantasy goals. Behind most of the terrorist attacks perpetrated on Russia – The Crimean Bridge, Black Sea attack by UK trained operatives, Nord Stream, the death of Darya Dugina, the attempted assassinations of Russian media journalists and other enticements to enflame tensions.

The main problem the West has is having to cover up the fatal crash of their debt-based system of robbery and enslavement. Unable to have been able to kill off enough through the ‘Pandemic fraud’, their attempts to stay on track are increasingly resorting to more and more ludicrous claims and attempts to persuade the public that RUSSIA IS BAD is the most frighteningly imminent disaster on the horizon.

Unfortunately for them, with the public seeing none of their efforts transpiring, yet the people’s lives being further and further squashed into hyper-taxing to the hilt while billions are spent for Ukraine, will never cut it. No matter how slow the British are in the uptake of ‘getting it’, it is inevitable, the truth will out.

Daily as we are marched, like those lines of undesirables, carried by trains in the Second World War, to the extermination camps around Europe, so all of us are being literally frozen into silence and death. As long as enough people succumb to the jabs and deprivations thrust on them, then a culling of the masses like no other will continue.

How long are we to wait for people to stand up and say “ENOUGH!”? As the rag bag of bandit stooges of their masters’ command are operating, it seems few will stand and resist.

Having operated within the machine that lies, deceives and vilifies all who do not sing the right song for decades, I was faced with how their nasty little games unfolded. The moment I knew I had gained enough information as to their ways I stepped out. Like my great uncle in the twenties, who similarly worked in press media, exposed the cartel cabal engineering the Crash of ’29, I now use my insight and knowledge to do likewise and carry the family tradition of truth exposure.

Truth, they say, is the first casualty of war. Well, updating that truth is the casualty when tyranny and regimes wish to dominate the information space. Trouble the one thing truth has proven with 100% certainty – it always wins over.

We, who are developing the alternative to this mighty 21st century shit storm, girded with the armour of fearlessness, use our mighty swords of truth to decapitate lies, deceits and BS and do so with the shield of humour. No better warrior class outfit will win the day

Inglorious Retreat

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, 35th of that ilk, announced today that the US Dept of Affairs will be officially throwing the towel in on October 24th/31st/whenever. President ‘Duh’ Biden will officially announce to the American people that Russia was right all along and will apologise for the near $15 billion thrown at Ukraine. This fits neatly on top of a massive $12.5 trillion spent in the 21st century alone, on foreign power grabs.

She added that as Commander-in-Chief, the President is happy for America to go on pissing money down the black hole of the Military-Industrial-Complex for as long as the American people are happy to slip into their dark, poverty ridden hole outside of the Washington D.C.closed circle.

As a gesture of good faith to the victors for ‘Freedum’ and the Slavic way, Alaska will be handed back officially to its rightful owners, Russia, since the original purchase price was never really paid, thus Alaska became a mere illegitimate trophy for the USA.

Ballet versus Brutality

There are, I would posit, few who not only love ballet but also appreciate its art form.

I was among those who knew little or cared less for such beauty and art as I now appreciate it. In my years as a professional photographer, in an industry I was considered to be near its pinnacle, I photographed for a man who in his day had been, not only a top dancer, but had also immersed himself at the service of the ballet world. Meeting some of the greats in ballet, watching their performances opened my eyes to its inherent beauty, precision and conveyance of awe and wonder.

Is this piece to be about ballet? Well, yes and no.

I would like us to switch to the present ballet we are witnessing, or not, depending on the amount of censorship and propaganda those in the Western media, are subjected to. What is being enacted, far to the displeasure of the Western power suckers, has moved from a masterful display of chess to a military ballet performance of brilliance only matched by prior chess games. Now whether you like it or not, or you are happy to see and silently oblate to the UKR flag flying around across your lands, for no better reason than you think they are the good guys, well, stop right there. Masquerading as a people horribly traduced and invaded by an evil force, the reality represents all that was ghastly within Nazism, fascism and the totalitarian impulses, fought and allegedly won against decades ago. That reality is our disfigured and decrepit history lied bountifully around all that and what preceded and proceeded from it. This will have to wait fuller exposure in another article.

So, to the ballet.

As many know Russia produces some of the most talented ballet dancers the world has ever witnessed, Nijinsky, not the horse, the ballet genius, comes to mind. Thus, it is no surprise to witness the collective ballet display of Russia’s military performance in Ukraine and the swift dissemination of justice of the West’s UkraNazi puppets.

