The Quantification of Empathy

Empathy is a basic ingredient of humanity’s best being. The gradient of action of this quality is indicative of the grasp an individual has on their true being. It could be said that very experience enables the development of character, purpose and drive in manifesting the best we can possibly attain.

Thus, the lack or rejection of empathy points to serious flaws in both the desire or proclivity toward such a state of being.
Empathy also encourages the growth of transparency, of integrity and a healthy state of listening, where knowledge can expand.

In the world around us today we are beset by insistent dogma, well apart from the propagandised BS we are daily thrown, with the insistence that one choice of living must be over-pumped, exaggerated and accepted as absolute reverence to the fact we are human. What it does in these circumstances is twist and obscure the fact some human traits practiced, are abhorrent and utterly hinder development of the highest best practice in developing and attaining human potential.

By way of example, the message being pumped out at us and in many cases forced onto our psyche, is that pedophilia is natural and now described as a psychiatric disorder. It should be looked on as an illness, needing understanding and empathy. At all costs it must be an encouraged and supported way of life. Where was the road to evolution redirected to the basest form of bestiality? It has always been a repugnant deviation from what could be quantified as ‘normal’, though that term is in itself an ignorant and abused term. In a flourishing and transparent society, there is no normal. It is merely what those that wish to control and manipulate wish for us to believe as a level.

How can empathy be developed when all around are the sordid directions to Sodom and Gomorrah. Is it so imperative to flag the whole ‘woke’ thing as ‘the important issue of our lives today? They say it respects equality, yet those directing that message live like some rich cancer feeding off our collective subservience and misery. Truth and transparency, healthy minds and critical thinking are the virus to be avoided. No contact, least of all any discussion where the rational is part of the whole can be accepted as, like large rocks, it breaks the illusion of whatever they are trying to sustain.

The art of being labelled an offender, when interacting is a treasured pearl. The offended never comprehends that being offended, is merely in the court of the offended to handle that. Handling the fragility that comes with all this nonsense of rights, deserving and treatment, demands a sane individual to begin with. Sanity is not the strong point in all this snowflake submersion. The lack of ever having built a strong backbone, let alone having ever grown one, is as far from any mental comprehension as it gets.

“Rights!”, “Human rights” and ‘MY rights’ are trumpeted as if they are especial to the individual. Well, yes they are, yet as projected by these crass, non-thinkers, they also try and possess them as if anyone who does not share their point of view is a criminal. Their projection and imposition that all must believe their sordid scripture, is the very face of fascism. That, sadly, is something they have blinded themselves to see.

It is also the utter antithesis of empathy. It is the absolute authoritarian following of tyranny they meekly follow to project on the free-thinkers and intelligent others who can clearly see the wood from the trees.

Everyone has the right to live as they see fit, yet that does not include it being forced into everyone’s throats. Religion swiftly slipped down that slippery slope, soon after it became dogma, not any inspirational rational to better oneself through self knowledge and self awareness. Control by the powers of the tyrannical empire saw to it that Christianity went potholing that way.

With so called faiths promoting the culling of women and children, the slaughter of the innocents, you’d be hard pressed to find any deviation from the role of ancient Pharaohs and other assorted tyrants.

Outside of a natural cleansing of this arrogant species, humans, it looks like the regimes of evil have a throat hold on the masses of population that are way beyond help in their hypnotic adherence of slavery and settling for the “Be Happy and own nothing” imprecations that modern day Pharaohs feel they have the power to impose.

By the way, be uplifted in the thought that whenever humanity has faced extinction, it has never been a 100% success. Even today there will always remain a few percent that will survive to start over. No, very few will be of the present 0.01% that think they will survive the extinction.

Look to the Stone Age ahead and try and remember your survival skills and any learned lessons of technology you presently have at your disposal. That is the upside of it all!! Down to you and no one else, just as it is today with everything still in place!

Buy Land, They’re Not Making it Anymore!

Mark Twain always had the right word at the right time. That is why I repeat it here!

In Ireland they are creating a law to forcibly steal land off you. Yes, you heard it right – steal it by their corporate-run legal criminality. Do not believe it will never transpire here in the UK. Oh, it will, as testing in Ireland is merely the guinea pig for the rest . That formula, or playbook if you will, has been the foundation for all the crap they are throwing at us.

It seems it is getting more maniacal every day. You would be right, it is. Why?

Because they see and are hounded by forces way beyond their control, way left field to their evil plans in every area.

Hounded by who?

We the people, or at least a small but majorly significant section that is threatening, nay bringing down, their hegemony. While most of the people are oblivious to what is being done in their name and for their freedoms, the few are an army so powerful, so strong and righteous, that they are almost invisibly taking down all the crap and bullets thrown us.

You may say – “I have not seen in the press or TV anything to suggest that!”

Of course not, because we are D-noticed to hell, as what is happening is the very death of fraudulent criminality in our name. The media or better, legacy media are 100% the propaganda voice and rationale for their criminality, thus we never get any air time or column inches. It’s the only way to keep the masses ill, or uninformed. It has ever been so, so nothing new. However…..

What is being done gradually, so as to not to frighten people into the reality of it all, is they are ‘mission creeping’ everyone to their Agenda 30 terrors. If that makes no sense to you, then you most definitely have not been paying attention, and that attention deficit is going to kill you, disable or injure you in most definite, life-changing, ways. If you take my stark warnings as fear mongering, then when has truth and pre-warning been fear mongering. What it shows is you have sucked up the lies and BS you have been fed and not bothered to seek solutions.

The only way we shall take back our land is by owning it.

In Ireland their scheme is to pass a law that makes their wet dreams come true – to buy your land thru a trumped up law. When their laws go against the people of the land (think, for at least the last 50 yrs) then the moment has arrived to take it all back. That is what is going on in the background, quietly owning by purchasing the land, or it being gifted to the people by way of those already owning their land, yet seeing the way forward. Coming under a wholly different jurisdiction than the criminal UK jurisdiction, is what is completing it.

Haven’t heard of that? Then get up to speed and take your life into that jurisdiction where no harassment by any authority will have any power over you and your family. If you have not discovered that yet then go here, do your research and feel whether it resonates, then do that for your children and their children’s children.