The launch of their ‘Special Operation’ took a belligerent, genocidal Ukraine force utterly by surprise, they themselves about twenty four hours or less from smashing their way into the Donbass, on mission to kill yet more tens of thousands of Russian speaking fellow countrymen and women. The Special Operation killed that idea dead, literally and metaphorically. With being numerically outnumbered by Ukraine three to one, this operation made such advantage nil. Pinned under relentless aerial bombardment the Ukraine forces were halted. The brutality they had hoped to extend on their own people was staunched. The Russians went on to immediately tie down the UKR forces in parts not of Donbass, as in Odessa and Kiev. Rather than fight them the Russians threatened the same and made cowardly Ukrainian forces wet their battle attire copiously. With these two fronts covered they set about bombing and obliterating every last military asset that fed and maintained Ukrainian forces. Oil, airfields, repair works, imported equipment and so on. The effect today is the remains of an army, far outnumbering the Russians at the start having little left, both in men and weaponry. Thus they have turned to barbaric slaughter and bombing of civilians, as has been widely portrayed in places such as Bucher and Kramatorsk, in order to blame the Russians, at the same time offering fake fodder to the pliant Western presstitutes. Such propaganda is their last, hate filled “Russians are bad” script they had to fall back on. Each of these efforts swiftly forgotten and dropped at the precise moment they were exposed as the fakes they are.

The West, with not a care for any of their own, be they exposed as mercenaries in Ukraine or rampant ex military, merely fed the Nazis with more and more of their outdated military surplus. This turned into a real depletion of their own stockpiles, as their ‘gifts’ became mere bonfires and destroyed piles, once crossing the border into Ukraine or shot down by air. Great for the Military Industrial Complex but winning jack *hit for the puppets on the receiving end. The embarrassment of what lay trapped in the Azov plant in Mariupol, will come to haunt them in the coming days and weeks. Even we see today hundreds of escaped civilians spouting truths the Azov battalions hoped would never emerge, as they thank the Russians for enabling their escape.

In spite of Western military experts dissing Russian progress, the truth is Russia always had three major objectives and is in no rush to complete them all any time soon. Yes, May 9th would have been a great target to declare outcomes, however as much as the Russians will rightly celebrate the winning of the Great Patriotic War for the world, on that day as they have done since 1945, the outcomes are far more longsighted.

The three goals are as follows, the only one that has time sensitive written over it is: 1) The destruction of the Nazis holding human shields as their protection, as well as their shelling and creating as much destruction as they can, while retreating. To accomplish this by May 9th would be sweet and an accomplishment of great worth. Russia’s singular imperative in this Special Operation has been, contrary to Western lies, safety and the avoidance of civilian damage. The polar opposite to the US in all its adventures.

The second and oft stated purpose is the demilitarisation of Ukraine. With much of its hardware already consigned to dust or taken as trophies to equip the two autonomous regions making up the Eastern part of the country, with a wealth of weaponry, this objective is well into its final stages. The third, most focused upon, is due as much to rid the final vestiges of what Russia defended against and lost tens of millions of its own, as to ridding modern day Western backed Nazis. Denazification will in reality take a long time, yet Russia never lacked in the patience department, hunting down all those that have tried and failed to blame Russia on their atrocities. Denazification at this moment in time is a paraphrase for extinguishing these

Deep in the psychopathic minds are those itching to be the Dr Strangeloves of today, in the West. Bubbling up in those hearts, wishing their cherished Great Reset to become The Thing, the imminent realisation that they will never win any war, let alone a nuclear apocalypse must be so impotent forming within their lack of creative juices. The superiority of Russia’s protective and offensive shields must humble even the looniest of military toons. Yet we are bombarded with displays of faux patriotism that would make even a royalist retch. The only advantage they carry, is the ignorance and compliance of their people, dumbed into silence and collusion by two years of pandemic tyranny.

With shortages in fuel, food and other basic essentials about to descend on an ignorant and compliant people, the cynically managed and sanctioned stupidity, will reap a harvest of kick back they, in their arrogance will never have imagined coming. Worse, if they believe their precious protective police and military will have their backs, then bring it on and see what real people in fancy dress or ordinary attire will spit back.

As the robbery of people becomes even more transparent, where those with bugger all are denied anything that looks like support, the tide will turn red in anger, bring hundreds of thousands, if not millions, onto the streets and finally put the power of the 99% to good use. With the amount of mind numbing Covid-1984 has inculcated, it may be hard to imagine such a dam breaking. Well, all you need to do is consult the history books and your answers are repeated and repeated.

Unlike anything we have been told or led to believe, the Russians are Coming is a cry of relief. Relief that the largest landmass in this world is standing strong, steady and demanding the criminals honour and respect true sovereignty, as well as take their punishment for all their criminality. By extension this supports the future of true sovereignty that is enshrined in International law of all indigenous people, micro nations and all anarcho nations who patently refuse to accept the tyranny of the present and past 2000 years.

The brutality of these beasts and ogres is finally being shown the trap door to hell, a hell they deserve, and the people, an exquisite exhibition of not only master chess but cherished beauty that is ballet conducted ‘en grand’. Perhaps this will enable many more eyes to open to changes initiated through peace, albeit with an iron fist, that heralds an age where darkness, slavery and inequitable behaviour are horrors of the past.

The creative and inspiring soul that is humanity can well do with a lift from the darkness of millennia, because behind the wretched compliance and ignorance really is an art of living, given a chink of light to see forward and evolve.