Sometimes I feel like someone shouting from the roof tops and all just turn away, thinking the crazy on the roof is better throwing himself off said roof into extinction. Like so much these days what they perceive in others is merely a spoiler alert for their own lives and extinction.Those of us who have been prepping and building for years now, have gone way beyond the point of caring for others’ individual life choices. It is, under Natural Law, the 100% responsibility of each to determine their lives. If that is negated, then bad things will always follow.

You seriously have to step up to the time where choice makes the difference between life and an ugly death or lingering life getting worse. There is no time to say “Yea, but I’ll leave that till later” or “Sure, you crazy, not me fella!”

Empathy has its limits, unless you are keen to be dragged under by the drowning soul refusing to accept the lifeboat.

So, find out where the exit door is, then how you can claim your place in land, and freedom from the tyranny that lies all around you, ready, like the wolf, to eat you alive.


The End of Supermarkets and Food Control

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to pop into the grocer, the butcher, baker, greengrocer, fishmonger or the local convenience store where they all know your name, greet you like family and throw in a chat to boot? I fear you would have to be of a certain age to remember most of this in its fullness and richness.

Today we are told these emporia are not worth running, are not cost effective against the large corporate food and services chains. Stores that can mass purchase and undercut local trade outlets and community contact points. You see we are constantly forced into a one option situation where it is the superstore/market that must supply the needs of every community with a blanket coverage that must be accepted.

What this wholly unsuited for local communities proposes and forces down our ‘choice-throats’ is shaped as convenience. Well, one man’s convenience is another woman’s imposition. Let us look at the pros of having or re-introducing local outlets of a size that fits a High Street position. Look at a charity outlet that has spawned itself so virally over any premise routed out by the corporate entities. The loss over the last 50 years or so of community led, connectivity inspired hubs of joy, sharing, chatter and commerce that relies as much on friendship as knowing your customer.

Now that KYC, now an essential part of the banking or finance sector is an imposition on to the private and personal like no other. An imposition that has nothing to do with local, meaningful growth of connection but everything to do with intrusion and ownership of information that , in the old days, meant sharing and knowledge the community could and would attest to, only when essential.

Where there was a thriving community in the village/town centre, it brought people together. It sponsored a sharing of common values, respect and knit together care for others, like no other. Then, not even fast forward but general creep, we have the corporate shadow of ownership and jackboot that demands everyone be of the same simplistic mindset and desire as to be spenders in their emporia, that are faceless, yet marketed as friendly partners.

Such bullshit has ingrained on the public psyche a modality of acceptance that leaves most susceptible to a position where the next stage is facial recognition or no allowance to purchase. Forced shortages of food and items of necessity inflicted on customers for the most spurious of deception, in the pursuit of government control. Anyone who believes these methods of crowd and lifestyle control are necessary are too far gone to be saved.

As real choice and opportunity to ‘go elsewhere’ have been written out of the contract to supply, so the task of herding the population into the supply centres of financial robbery becomes the norm, not the aberration.

So with this well-known scenario in front of us, how, you may ask can we turn the freedom of choice, the quality of produce and product around, so that we as integral local community may be able to say no to the alleged convenience of the big stores and markets? You might imagine that with the terrors of poverty and economic ruin all around us, that simple choice no longer is possible. The magnificent proposition E. F. Schumacher, in his book Small is Beautiful, a study of Economics as if People Mattered, holds much that would encourage anyone to reconsider the ability for local to trounce corporate. Yet when gauged by the optics of economic realities touted by the system, it would seem like a dream too sadly passed.

What if I was to propose to you that this thinking is as archaic and without merit as us all being able to transport life instantly to live of the moon. Yes, that long shot!

What I shall propose may come as news and a total shock for many, save those who already inhabit the space. It is no dream, no yearned for, yet unrealised possibility. It is something about to perpetrate and set up the real essence and reality of local community. Communities where values, voice and power, as the rings created by its stones, thrown into the still pond of corporate and governmental absolutism emanate and vibrate outwards. The inevitable report that is the loud bang of positive action, reigniting everything that community, self-determination and autonomy present will be heard across the land.

So what is this report? It is the definitive and Britain-wide existence of nations, mirroring the ancient lands always gifted through stewardship to the British people. It is the establishment, or should it be, re-establishment of the people’s sovereign status. It is the gradual challenge and winning of these lands back to who really are the owners – the people. Facing off the tyranny that endeavoured to carve its own corrupt, power hungry control over us, the rightful sovereign. The forced and malignant empires of the dark self-interest began over 1200 yrs ago if not more and has reached its pinnacle of imposition and self-destruction today, we all witness.

The People regain their true position
The People return to regain true Sovereignty

Any abuse and manipulation flying in the face of, not only the Constitution, and the powers gifted to the people eternally through the Coronation Oath of 1688, the Bill of Rights 1689, makes a mockery of those claiming sovereignty that only the British people hold. Neither Parliament nor the Crown hold any higher authority over us nor are ever allowed to claim they do.

A treacherous Parliament attempted to usurp British sovereignty by way of section 38 of the EU Withdrawal (Agreement) Act 2020, whilst the Coronavirus Act 2020 treasonously purported to suspend the birthrights of the British people, as guaranteed by the Common Law, which gave rise to Magna Carta 2020 – Declaration of Rights, the purpose of which is to restore sovereignty, freedom and Natural Law, manifested through the Common Law.

It was to eradicate this centuries-old unlawful power grab that the Universal Community Trust Treaty was established and recognised internationally in 2012 to bestow again the rightful position of the land and people. Its ever increasing development of nations under it and within the British Isles benefiting an altogether non-governmental controlled autonomy and jurisdiction, enables the British people to shelter under the protection afforded to indigenous people/anarcho nations within these Isles. Such protection and self-sufficiency allows all those under the UCT Treaty to also benefit from living within a credit based existence rather than the injurious and externally controlled debt-based system we all have experienced to this point.

Where we are shortly to witness a melt down of their financial bondage, utter destruction of non-corporate enterprises and the yolk of ever increased control through technology and invasion of the last vestiges of what they laughingly call freedom and choice, those under the UCT Treaty remain immune to such invasions into individual and collective lives. Under Natural Law all these are an anathema, criminal imposition and injury to each and every one of us.

Where, people may ask, is there a solution to this travesty. The answer is – here!

As each nation under UCT across the lands of Britain take back lawfully, swathes of land always having been theirs, then local villages and towns are enabled to procure examples and enterprises that are locally driven, serving the needs of all those opposed to the imposition of supply and deserving (facial recognition etc) that otherwise would continue to diminish each and everyone who believes there is no other solution.