Useful links to the future:
Universal Community Trust
The Freedom Cycle News Channel
A new financial Bridge out of Money Tyranny

Propaganda – The Weapon of Choice for the Cabal

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Propaganda is the oldest technology in life. In war its darkest side is weaponised to keep the masses in thrall to the lies of the day from the side that wishes to keep truth at bay. In the early 1900s Edward Bernays developed and used tactics, some borrowed from his uncle Sigmund Freud’s work, that ultimately made him be credited with the title “The father of public relations”. Today he is much vaunted as the developer of what we now recognise as being modern propaganda, PR and marketing that generations have been showered and pummelled with. 

In this information age we find ourselves immersed in propaganda as its essential means in keeping people dulled, mind controlled and subservient to the message. Inculcated with beliefs and manipulations their masters wish to propagate, they become easy prey to control.

The long history of hatred and loathing of Russia goes back centuries, and today it is exploding with the Western regimes indicting Russia’s challenge and right to defend itself against the ever present Fascist, Nazi infestation that has permeated  Ukraine since at least 2014. 

That this geopolitical land has been itself infested and propagated with all sorts of horrendous sites developing bio-weaponry, is merely the surface to a plan that itself goes back centuries and whose ultimate aim is to destroy Russia and steal all its natural resources, in brief.

A little historical background

What now makes up the eastern part of Ukraine was, around 750AD itself part of the kingdom of Khazaria. Made up of wild and ruthless hoards of out of control criminals, it was a thorn in the side of both Russia and Persia.

The final destruction of the Kingdom of Khazaria came after its rulers and people ignored warnings to desist their foul practices made jointly by Russia and Persia.

Russia and Persia had repeatedly instructed Khazarian leadership that Khazaria as a nation and people had to change from its evil, inhuman ways and stop being parasitical to its neighbours, or else they would suffer complete destruction.

Khazarians were known, by those living in bordering countries, to generally be liars, deceivers, cons, robbers, road warriors, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, identity thieves and social parasites of the worst variety. And to make matters worse, their ruler King Bulan did nothing to reverse this because he too was like them.

When Khazaria was finally destroyed in about 1250, it had been literally terrorising, robbing, murdering and acting parasitical to both neighbours and travellers for over 500 years.

These endemic Khazarian criminal behaviours were institutionally supported by their leaders and by Khazarian culture (somewhat of an oxymoron!).

There was no rule of law in Khazaria, only the rule of manipulation, sociopathy, might, violence and evil.

And now today

Sweeping right back to today and you can easily fit those descriptors into the Neo-Nazi, Right Sector, Banderas worshiping hoards running rampant throughout Ukraine. The difference to earlier centuries is that the descendants of those vile people now sit atop the pyramid of power the West and global elites are made from, directing and infiltrating operations throughout these ancient Khazarian lands. So no change there.

Today, these ‘hoards’, having perfected and using all technological means available and developed, are persuading their Ukranazi scum to implement their program of retaining the lands their forebears so virulently rampaged over. Yet this time their objective is to see the final destruction of Russia, one that took them down those centuries ago. Today the mission is to rule globally with a bloody psychopathic hand that no one can subvert. They call that the Great Reset!

The propaganda, orchestrated collectively keeping people in fear and ignorance is a well crafted weapon. Having had a trial run with the Covid Pandemic Fraud across the globe, they felt this next step in the program is ripe for conclusion and their plan of ridding all resistance world wide, to be won.

What they fail to remember, through hubris and arrogance is history and the Russian spirit and strength. Having virtually never invaded other countries to match the US belligerence throughout most of its own history, let alone been the main reason the Great Patriotic War (WW2) was won for their Western allies and the world – an uncomfortable and unrecognised truth – Russia stands today on the side of truth and rightful self protection.

The propaganda merchants need these facts hidden, obscured and obliterated from collective memory. This special operation Russia is committed to, holds a far larger picture. One of rooting out the agendas of the Western hegemony that wishes to subvert freedom, self expression and sovereignty, in order to retain an elite structural control through mass genocidal extinction of much of the planet and other horrors (see the Rockefeller Foundation’s 2010 report).

Many have been led to believe Putin to be part of the cabal of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) march towards these goals. Truth be told Russia, and specifically Putin’s influence has always been for the security and well being of its people. That, as the great chess master he is, he kept his enemies the closest was merely part of the Grand Game. That game being; raising Russia to its heights of success as an autonomous sovereign land and a people, self sufficient, friendly to all those around who hold sincere friendly reciprocity and not to suffer fools, criminals and western elites gladly. It is a magisterial goal, yet we are witnessing its inception, as he has, not only cornered those that wish to destroy Russia into a manipulatred place of their own making, but he has also now aligned the ruble back to the gold standard, something the cabal of Western bankers and schemers ripped from the system back in the early 1900s. These moves alone are why the mastery revealed by the Russian Federation will, without doubt, get them to where they wish to be.
The uncovering of that part of their historical plan with the Crash of ’29 can be discovered in my book Dreams and Realities.