It is under these conditions and potentials that empty or poorly occupied premises will again be able to fall back into the people’s ownership and operation. As things worsen for all remaining in the UK jurisdiction, all that thrives under the protection of the UCT Treaty jurisdiction will be seen and experienced. Those experiences will become the living breathing examples of another way, lawful, free and joyful.

As we have seen over the past years, the containment, deprivation of anything close to a real life and its expression, along with the fraud doled out as pandemic and illegal adventures into foreign lands, has and will never have any impact on those who have stepped aside of such criminal jurisdiction on every level.

Along with the continuing prosecutions ever ongoing and challenge to so many, by way of fraudulent alignment and perpetration and presentation of the false beauty and convenience of their proposals and unlawful laws directing the British People, will be inevitably taken down and reverberate such changes and benefit across the globe.

Never let it be believed that the people as sovereign being from birth are not the power and the glory of what is humanity. No blabber of Human Rights, as they portray, extension of the two genders to illogical ends and domination, the poverty of indoctrination dressed shabbily as education will ever deny the truth and reality of life lived full and free.

All it takes is for each one to make their choice of where they wish to thrive and evolve – one where everything is denied this process and one that is the perfect soil for such onward procuration. It offers a choice of hope, joy and return to a place where the generations following us all can be nourished like never before. To create that potential for those not yet born must be the greatest project any of us can enter into.


About the author: Jonathan Trapman is an author, public speaker and professional photographer. He is also part of the Albion Nation that covers an area described as Somerset and Bath in the UK, one of over thirty autonomous nations around the British Isles

The Albion Nation can be investigated here

The Best and Worst of Times

If say, fifty years ago you had been told that within the next century, most of the world’s popualtion would be wiped from the face of the Earth, you would I bet have poo-pooed that suggestion as mere lunacy and used a newly made up term for such a bearer of news as a conspiracy theorist. You see it was the CIA , after Kennedy’s assassination that created that term to stop anyone delving into the truth about that momentous event.

Thus an observation that would likely threaten the hegemony of those wielding power, would be likely treated with the same repost. You see getting truth onto the main stage is the most tricky and difficult task, as truth tends mainly to threaten the narrative of control. Thus we find ourselves among the greatest number of authoritarian followers whose inaction is the very key to the powers in charge’s successful hold on the events today. As more challenge, more draconian rollout is employed.

Cities in the UK that are going on trial for a total lockdown of movement, such as is proposed for Oxford, will be again the litmus test as to how far they can go in squeezing us to death.

Already the Clean Air implementations are aiming to stifle free movement. ULEZ controls by camera and sensors, determine, across the major cities, how much we are asked to fork out. Most do and will continue to do. They are the ones bought and sold the Climate Change narrative. So much is and will be extensively tried to be rolled out as excuse to get to Net Zero by blah-blah date. Along with the Jib Jab fraud, the scare frauds of whatever else they insist we must believe is necessary to KEEP US SAFE – it is ultimately BS of the highest order.

Not only are all these things intended to make as much money for those that benefit, and please, it is not us that will, it is also the greatest cover-up as to what actually is and will be increasingly happening across the globe.

Now, here you are given a choice to both research and be open-minded enough to take on board, or suffer the inevitable consequences of brushing this off as a lunatic idea of no substance and merit. The latter delivers ultimate dismissal from life, as the former may well allow you, your loved ones and all who endeavour to mitigate the worst in pursuit of hope to survive.

Let me also add that survival is not guaranteed. No one knows precisely how all this will roll out. One thing is for sure it will not be because of us humans playing wild and foul with our role in nature. That is most certainly irresponsible, yet not planet affecting to the degree they push it. Any belief we can save the planet is so much arrogance and hubris as to entertain huge laughter from Nature herself. There is not even the time to discuss how it could at least mitigate what’s in store.

That reminds me of a time, when seventeen, I stood on the beach at Grand Bassam in the Ivory Coast, having enjoyed the huge surf that makes it one of the top ten surfers paradises on our blue marble. I was about to pack it in for the day and take home my lilo, when a thought occurred to me to give one more ride on these exhilarating and so dangerous waves. I stood on the sand and declared in a voice of defiance – “I am going to show you who is powerful here” – and launched into the surf to reach the point atop magnificent breakers, from where I would super surf. As the likely breaker rolled in I placed myself, on said lilo at its tipping point, or just behind. It took me with it until the moment where I somehow slipped forward and inadvertently became recipient to its immense power.

That power thrust me with a force I have never before or after experienced, into the sands it broke on, filling my nose, mouth and ears with sand. It then dragged me up the expansive beach till there was a mere couple of inches of water beneath me. Saved I thought, not realising that those inches were enough to drag me right back into the next huge wave breaking and relive and nearly die from a second thrashing. Against the mercy of Nature’s full raw force I was ejected from her grip, as was Jonah from the whale’s mouth. Neither the whale nor Nature’s waves were really interested in digesting us.

Yet the lesson I learned that day some fifty six years ago has been one of many truly shocking experiences that I am eternally grateful for. Respecting Nature and all her power, the power and the force of the cosmos is something I have the deepest respect and gratitude for.

As the elite, mega wealthy psychopaths and controllers trundle on believing they are immune from forces so way more powerful than they, so they will inevitably fall into the same trap I set myself when defying natural forces through arrogance and my own foolish beliefs.

So what are these things that will be wiping so many off the face of the earth?

They are the natural cyclical, inevitable repeating forces and events that have over billions of years formed and changed the face of our universe, solar system, interplanetary order that includes our very own marble of present beauty.

Over a well repeated cyclical pattern, be it 6, 12, 24, 48, etc thousand years changes have been wrought within the cosmos and our own solar system.

A short list of many events in cyclical appearances

That we are now experiencing the effects of the present one has been a boon for those shouting “climate change” emergency. A useful, as always, distraction from the proven cycles ushering in a devastating disastrous happening.

First off this is not laid out to create more fear, there are those in power who revel in that. This is a heads up and opportunity to recognise that preparation for such events is the order of the day. Each in their own way can easily prepare as well as living a full life ‘in the now’. So keep reminding yourself of that truth.

In order to get a far more in depth appreciation of what is in store for us all and thus make all preparations as optimal as possible allow yourself the time to go through the videos and explanations found here:

The complete list of knowledge you will need

However you plan to make secure your existence, your family’s and those that follow you to be able to develop that with a positive mindset will help enormously. We know from very recent events in Turkey and Syria, Nature has a way of jumping surprises on us all. To begin now is sanity itself. To brush it all aside as mere speculation and fear-mongering is foolish in the extreme and show an utter lack of knowledge and comprehension of self-endeavour and survival.

For myself I understand I may not be around for the big events, mega tsunamis, global volcanic eruptions etc, however unless I continue the responsibility of making as best sure I leave an ‘ark of survival’ for those I leave behind, I am remiss in my duty of care for whatever part of this blue marble I hold stewardship of. It is no good brushing off such attempts of stewardship by declaring ‘not my problem’ or other selfish modes of thinking. My area is my family, my community and all those wise enough to work toward that goal. Futilism is no option.

When we are faced with the rank criminality of those taking over control of our lives, we are presently challenging them in the most meaningful and apposite ways. That there is a wholly untouchable domain set up to take that challenge to them is evidence of our serious intent and endeavour. It is within our own responsibility to recognise no-one presently waving the flag of ‘We’ll look after you’, has any such interest in that statement. In fact, they never had, yet many put their trust and hope in those wolves.

Had we had not had community shattered before our eyes over decades, we might have had some sort of self-help scenario in place for looking after the welfare among us. Now it is down to us to find like-minded souls who are prepared to walk the talk, action what is needed and move forward with confidence and hope.

The obvious retort is most probably, well who the heck is paying for our endeavours? That is the easy part. We are with our sweat equity, and to aid that sweat-equity necessitates being within an environment that does not demand anything debt-based and injurious to each and every ‘slave’ to this present system. It is here that the hurdle of impossibility is raised as the Big Excuse for not proceeding.

Every new way needs a mindset that opens to all potential, no matter how inconceivable it may seem. When the solution is already working, in place and operating, it is only a fool that says “It is not possible”. Such ignorance is best left in the cupboard of yesterday.

So when we look at what is around us today, the best and worst of times display their wares. Which we choose to follow is singularly a personal choice. Not one anyone else can make for you. But one thing is crucial to bear in mind.

Who will take care of you, your family and community when the inevitable disaster cycle throws its full force at us all.

Yes, you are right! Only you, so up and at it and please do not shoot the messenger who gives you a heads up. Remind yourself, he could not give a damn what position you adopt when and why. Though in suggesting positive action he does hold ultimate care for fellow humans in surviving what is inevitably ahead!


Suspicious 0bservers – You Tube channel and books

Universal Community Trust – The solution to the present imprisonment of Sovereign Beings

The Freedom Cycle News Channel – Real News, Truth against the Legacy Media BS

Bird Flu – The Latest Scam

As a young lad I was fortunate enough to be brought up on 250 acres of beautiful Sussex farmland. The world was the horizon and beyond. I loved those precious first 15 years of real and actual freedom that were the 50s and 60s. Among the treasured livestock were 35,000 chickens, 5,000 layers, 100 head of Jersey cows, a bull, 5,000 turkeys and several dozen pigs amongst others. It was always Sunday when the pigs got out and the septic tank burst.

Yet even though I loved the chucks, I helped at a tender age to collect them six to a box to be carted off the our factory near Three Bridges to be the first processed, deep litter chickens this country had experienced. Intensive production was heaven then compared with the battery hens of today. They were housed with good open ground, fed and watered with care and love and I and all the farm folk became attached to their growth and presence.

When an occasional foot and mouth came round, we dealt with it organically. I never remember bird flu being a thing, yet today with the shenanigans laid upon us all, it is used to gradually take home grown and even properly intensive farmed animals out of our hands and into those who would wish to drive us all into total dependancy on an authority outside of our influence and against our best interests.

A few weeks ago, on our regular trip to collect spring water near by, a little old lady who must have had the most beautiful chucks, as the colour of her eggs were varied and superb, had stopped posting boxes of their multi coloured eggs in a roadside honesty box. We put it down to winter non-production, yet I realise now that her beautiful birds were no longer, as she, poor dear had believed the tripe of culling such creatures for the sake of bird flu, H5N1.

Her obedience to our tyrannical government became yet one more scam they pulled on an old dear and us all.

This bullshit follows in the path of so much false guidance – think Covid-1984, and the recent foot and mouth disease, mad cow etc.

Yes there can be detrimental disasters in farming, yet more and more they implement disarming and destruction of homesteaders, free farming and anything that lies outside of their control and reach.

Well, as with their edicts of jabbing, masking and separation of family friends and community, it is time to stand up and tell them to bugger off with their control freak ways to cull us at very turn and twist. Do not fall for their looking after our best interests, they never have and never will.

Thankfully for all those that have or might be affected there is yet one more process that will aid everyone to challenge this specious lie and coercion. I refer you to a Notice of Conditional Acceptance that will place them all on a path to receiving justice for their wrongdoing. If you do not own birds then let all those you know who do that this sort of mendacious practice has lawful outcomes for those that feel they can play God with us all.

So many are now becoming aware of the deceit and murderous intent contained in the JibJab fraud, so it is now we must step up and refuse to believe their lies any longer.

Are we to tolerate this criminality any longer? No! if we care for ourselves, our families and our children’s futures. Start using this NoCA, all who have birds and all who care for our families of bird relations.

We have to, like our Dutch cousins and French farmers, stand fast and say “No, not in our name“. Are we, obedient servants to tyrants, able to become the strength we believe we have been, or are we going to just roll over and demand being shafted for the ‘enth time?

Your call!

Once a Nazi Always a Nazi

The bug word Nazi and all that it has been dressed up to be believed has, like the Holocaust story, been the big bad wolf that the little red riding hoods of us all, the people of the world, mostly the Western world, have been brought up to believe were the sores and scourges of all evil. We have been told by those that have propagated these things that we must learn the lessons of history and make sure that it never happens again. You know the same old shit of never again, never again.

Well, what a surprise to learn from pathological inveterate liars. This was all just another cover-up lie fed to the unassuming, the starving hungry masses, the illiterate when it comes to true history.