So many have and hold the belief that Russia is the evil empire out to rule the world. In fact an excellent rule of thumb would be to take all the actions and accusations made against Russia, China and all those set against their goals and see them a
s the actual desires and actions of the elites themselves.

It is a basic rule of propaganda to cast the enemy as precisely the creature you are yourself. Distracting, blaming and accusing the other with your own sins is merely par for the propaganda course. We have seen that with Skripal, Bosnia, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen….the list goes on.

The agendas they chase have nothing to do with their loudly proclaimed declarations of ‘democracy and freedom’. It has everything do with controlling, stealing resources and the jackboot of ultimate control.

The propaganda these entities have perpetrated and created through their Ukranazi patsies, their supplicant media and other methodologies, is steadily being noted, gathered, only to be destroyed by what Russia gathers as evidence of the massive fraud perpetrated. From the bio labs of many countries within Ukraine, the lies and BS the UK, US and EU have vomited over time, the fear mongering and all other manipulated tools, not only will Russia win through with this Special Operation, but it will also reveal on a massive scale, the perpetration on the people of the world, of the evil intended.

That will be to true victory for all people, not just the Russian Federation and its people.

Find more articles and News at http://thefreedomcycle.news

Syria’s Holocaust

Back in December 2016 an Arab Israeli news presenter, Lucy Aharish, the first Arab TV presenter to be on a main TV channel, gave a searing and scathing report to camera. Known for her shocking and truthful statements and views, this one is absolutely pertinent to return and remind ourselves that what went on then, is today and from way back in 2014 being played out in Ukraine, by the same perpetrators.

Sometimes it is so easy to block stuff happening in another part of the world and see no connection to our little lives we run. Yet truth be told every single thing happening in the world does have a relation to us individually. We may be told that this culture or that belief system is not us, yet we are all connected, most times utterly unaware we are.

So with that in mind and knowing or even not knowing the genocide that has been taking place in Ukraine for over 8 years, ask yourself – Is this really Russia Bad, West/NATO good? Of course not, binary thinking is totally blinding and as far from the truth as you could get.

Right now, in Halab (Aleppo), Syria, just an eight-hour drive from Tel Aviv, a genocide is taking place”….

Lucy Aharish is an Arab Israeli TV presenter
Her honest and truthful diatribe, in English is now more than ever so important for people to recognise what is going on and has been for decades, if not centuries. Braodcast in December 2016, it becomes a timeless reminder

As bombs continue to fall on Aleppo, Syria’s ravaged metropolis, Israeli newscaster Lucy Aharish switched from Hebrew to English during an evening broadcast of her show on Channel 2 television to direct a damning message at viewers around the world.

For all the news that is unreported go to The Freedom Cycle News

We bring you the non Western propagandised BS fed through our TVs and press. Truth as to why Russia is facing off the NWO and helping bring it down!

Here at Highly Likely News, we support all efforts to inform the people of what they need to make critically thought out decisions as to where truth lies.

We are Not  at War with Ukraine

DT d .Kulikov-VZ-T.Sergeytsev [translated by Jonathan Trapman]
We are at war with the United States of America. It’s just that the United States is fighting with someone else’s hands, putting weapons in these hands and charging the leaders of the inhabitants of Ukraine with Russophobia as a sufficient motive to kill Russians.

This is how the Anglo-Saxons have always tried to do in their history – to fight with their opponent with someone else’s hands. This is the cornerstone principle of the Anglo-Saxon world.

In 2014, the United States ordered Poroshenko to bomb Donbass. Poroshenko fulfilled it. 

So the USA attacked us, starting to kill Russians en masse. We defeated the American mercenaries near Ilovaisk and Debaltseve, forced them to a truce. 

For 8 long years we have been on the defensive, trying to achieve peace. The rise to power of Biden and his administration meant the seizure of power in the United States by the war party. Biden was the father of Maidan, and his mother was Nuland. 

All these years, Biden has nurtured and nurtured the Poroshenko regime. When Biden came to power, active preparations began for a second attack on Donbass, and therefore on us. 

“If a fight is inevitable, strike first.”

So we did. We began to advance, solving the problem of eliminating the deadly threat. It was impossible to delay any longer.

What is happening now in the informational and psychological environment of Ukraine is determined by the crimes of the Maidan and the genocide of the people of Donbass during those 8 years. 

The Bandera-Nazi regime has its hands up to the elbows in the blood of the Russian people of Donbass. Not just the ringleaders. More than 400 thousand people were allowed to take part in the fighting in the Donbass. 

All of them are bound by the blood of this war. Many of them committed war crimes and carried out criminal orders. They know about it. They are very afraid that they will have to answer. 

The purpose of our operation is denazification – this means punishment for crimes, and the punishment is severe. There is no moratorium on the death penalty in the republics of Donbass.
But it is not only the ruling group, not only war criminals and war veterans that are afraid of retribution. In terrible fear of having to answer – up to half of the population of the territory called Ukraine.