Now I may be, to many, going out on a limb here but bear with me. You see looking back on reasonably recent history we can look at the archeological remnants of what passes as the past and see an inveterate pattern reading an altogether other story.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, as the saying goes. Those who have been wielding power for many decades and gaining a huge foothold over the Western world find themselves in a position where they are reaping that power through all sorts of means, well tested and tried. Looking back we have excursions of power grab that brought the Bolsheviks to power, through the revolution and slaughter of the crown, in its aspect of the Tsar. In passing it was the what would morph into MI6 that was directly responsible for the slaughter of the whole family, but more of that later.

Then there were the Boer Wars, WW1,WW2 and so many other belligerences littered across the globe as to demonstrate this was much more than a mere transition to democracy and freedom. Far more, it was the principle of Nazism, being infected and perfected over all these global and local adventures that have landed us here today with the West supporting their Nazi stormtroopers in Ukraine. My objective is not to go into the long history of the British perfecting what today can be seen as a goal of reinstating the Empire, so emphatically lost years ago, it is merely to illustrate how the horrors of utilising all that we are told is Nazism, for their end goals, is now the main agenda to Agenda 30 and beyond.

One aspect of what is happening today is that the same nascent MI6 that used its assets to assassinate the Russian royals, are the very same plotting and executing with their Ukrainian patsies, the criminal terrorism in Crimea, Maidan, Zaporozhye NPP and the Sevastopol Black Sea. The British have, through their subversive and terrorist excursions placed the British people in direct response by Russia. Their placement of overt arms and military assistance, along with their American criminal partners is a goading too far and far too dangerous for the whole world.

We have to go back to the start of the East India company, through to the rise of the Rothschilds who, by deceit, bought out the Bank of England after Waterloo, having convinced the British they had lost to Napoleon, before the British messenger arrived back with news of victory – too late. From that moment on the Khazarian mafia took over the British banking system (control) and spread itself through formation of the B.I.S (Bank of International Settlements), to own and operate all banking virtually worldwide. Through this blanket control money, finance and manipulator of every vestige of power was harnessed.

There has remained on the planet only two sovereign states. Two countries that have never ceded their sovereignty. These are Russia and England. It has always been and continues to be the ambition of England to take down, over and plunder Russia for all its natural wealth and landmass. Russiaphobia was started in earnest in Napoleonic times by the British and has never stopped. The enmity Britain holds for Russia is legendary, no matter what sweet lickspittle words emanate from the Foreign Office. The British have always put across their ‘fairness’, diplomatic skillsets, you name the BS, yet truth is they have been the Brutus to a Russian Caesar. The difference with that analogy is that Russia will never allow anyone, let alone the treacherous Brits to stab them in the back.

What we see in Ukraine at the moment is the full force of using their Nazi loving tools to do the work of taking down the Russians. 

You might say that the USA is the main instigator of world domination. Yes, I agree they have been the front line of interference with so many countries they had no right to invade or coerce. It is good to remember the US is made up mostly by immigrants from the Mayflower onwards, discounting Columbus and all that rag tag European cockroach infestation. These immigrants were some of the many who spread the City of London financial and British legal apparatus with their arrival.

We can see the WW1 and WWII as attempts and experiments as to how to decimate the populations at the same time as use their putrid exterminations and bestial cruelty to fashion a world where power and domination were king. The fact that the royal ruler puppets in the UK and Europe were all related, made no odds. If it takes killing your cousin the Tsar, so be it. If it takes creating dissent with the Kaiser, your cousin, let it be. Blood may be thick but history shows us that it is also the cruellest and mendacious criminal.

So then, we have the Nazi element. Hitler and his war machine were set up by corporate America to expand. The British knew Adolf to be the patsy for their ends, even the Royals supported their ‘stooge’ in Berlin, until warned off in no uncertain terms by the mafiosi.

Why do you think the whole West, including most of the EU puppets and Australasian leaders are so obedient to the Ukraine Nazi line? Nazism never died in 1945, it merely hibernated and was fed to rise again. Yet, we the people have been brainwashed to believe the narrative of good and evil by the very band of monsters that are the evil. This way leads to obliteration through the sword, the jib jab and all other modern technological means we are persuaded to follow, keeping us safe and eventually dead.

So as Russia protects the world that refuses to buy into the travesties the Western psychopaths endeavour to inflict on us all, the world waits to see if the maniacs really will throw themselves fully into confrontation with a country that is all that stands between our collective evolution or obliteration. 

Nukes, now we know how close Hitler was to creating the final solution, it just would not be in his gift to complete. No, the Americans needed to show that their arrogant, power hungry greed would be the one to show they held ultimate power. They continue to allow their Nazi puppets to continue shedding blood for those that will never lead from the front. But death will come to all those bunkering down and throwing forward the cannon fodder and treasure of the people.

Dead Birds Never Fall Out of Their Nests

So the Prince of Wales, aka Willy Royal meets with All Time Forgetter, Joey Bidet against a background of faceless urbanage that they will tell you is somewhere in the Great State of America.

This solemn occasion is meant to start a whole conversation about fighting against climate change. How an upper crust toff who has little desire for looking after his relationship with damning imbalance in privilege and wealth and a senile old fuddy duddy, who cannot string a coherent sentence together without large font notes or a teleprompter, could possibly make a conversation that has any pertinence to sense.

It is a sign of the times that we even are presented with such scenarios. Their world is so far poles apart from ours as to make any pole shift ongoing irretrievably impossible towards any alignment.

You see the saddest thing is that while these two and so many millions of ill-informed, or straight-out deniers refuse to even consider that it is the very pole shifts, along with cosmic weather changes that are and always have been the responsible parties for such changes that we have been experiencing and will continue to do so. The very fact that it is not and will never be in human gift to effect changing the natural order, that those that rule us and wish to have dominion over us, wish we never get to know these truths.

Why? Because that will certainly show all of us that those professing protection of us all, have not one iota of ability to control the uncontrollable. By that fact they lose their power over us and expose their own emperor’s new clothes.

Inflicting power and control through deceit, lies and treachery is always bound to fail, no matter how tight the grip is. These standard bearers for the walking dead are no exception.


Go seek the real procurer of change in our world’s natural order – Climate forcing!
Suspicious 0bservers


Meanwhile back in Propaganda Ponziland the efforts to distract, confuse and make us shamed as hell that it is all down to us and cow farts, as to why we are heading to hell in a hand basket, even more money making ‘solutions’ are laid on us as the very criminals that procure their complete disregard for solutions to aid our integration and balance with Nature, march on in their shit pile of waste.

Every one of their conferences, get togethers and the rest are accompanied by super private jets zooming in and out with compunction. Their motorcades denying any other solution than what they have their own pincers of the patents. Energy emergencies procured by their myopic sanctions regimes created by themselves on their perceived enemy.

The objective here with all things anti-Russian is to destroy a sovereign state and pillage all the natural resources with no acknowledgment of who truly stewards it.

Oil has never been a fossil fuel, merely designated as such to imply finite resource. Oil is the life blood of the planet and not being fossil, always renews and resupplies – one huge lie spread on us all, because the controlled science says so. Bullshite of the highest degree. Research it, don’t swallow it.

As much as they love to control everything in their name of power, there is arising a global recognition, by way of internationally recognised treaty that will not only expunge these criminal lesions but will also free up all hidden and suppressed technology for the betterment of humanity and the advancement of all.

As we hurtle headlong into another year of change, let us remind ourselves – we shall become free, we shall take down this evil empire fuelling entity that is all but on its last legs. Only we the people can achieve this, not by killing each other but enabling each other to reach for their best selves.

It is an endeavour and choice, no less. If you desire it enough you will take all steps needed to attain it. It is facing us, it has been prepared, its base and roots, now it is for each and every one of us to place ourselves in the position of driver, to reach those goals.

Still waiting for the criminal powers to sort things out, give us all the best deal we could wish for?

Well, if that is the case, I’ll see you the other side of Hell.

As for dead birds, well, as my uncle used to say, they never fall out of their nests – and that was when it was spied his flies were undone. You see he never fell for any of this crap, he had a shield, a shield of humour that carried us all into the land of hilarity, never the land of terror.
Oh, and as a final note, if you want hilarity, humour that ridicules the status quo and is banned because it tells so much truth then you can do no better than the Speakeasy Comedy Club – at a pop up near you throughout the year

Remembrance Day – Remembering What Exactly?

Like clockwork November 11th comes round like a sick reminder as to how we learn barely any lessons from history.

For all those feeling that sentence is sacrilege, then I ask you what the hell are we remembering? You might posit we are remembering all the pointless loss of life in a war, so archaic, so 19th century as to be what it always was – slaughter of the people as cannon fodder to higher plans of world domination only the few were privileged to be the ‘need to know’ class. That does not include the examples that followed of senseless murder, genocide and concocted excuses to slaughter the greater part of the human race.

At this stage I am not going to give you a history lesson as to how every conflict created has nothing to do with freedom and democracy, or whatever paltry excuse they concoct, but has everything to do with world order domination, ‘rule based order’ (wtf that even means) and the desire to eventually turn the world population, what’s left of it, into an even greater slave class that it has already acceded to, by compliant choice.

On our televisions we see everyone from talking heads to guests, to celebrity appearances donning the red poppy, in green leaves. Even the popular movement to have huge poppies adorning every high street on lampposts and the like, villages condescendingly displaying them at every corner and the ubiquitous metal-silhouetted soldier with bayonet, paraded everywhere to show the collective conditioned response to faux propriety.

Tell me about how I must feel empathy for the dead and gone in a war that is over 100 years old, tell me how I must bow low and be silent in the face of useless adventures created by those in comfortable chairs, while their soldiers are mown down for false flag, inexcusable follies of hubris and endless interventions, on behalf of ‘demokracy and freedum’. Tell me I must be, yes, must be respectful of the dead and I shall reply “Why?” – why must I be respectful of the most goddamn atrocious acts of war game psychos whose interest is as far from saving our freedoms but as close as binding our slave and servant status to their unholy plans for all.

If that is still not evident to the generations having to cow-tow to this insanity, then may all the coming destruction and folly they believe, will finally reap their rotten harvest.

Today we are faced with, as we all were way back in 1815, and probably before, the situation where the only two countries that had not already surrendered their sovereignty were about to be engaged in a very one sided war of destruction. That objective was for one of them to destroy the other’s sovereignty by way of rape, pillage and robbery of the natural resources that came with that destruction.

Fortunately for the world that did not take place, yet warfare by way of Russophobia had begun in earnest and continues to this day. Of course Russia was one of those two parties. The other? England!

So to hear that the British MI6 are evidentially responsible for the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline is no surprise to those that know the score, especially as it is now known they were the ones, MI6, that committed the murder of the Tsar and his family, way back. The British Secret Services are also active members in both the Crimean Bridge and the attack on Sevastopol maritime engagements, initiates way more than enough for a casus belli for Russia.

So while our leaders tell us through their propaganda channels how evil Putin is, how Russia wishes to conquer the world, the truth is nothing anywhere near this description. Yet, so many have repeatedly been told this lie as truth, it, like so much other BS becomes the defined truth, while remaining utter bollocks.

Russia is no way as intent on Empire building as the British have been for centuries continuing to think they are able, in their present position of inflated rodents.

Russia’s ability to monitor deep into the British, US, NATO and allies’ actions is no surprise. Forever the cries of the Russiaphobic Western elites yell “It’s Russia, Russia, Russia,” becomes as boring as any BS spouted often enough, as to be suckered in by the ignorant millions.

Russia knows precisely what is going down on a daily basis, and any intelligence sources worth its salt, would be remiss to be any other. The great dreamy belief that the James Bond Services the British have are the best in the world is wishful thinking on steroids. Even the Spetznaz are way more efficient than the British SAS and US equivalents.


When Russia won the Great Patriotic War for the West in 1945, the swiftness of the West to ignore the monumental sacrifice that took Russian souls, in excess of 27 million, and the subsequent treatment of thanks (hardly), was as pernicious as the venom of hatred for such saviours have ever been dealt out.

To get back to the propagandised poppy brigades, today we are facing remembering genocidal follies and crass evil tyrannies continuing to inculcate into millions minds forcing them to remember all the fallen, through our gratitude, when the very same tyrants slagged off Russia (then the USSR) for saving global butt.

Lest we forget that it was the very same actors in the West that instigated the Bolsheviks into revolution and subsequent power. Their experiment with ‘communism’ was tested for results. With the very Western corporations rebuilding the German war machine, following WW1 and the futile Treaty of Versailles, their plague of upping the ante continued apace right up to today.