Intellectuals, government officials, deputies of all levels, journalists, ordinary people over these 8 years, starting with the Maidan, have called many times for the destruction of Donbass and Russia, for the murder of Russians. They approved the burning of people in Odessa, the genocide in the Donbass. They boasted and dreamed about how they would burn Moscow, ride tanks on it and destroy the Kremlin. All this is available on the Internet and in the relevant criminal cases of investigative bodies of the Russian Federation and republics, investigative and operational cases of Russian and republican security agencies. 

The Western masters told them: either you fight or the Russians will come and remind you of everything  you have done and execute everyone. Mass psychosis and mass entry into the ranks of the the defence of the inhabitants of Ukraine is motivated by a collective sense of guilt and fear of punishment. This is the phenomenon of the defence of Berlin in 1945 with the general mobilization of everyone, and even those unable to bear arms, to protect the Führer and the Reich Chancellery. 

The main motive is to fight, because the Russians will come and destroy you, because they will not forgive us for everything we have done. All resistance is built on a sense of fear not only before the court, but also before their relatives and acquaintances, before whom all these years they have demonstrated their Ukrainianism, Banderism and hatred of Muscovites, separatist, collaborators and quilted jackets. This collective fear is the basis of today’s collective madness. In which the belief in acceptance into the EU, in a miracle weapon (Western sanctions) rides alongside the simultaneous horror that everything is gone and defeat is inevitable.

The United States and the West, like parasites,  are piggy backing on this. They promise weapons and push Ukrainians to mass death, for the glory and benefit of the United States. The Americans consider the death of Ukrainians with the maximum harm inflicted on us by the Russians as the next stage of their war against us, with the aim of destroying Russia and our civilisation. 

We can seriously weaken the West and inflict a powerful defeat on it only by winning the battle on the territory of the former USSR. There is no more important task now for our army, for our state and for our people. It is important to be aware of this.

The 1000 Year”Drang Nach Osten” – Is It Over?

Original article The Avanturist [Translated by Dmitry Orlov]

Since we are at a turning point in world history, here are some thoughts. Just thinking out loud, without detailed arguments, graphs and protracted discussions. No time for that!

First, a couple of words about the Ukraine, because it is the hottest topic. Smart people have been warning the Ukrainians for 20 years. If they did not hear and did not understand, they alone are to blame.
I believe that the decisions taken by the Kremlin were correct and timely, and the good results are plain to see. 

A few more days and the military operation will end with the liquidation of the Comedic Reich, war crimes tribunals, and a complete reset of the Ukrainian project. Part of the Ukrainian regions will sail off in the general direction of eventual integration into Russia. Another part will form a new Ukraine in the form of, formally, a federation, but in fact a confederation. Naturally, its constitution will be written in Moscow, it will sign treaties of eternal friendship with it, it will host permanent Russian military bases, etc. Basically, this should not take much time, except for the re-education of the deluded masses.

And now the important news on the current Western economic attack on Russia and its consequences. The West is striking out very hard and will go on doing so. And the consequences will be catastrophic for us already in the medium term—let us not harbor illusions. The British, on behalf of the entire merry band of thieves, said that they would not rest until they have destroyed the Russian economy—and we should take them at their word. This is an open declaration of war with the goal of the complete destruction of Russia. If we answer civilly and moderately, as we have done before, then Russia will be defeated outright within 3-5 years.

But there is an important consideration. Never—never!—in all 1000 years of East-West confrontation, has the West started a war against Russia from such a weak, vulnerable and I would even say hopeless position. It is just that for some weird reason they are seriously hoping that we will play by their rules and quietly die in a corner.

To be honest, we don’t have that many means of bringing them to see the light. We could close our airspace. This would please the Asian airlines and ruin half of the European ones in 2-3 years: unpleasant but not fatal. We could confiscate all the property of Europeans and Americans in Russia. Again, this would be unpleasant, but no one would die on a grand scale. We could stop supplying aluminum, nickel, titanium, palladium, etc. They would suffer in the short term, but then they would change their logistics and, in spite of additional costs, get everything they need in the right volumes. We could introduce a ban on the supply of fertilizers and grain. Tough, but the European poor would just pay double for food—what else would they do? All of these measures can and should be taken, but these are nothing more than slightly painful pokes and prods. And most importantly, the tangible consequences of most of these pokes and prods will not be felt immediately. What’s needed is a single quick and convincing blow with an oar to the temple. Everyone knows what that would be like, but not everyone understands how it would end and how quickly.

The Eurocrats have calculated that if Russia cut off natural gas to the EU, it would have enough reserves for six weeks, and then help would arrive in the form of LNG from all over the world. They would suffer for a month and a half but would muddle through. And Russia would go bankrupt without gas revenues. Well, well! In fact, everything play out a little differently.