The irony, not lost on those who research these things is that both world wars and pretty much all confrontations since have been concocted and executed as sick ‘experiments’ as to how much the people of the world can suck in and get behind and under, even via death. Such tyrannies today practice these exercises ongoing – be it VAX tyranny, constant ‘enemy’ identification (code for those that do not buy the agenda), global warming disaster warnings, all sorts of ‘deadly’ pandemics, curses that must be fought and won against, gender bending, DNA restructuring – you name it, they practice it.

Lest We Forget!

Poppy Day is merely yet one more insidious mind game being promoted on all the TV and Press media around the West. Not many people know that no one at this time of year is allowed public airing unless they wear the ubiquitous poppy on screen.

Control or free choice, you answer that!

This symbol of tyrannical overlording is now as pernicious as the mask wearing so many endured and died from and will continue to die from today and forward. Death by self-created lab doses is today’s bullet in the trenches. Its well covered, yet now exposed death dealing, along with the jib jabs will continue to haunt the gullible and the knowing for decades.

Sadly there will be no floral reminder of such genocidal swipes persecuting millions, if not billions over the past century or so.

What is left is for the growing exposure of such criminality to finally wake up those left on the field of battle.

Wilfred Owen

Move him into the sun—
Gently its touch awoke him once,
At home, whispering of fields unsown.
Always it woke him, even in France,
Until this morning and this snow.
If anything might rouse him now
The kind old sun will know.

Think how it wakes the seeds—
Woke once the clays of a cold star.
Are limbs, so dear-achieved, are sides
Full-nerved, still warm, too hard to stir?
Was it for this the clay grew tall?
—O what made fatuous sunbeams toil
To break earth's sleep at all?


Reasons to Be Joyful – Part the Next

My youthful life had the pleasure (seriously yes, real self-education) of being brought up through the English Public School system. A system that honed skills in recognising bull-shite, platitudes and a complete disregard for decency, even it produced the present Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy *unt, as head boy. (QED)

The art of waltzing round a pin head, recognising its existence yet denying its place and meaning at the centre of whatever subject was up for discussion was an eye opening experience, richly to be rewarded in later life. The utter arrogance, of considering oneself better than others, enabled such criminal deniers to foster a place for themselves within the upper echelons of what their forebears had created and furnished, while at the same time taking usurped ownership for any and all rightness of actions “in the public interest”.

I would like to take this expression, so fondly tossed around, like a fox at the end of a hunt, signifying their actions were for the highest good, for the express betterment of the people and show it for the disdain it covers. You see, when we take the word ‘public’ in this context or any other context that camouflages ‘the people’, there is a deliberate attempt to not only refuse acknowledgment of a position granted by the people to such positions of trust, but also the arrant attempt to inflict a them and us division merely creating such censorious uttering contemptible to the people.

When dancing around said pin and denying its existence, at the same time as being utterly aware of its annoying existence, there writ large is disdain. Actions proceeding from such vile observance and practice, merely curses all and their decisions to the bonfire.

Such actions back then, I had been taught and encouraged to act out in classes rightly, were given the name of classic political debate. This became an anathema for me and I refused to partake. If truth be told, the ability to smell BS, even at an early age, was one of the gifts my parents had engrained in me from an earlier age. Its sharp application would become one of my trusted weapons as my life took me into the rat-infested corridors of Fleet Street in the early 70s.

I relate this small part of my history, to further explain my present journey, as part of a magnificent team and growing community, whose absorption is to face off, expose and ultimately take down a system of rule that has kept us all in thrall for over a thousand years. Its efforts are now at the crucial point of exposure, behind which there has been progress and events that will, when made public, reveal the extent, the depth and the criminality of, what is laughingly termed ‘democracy and the democratic process‘.

Historically, tyranny and empire have been with us and over us, since the unsuccessful attempts of the Roman Empire to conquer these Isles. Our history has been served us by those that wished to rule over and subject us all to their conformity and remuneration. Yet, if we all knew the factual and true history, it might not have been such a pushover for them.

No matter how much we have all been traduced, today we stand at the point of release, the nexus of change for those that see it and know it. A release from centuries of oppression, pretended freedoms under a jackboot of caring less, ignoring more and arrogant disdain and abuse of The People.

Today from all over these islands, hidden by zero coverage from media we are now so privileged to have access to, a fundamental revolution has not only fermented but has also reached a point where, cornered and entrapped in a position of inability to escape truth the very elements that became puppets to their own puppet masters, each grovel, grapple and attempt to escape with their own arses clear of the destruction ahead.

This is and has been, all along a peaceful revolution, the single only example in our history. This fact alone designates victory. All other attempts down our collective historical line never took place without bloodshed. As much as the present fields of combat have included as their sorry result, deaths through policy and pragmatic criminality, the blood shed to make change happen has mercifully not been a part of that process.

Many of us recognise that distraction from the reality of what the enemy wishes us not to see is working on steroids presently. We see the energised application of rightness to feel we are part of a war against humanity by those very exemplars painted as totalitarian, regimes of tyrannical self serving power. This attempt to distract each and every quality we are persuaded the ‘enemy’ is, merely is a mirror reversed on those that quack, ‘for our safety, protection and good’.

That we have had decades entrained into believing such quackery must come down to each and every one of us who have bought, demands questioning our individual critical capacities to see through the lies and distractions.

As I began by sharing, having been brought up in the sort of mindset and surroundings, where those who were to go on and become part of this elitist sector of our society, it made me aware how pernicious the whole specialness, separation and ultimate contempt for the vast majority could turn out to be. In spite of generations of my family to have been brought up through this system, I am proud to know that the very same heritage contains some of the greatest warriors against such division. On the fact that my own father sacrificed much of the family remains of what could have laughingly been called ‘wealth’ on my siblings and my own education, now at least in my case it has given me privileged access to the MO of such an evil part of our collective lives. This experience now enables me, in my later years, to know the enemy ranged against us all, meet them with fearless face and cause them to quiver and retreat.

‘How so?’ you may ask.

Through the fact of ‘one of theirs’, in spite of having been offered, behind closed doors, enticements of the thirty shekel variety and all sorts of the usual bribes, turn on them with a commitment to take them down. The incredulity, fear and panic I saw on those faces that day, at the fact I could never be turned, even today brings a smile to my face. That I am joined at the hip with their two other terror-inducing enemies, the Scousers and Geordies, makes my heart and soul sing. All I now look forward to is the knowledge we know becoming the sweet knowledge and awareness for all. That moment must be very soon.