First of all, our naïve little friends, who said that it would just be the natural gas? If the Kremlin flips the switch, it will cut off everything at once: natural gas, crude oil, fuels and lubricants, coal, alternative fuels and electricity. They don’t even have to stop deliveries, but simply switch to prepayment in physical gold—without violating their supply contracts. If Russia is cut off from SWIFT, it won’t be able to accept money for payment. Europe has enough gold for just for 3-4 months. That’s the way to rolling them: turn off their lights, but formally simply change the means of payment to a more reliable one because of force majeure. So sorry, but you brought it upon yourselves.

And now, the consequences. These will arrive not in 6 weeks, and not even in 6 days, but literally within hours, as prices for fuel, gas and electricity in Europe and the US will skyrocket. Don’t we know how dealers, speculators and other brokers react to such news? Shortly thereafter, battles over gasoline will begin at gas stations, up to and including the use of firearms. At most a few days later public transportation and freight will stop running. Since all supermarkets work from a warehouse on wheels, and there will be no means for delivering goods, it will not take long for shelves in the stores to be swept clean. Any delivery truck that manages to breaks through to a shop will be looted right in the street.

Two such presents in just the first few days are already sure to be met with jubilation by the general population. But don’t worry, folks, a few more surprises are on the way. Specifically, $5,000-10,000 per thousand cubic meters for natural gas on the spot market and a correspondingly high price for electricity. What can be produced at such energy prices. That’s right, nothing! The entire industrial sector will stop at once, with mass layoffs. Without products, there will be no need for services: good-bye, small business! And so on down the food chain.

All of these suddenly liberated workers, in an amount of slightly less than 100% of the previously employed population, will find themselves sitting on their last can of gasoline with about a few cans of spam they won in a fistfight, looking at their layoff notice and thinking at their leisure about the impossibility of paying their utility bills, which have increased tenfold and are slightly more than their bank account balance.

Let’s not even mention such trifles as the collapse of the financial markets which are now so precarious that a mere loud sneeze could collapse them by 60-70% in a month; or commodity inflation, which within days can turn into hyperinflation; or a severe shortage of fertilizers and fuels and lubricants for planting, guaranteeing crop failure of grain and other foods come harvest time. And so on along the path of full Somaliaization of Western economies.

Are the bureaucrats ensconced in Brussels and Paris so sure that the population will meekly and patiently wait for tankers to arrive from the US? Will those tankers definitely come? Will they really help out? And what if Russia does not just introduce a trade embargo but immediately follow it up with a continental blockade? Russia could simply declare that no tankers need to go to Europe and Japan just yet because we wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to them. Will private traders and vessel owners ignore this message? Perhaps at first, until a test firing of a Kaliber missile nearby causes them to suddenly remember that China had also asked them for some oil and gas.

Thinking that the EU will be able to hold out for 6 weeks would amount to drug-addled optimism. The consequences of such an embargo-cum-blockade would be comparable to a massive nuclear strike and would cause the EU to collapse in a few weeks, maybe even days. The fashionable head cold, lockdowns, restrictions, financial losses, the uncertainty of the future and other pleasures of the last two years have brought a significant part of the population in Europe very close to the brink of a nervous breakdown. Russia’s participation can push it across it. Why watch chaos on TV—as it unfolds in the Ukraine—when you can watch it live right at home? Given all of that, in a couple of months, somebody much fatter than the Ukraine will be sign an unconditional surrender.

And then it will be time to talk about lifting the sanctions, about disbanding NATO, about the political status of Eastern Europe, about ending American presence in Europe, and about Western reparations for all of the damage caused to Russia since the time of Alexander Nevsky (1221-63). Russia might accept payment in gold, lands, intellectual property, people—whatever it needs. Smart people have been warning Western fools for 20 years now that the world is heading into a resource crisis. There is no need to quarrel with those who control the resources and can protect them with harsh measures and, moreover, can simply cut you off.

Considering that Putin went for broke in the Ukraine, which is something that practically no one expected him to do, there is every reason to expect that he will also raise the stakes with Russia’s eternal Western “friends.” Right now, Russia has a realistic chance to close out the millennium of “Drang nach Osten” once and for all, present all bills for payment, and start building a new world order that will be convenient and beneficial for it. 

The winner will write the rules while everyone will gets to look up to him and to try to be friends with him.

How long will this take? Well, if the Ukraine is buttoned up by March 2nd, then Russia could turn the valve on the EU and Japan by the following weekend. And then by April Fool’s there should be a delegation of fools arriving at the Kremlin, ready to sign whatever is on offer. And then everything should be fine by summer. By the way, this would also be a perfect time for China to get back Taiwan. And then maybe Russia could get back Alaska and California.

Murderous Attempt By Three Duplicitous Traitors To Steal PCP Evidence

Article written by Michael O’Bernicia @The Bernician

Can anybody remember the name of that Irish DJ posing as a serious journalist, who crawled up PPE importer Simon Dolan’s arse, said I was full of shit and the PCP evidence we had amassed would go nowhere, shortly before disappearing into obscurity because his audience turned on him for being such a treacherous bastard?

No, me neither. The furthest I get is Bitchy Fallen.

Well, the same bullshit allegations are currently being bandied about by three duplicitous traitors who claimed to be working towards the same ends as UCT and the PCP team, one of whom recently survived an attempt to murder him with poison, shortly before an event in August, which they all attended.

Same Shit, Different Decade
However, whilst we don’t have any hard and fast evidence of malice aforethought [yet], each one of the three women concerned is now deeply implicated in a criminal conspiracy to steal the evidence we have amassed in the case against the Midazolam murderers, to derail my three notice processes to stop mandatory vaxxes in care homes and vaxxing in schools and to murder at least one of the three core PCP team members.

It naturally follows that these people are either working for the secret services, Common Purpose or the Rothschild cartel, in which case they are unequivocally not to be trusted and should be immediately blocked, unfollowed and unsubscribed to with immediate effect, in the event you have been supporting their work.

According to an establishment renegade who has reached out to us, it is agents of the Rothschild cartel who are at work, as there are powerful people within MI5 who want to help us bring down the cartel because they’ve been shafted by Lloyds and other protected banks.

Devlin Podcast & Exposing Controlled Opposition
Whilst the updated PCP evidence substantiating allegations of mass murder by government policy is still being drafted – which proves that anybody saying we don’t have a case is full of shit because it hasn’t even been written yet – we are aiming to file the papers by the end of next week.

Given the events described in the foregoing, it’s perfect timing that Mark Devlin and I will record another Good Vibrations Podcast later today, which will be published across all our channels soon afterwards.

Needless to say, Mark, as always, will ask all the right questions, in what promises to be another explosive interview about whatever feels most appropriate and prescient.

Nonetheless, in words nobody could fail to comprehend, from Save Our Rights to UK Freedom ProjectGuardians 300Stand In The Park and Lawyers of Light and Liberty, if it weren’t for controlled opposition, they wouldn’t exist, let alone dominate the newsfeeds and get on BBC television – the broadcasting arm of MI5.

Which is the reason why every one of the revolving procession of Common Purpose graduates and MI5 field agents in those groups either ignores my work or tries to subvert or discredit it.

Cause & Effect
So I’m putting every one of them on notice that the consequences of their duplicitous breaches of trust have placed their liberty and solvency in the utmost peril.

From henceforth, they can’t say they haven’t been warned that their arrogance, myopia and foolishness have led them into a corner from which they can only emerge in ignominious, infamous and shameful defeat.

However, if I were in the shoes of ‘Sam’, ‘Michelle’ and ‘Clare’, I would do what all the wisest people who’ve fucked with me have done – run for the hills and never come back, otherwise the full extent of the lies they have told to their followers will be permanently exposed.

Lest They Forget
For a breakdown of the potential price of failing to cease and desist in their treachery, just ask James Crosby, the former ‘untouchable’ CEO of Lloyds, who is still on the end of a stayed PCP alleging institutional mortgage fraud in the criminal court, eight years after the case was laid in North Shields Magistrates Court.

That case is due to proceed to trial by jury at the end of COVID-1984, following a successful Common Law damages claim for £207M from Crosby’s legal estate in 2019.

Alternatively, you could just watch The Great British Mortgage Swindle, to see for yourself why every CEO of every UK bank soils their undercrackers at the mere mention of my name.

However, in the event the predictable and tedious spouting of gobshite on social media unfolds in the wake of this post, the traitors will only have themselves to blame when an army of my loyal friends and supporters descend upon them to vent their fire and brimstone, in defence of the only real opposition to the tyranny which still abounds on these shores.


About the author:
Michael O’Bernicia:

The Bernician has performed more than 300 gigs on the stand-up comedy circuit; written and staged two critically acclaimed London plays; taught stand-up to a giggle of fledgling comics who went on to professional careers; co-produced and co-directed a critically acclaimed 35mm short film; and played supporting roles in mainstream and independent film and television productions; in addition to co-producing and marketing a #1 hit Danish action comedy and directing his debut feature film, Nefarious, which is slated for its long-awaited release in 2021.

The Bernician went on to draft the first legal argument by a lay advocate to be established as a point of UK law; as well as creating and publishing free online content that has had more than 4,000,000 downloads; whilst co-producing, editing and directing his second feature film, The Great British Mortgage Swindle, which was released in the UK on 10/11/2018. The Bernician is also a recalcitrant philosopher, a revisionist historian; the founding sovereign of Universal Community Trust; the draftsman of the UCT Treaty and Magna Carta 2020.

When Legal Hits Lawful

For nearly two years the developing challenge to criminality in high places, government and cabals has given many, whose eyes were opened or already open, the hope that justice will be delivered in short order. Anyone who lives with their feet on the ground will realise that nothing in the incriminating field happens in short order. Yet when faced with such horrendous criminality, premeditated murder and genocide, it is crying out to come to pass as soon as possible.