In spite of the several attempts at silencing us individually and collectively, the idea set in motion like all brilliant ideas, can never be extinguished nor indeed never will be.

Fearlessness, Truth and Humour

As we enter these final face-offs, the challenges that will most certainly bring about change none of us has ever experienced and had the pleasure to enjoy, again I implore all to don the armour of fearlessness, Wield the sword of truth in your hand and carry the shield of humour at your breast. With these three weapons we shall bring down that which has been a curse on the house of humanity, a virus to the hearts and minds of us all and the jailor of our souls’s purpose we all incarnated to deliver.

To paraphrase Shakespeare’s cry of Mark Anthony in Julius Caesar –

“Cry Freedom and unleash the lions of Natural Law”.

How apposite it came from one warrior, who regretted his part in Caesar’s downfall. Now is the moment for us all to take up arms, if not already mobilised to do so, and cause the greatest change humanity has witnessed in centuries. A change that, embedded in these British Isles, will cause such a profound domino effect as to ricochet around the world, through cries of “I want to be part of this glory!” until it manifests so.

Contrary to popular belief, taking down a pyramid of demonic power, although arduous and lengthy, is never impossible!


For all of us – the following links are not only the lifesaver but our collective future, for life.
Engage and enjoy!

Universal Community Trust – The bedrock

An autonomous Financial Bridge guiding us through to transition
Updates of all processes
P.U.B.s developing actions here
The Bernician – all actions here

Fearlessness – The Single Tool of Success

Today we are surrounded by talking heads, political babblers, spouters of distractive enterprises for solutions to problems existing and not yet created. The result of all this? Confusion, befuddlement and rank fear of outcomes.

It is this very fear that is the cause of inaction, numbness and the total lack of redress needed to stop the shite being thrown at us. As targets, the general population is the very epitome of those locked in stocks, victim to the rotten fruit, veg and eggs thrown by those that mock us, at the same time as pretending to have our best interest at heart.

Pummelled long enough, many just give up and allow the contents thrown by the ruling elites, to maintain unmissable targets. The humiliation and embarrassment get to the point whereby admitting we have allowed all this becomes a far greater hurdle than meekly submitting to more and more.

Can you imagine the spineless, pathetic, programmed resistance now in place? What precisely is the act that will stir the populace to indignation at being the bully’s butthead? It seems at this moment the denial of death being the outcome of so many violations, is better than reminding ourselves who created this outcome.

In a war zone the recognition that we, the target, are vulnerable, accountable to the inflictions of the enemy only dawns when the bomb drops, rarely before. The thought that silence is our armour, compliance our guarantee, shields us like a sieve used to stop water flowing through it.

There is no honour or self-satisfaction in being deaf, dumb and blind cowards. No heroic stance in saying “Yes sir, No sir, three bags full, sir.” No matter how emboldened you may feel by having a crowd of yapping lapdogs by your side, it will never protect you from the outcomes you invite by such a*licking subservience and denial of any responsibility to self-serving, arrogant abuse, egotistical enterprise being spread over you, like Marmite on toast.

It only requires, while swatting round for ways out, forward or the comfort of standing still, the recognition that we all carry the solution within. A solution, mark you, so powerful, so arresting that even the strongest concrete wall, iron barricade could not match. Imagining that sort of strength and power within, most likely is enough to frighten the creature we have cultivated to be our self.

Robbie Burns comes to mind:

Wee, sleeket, cowran, tim’rous beastie,
O, what a panic’s in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty,
Wi’ bickerin brattle!
I wad be laith to rin an’ chase thee
Wi’ murd’ring pattle!

Within the confusion, the purposeful injection of fear, fear and more fear and untruths supporting its fragile argument, the people, no matter where, are bombarded into obsequious obedience. While this is the sauce and flavour of their attack, we never seem to be able to switch on the ultimate WMD – our own Weapon of Mass Destruction – Fearlessness.

Until we can dress in that armour, give it full voice and resonance, we merely become another lemming to the slaughter.

Developing fearlessness needs the persistent application of “I don’t give a F*** to your rules, impositions, demands that take away my freedom. I reject your demands for me to be and remain a slave to your system.” To stand and be counted demands absolute fearlessness.

Comfort is not the place we presently need to nurture. Our own sanity and survival is. Whatever it takes, we must march towards it with belief, self-determination that we shall never inflict these conditions and times on our children, theirs and their children.

We need today to be the very inverse of the Me, Me, Me generations and attitudes. This whole aspect is the utter revolting manipulation that conforms people to an idea that – I am the most important entity in the universe – and for their needs, the social system marked out for you.

What is essential is to develop every part of our wellbeing into self-awareness, self-responsibility and recognising and bonding with the community around us.

Margaret Thatcher’s famous words “There is no such thing as society” led us all into the selfish, greed grabbing, no care for others space we are now all soaked in.

We survive and thrive best within a healthy society. That society is community that shares, supports and uplifts each to the other. A healthy, supportive community no matter how small or large exudes health and wealth on every level.

Poverty though looking and feeling real is a manipulated condition. There is enough for us all. Distribution and means of the same is the true barrier for thriving life. Banks use their usury to deplete us, mortgages are as fraudulent as these banks. Corruption within the corridors of power endemic to create the divide we call them and us. Equity is being squeezed out of all existence. Equality has nothing to do with alphabet acronyms, these all are mere divisions and distractions from looking full front and directly at the emperor without a stitch on.

We must stand for the values inherent in our true being, direct all our efforts to cultivate these values with ourselves and through the application of fearlessness, let it become our natural state. Let go of the distractions, leave behind the fearful nature, too long held close and for us all to become lighthouses, dispelling darkness so many take as normal.

Imagine and make manifest the armour of fearlessness, hold the sword of truth in our hands and carry the shield of humour to laugh off any attempts to belittle the giant within.

Never doubt nor accept the cries of “It’s not that simple”, “Those ranged against us are too powerful” and others. These are the phantoms we could have believed in, lacking the knowledge we are far mightier than all those hopeless appeals.

Do it, become it and change your world.

Grow as you were born to!

To help you in your magnificent quest, give yourself the protection of an impermeable wall, behind which you are protected in every way others might try and show you that you are not.

Embed your sovereign being within Universal Community Trust – share and offer all your worth no matter how that manifests.