Now we can give these criminals the epithet of being all powerful or unstoppable, yet to do that would be to give away the greatest power weapon against them – our own power.

It is important to realise those wishing to disempower us have spent well over a century preparing for what we witness today. In the early days most technology they can now rely on was either in its infancy or non existent. However it never stopped them tendering up, like some ghastly chef, the minds of our forebears who handed down their indoctrinated beliefs, many so manifestly fed into their malleable minds within the newspapers they read, the radio they listened to and the faux history they were suckled under in their indoctrination…. sorry, education.

Today the array of propagandised mind programming is relentless, as well as hyper efficient. The many mind control programs run by the alphabet agencies over decades have now been perfected to infiltrate all. Television having augmented and mostly replaced the newspapers has, for decades, programmed disempowered and easily led populations through specific ‘entertainment’. Hollywood has an equal, if not more pernicious role in this. The use of trigger words, NLP and other oft repeated phrases make many believe what they are programmed to believe, to be absolute. Misplaced trust in manipulators merely shows the weakness of a disempowered population, fully prepared to accept complete fluoridation of their water to complete the dumbing down.

The witness of all this is hilariously illustrated in toilet roll madness, lunatic fuel buying and so many other fear fed indoctrinations into the collective consciousness, including the biggy, Pandemic Fraud. Fear, the unhealthy sibling to flight or fight, once triggered, is an easy tool of manipulation. Minds devoid of much critical thinking go hell for leather to get jabbed, be coerced to snitch on those that refuse to be and generally be as willing as a starved animal to digest BS and lies in order to comply with being the unpaid battalions of deception. The Pandemic fraud perpetrated over the last years has, for those minting it with their latest ‘weapon’ jabbing, been an eye opener as to how many are so easily led. Although tragic in what is delivered, it also offers the perfect indictment to all who have partaken in its historic criminal execution.

None of this could possibly be described as legal, let alone lawful. Yet when lawful brings to the legal courts a challenge as to what all this outcomes, it gets vilified, laughed at, blocked and thrown out of a system as poisoned as its population. It is a fact that most judges, legal representatives and those supposedly upholding the law are to some degree or other ‘bought’. The veneer of an upright British legal system, working for the people against wrongdoing, is merely brought out from the same snake oil bag as the history we are taught.

Because of this obfuscation in plain sight, the service of justice many believe is an impossibility in this fetid jurisdiction. They would be both right and wrong! Cries of “We need another system of law that overcomes this tainting of justice in the arena of maritime law“, would seem to answer that cry. However, on the well tried and tested field of reverse engineering, we have seen proven that both legal and lawful can work hand in hand to bring justice back full front and centre.

Using their methods, used so prolifically of their own manipulated universe, turned 180 degrees back at them to bring individuals to justice, we have the Conditional Acceptance process. This process operates in the domain and level of Natural Law and Common Law. It never sees the light of day in any of their courts, yet if taken to the finish line, collateralises and holds, usually the CEO, to account for life. Many have proven this in the nullifying of Mortgage Fraud, enacted.

Within the Common Law lies a court that can, outside their jurisdiction, bring charges of genocide and murder to each and every one of those directly or indirectly responsible for these crimes. No permission has to be sought from their jurisdiction, as it resides in its own inviolable and untouchable realm. Recognising that the people are the power, no petty force armed or policed, will or is able to prevent these things from happening. To back this option up a whole new jurisdiction has been enabled. With its own untouchable financial system able to make transition to this true freedom jurisdiction possible, where banksters have no right of entry, it also holds the jewel in any crown – international recognition under International Law, providing protection and legitimacy no other self made nation, micro nation or indigenous people have enjoyed. It is a system that delivers justice, peace and outside of any debt based system that thrives on slavery to survive. Within this jurisdiction the law, both Natural Law and Common Law thrive and deliver.

As for their own legal, or more often illegal, courts being able to bolster up the process of justice it has been demonstrated through the highly successful decade long case against the Banksters and Mortgage companies, that winning here or at least using loss as a stepping stone to winning, is and has been proven to work against the most pernicious odds. In both the Banksters’ case and the present one against the tyrannical players today, fraud is the bedrock clincher. It looks as if we simply need to play each strength as is required.

The case that was to see the Four Horsemen taken down is now replaced by murder charges against a government. This not only takes a case to a different level, it demands justice like never before. Murder is not something that can be manipulated out of by a powerful few, no matter how hard they try. We collectively may have our doubts as to the level of justice applied in this country, however murder precludes most all of the excuses used or tried in the case of fraud. In the pecking order of criminality Murder is #1 equalled in intensity by Treason and Fraud is a very close #2. It is safe to say that all hauled up in front of the jury are utterly guilty of all three contenders. No jury of twelve good souls and true could reasonably deny these facts.

So the take away in all of this is that justice will have her day. The people will become free, on their own volition and no power, however invincible they may dress themselves up to be will succeed. Now that is something we all must focus on and hold deep in our hearts and belief.