We are Not  at War with Ukraine

DT d .Kulikov-VZ-T.Sergeytsev [translated by Jonathan Trapman]
We are at war with the United States of America. It’s just that the United States is fighting with someone else’s hands, putting weapons in these hands and charging the leaders of the inhabitants of Ukraine with Russophobia as a sufficient motive to kill Russians.

This is how the Anglo-Saxons have always tried to do in their history – to fight with their opponent with someone else’s hands. This is the cornerstone principle of the Anglo-Saxon world.

In 2014, the United States ordered Poroshenko to bomb Donbass. Poroshenko fulfilled it. 

So the USA attacked us, starting to kill Russians en masse. We defeated the American mercenaries near Ilovaisk and Debaltseve, forced them to a truce. 

For 8 long years we have been on the defensive, trying to achieve peace. The rise to power of Biden and his administration meant the seizure of power in the United States by the war party. Biden was the father of Maidan, and his mother was Nuland. 

All these years, Biden has nurtured and nurtured the Poroshenko regime. When Biden came to power, active preparations began for a second attack on Donbass, and therefore on us. 

“If a fight is inevitable, strike first.”

So we did. We began to advance, solving the problem of eliminating the deadly threat. It was impossible to delay any longer.

What is happening now in the informational and psychological environment of Ukraine is determined by the crimes of the Maidan and the genocide of the people of Donbass during those 8 years. 

The Bandera-Nazi regime has its hands up to the elbows in the blood of the Russian people of Donbass. Not just the ringleaders. More than 400 thousand people were allowed to take part in the fighting in the Donbass. 

All of them are bound by the blood of this war. Many of them committed war crimes and carried out criminal orders. They know about it. They are very afraid that they will have to answer. 

The purpose of our operation is denazification – this means punishment for crimes, and the punishment is severe. There is no moratorium on the death penalty in the republics of Donbass.
But it is not only the ruling group, not only war criminals and war veterans that are afraid of retribution. In terrible fear of having to answer – up to half of the population of the territory called Ukraine.

Intellectuals, government officials, deputies of all levels, journalists, ordinary people over these 8 years, starting with the Maidan, have called many times for the destruction of Donbass and Russia, for the murder of Russians. They approved the burning of people in Odessa, the genocide in the Donbass. They boasted and dreamed about how they would burn Moscow, ride tanks on it and destroy the Kremlin. All this is available on the Internet and in the relevant criminal cases of investigative bodies of the Russian Federation and republics, investigative and operational cases of Russian and republican security agencies. 

The Western masters told them: either you fight or the Russians will come and remind you of everything  you have done and execute everyone. Mass psychosis and mass entry into the ranks of the the defence of the inhabitants of Ukraine is motivated by a collective sense of guilt and fear of punishment. This is the phenomenon of the defence of Berlin in 1945 with the general mobilization of everyone, and even those unable to bear arms, to protect the Führer and the Reich Chancellery. 

The main motive is to fight, because the Russians will come and destroy you, because they will not forgive us for everything we have done. All resistance is built on a sense of fear not only before the court, but also before their relatives and acquaintances, before whom all these years they have demonstrated their Ukrainianism, Banderism and hatred of Muscovites, separatist, collaborators and quilted jackets. This collective fear is the basis of today’s collective madness. In which the belief in acceptance into the EU, in a miracle weapon (Western sanctions) rides alongside the simultaneous horror that everything is gone and defeat is inevitable.

The United States and the West, like parasites,  are piggy backing on this. They promise weapons and push Ukrainians to mass death, for the glory and benefit of the United States. The Americans consider the death of Ukrainians with the maximum harm inflicted on us by the Russians as the next stage of their war against us, with the aim of destroying Russia and our civilisation. 

We can seriously weaken the West and inflict a powerful defeat on it only by winning the battle on the territory of the former USSR. There is no more important task now for our army, for our state and for our people. It is important to be aware of this.

The 1000 Year”Drang Nach Osten” – Is It Over?

Original article The Avanturist [Translated by Dmitry Orlov]

Since we are at a turning point in world history, here are some thoughts. Just thinking out loud, without detailed arguments, graphs and protracted discussions. No time for that!

First, a couple of words about the Ukraine, because it is the hottest topic. Smart people have been warning the Ukrainians for 20 years. If they did not hear and did not understand, they alone are to blame.
I believe that the decisions taken by the Kremlin were correct and timely, and the good results are plain to see. 

A few more days and the military operation will end with the liquidation of the Comedic Reich, war crimes tribunals, and a complete reset of the Ukrainian project. Part of the Ukrainian regions will sail off in the general direction of eventual integration into Russia. Another part will form a new Ukraine in the form of, formally, a federation, but in fact a confederation. Naturally, its constitution will be written in Moscow, it will sign treaties of eternal friendship with it, it will host permanent Russian military bases, etc. Basically, this should not take much time, except for the re-education of the deluded masses.

And now the important news on the current Western economic attack on Russia and its consequences. The West is striking out very hard and will go on doing so. And the consequences will be catastrophic for us already in the medium term—let us not harbor illusions. The British, on behalf of the entire merry band of thieves, said that they would not rest until they have destroyed the Russian economy—and we should take them at their word. This is an open declaration of war with the goal of the complete destruction of Russia. If we answer civilly and moderately, as we have done before, then Russia will be defeated outright within 3-5 years.

But there is an important consideration. Never—never!—in all 1000 years of East-West confrontation, has the West started a war against Russia from such a weak, vulnerable and I would even say hopeless position. It is just that for some weird reason they are seriously hoping that we will play by their rules and quietly die in a corner.

To be honest, we don’t have that many means of bringing them to see the light. We could close our airspace. This would please the Asian airlines and ruin half of the European ones in 2-3 years: unpleasant but not fatal. We could confiscate all the property of Europeans and Americans in Russia. Again, this would be unpleasant, but no one would die on a grand scale. We could stop supplying aluminum, nickel, titanium, palladium, etc. They would suffer in the short term, but then they would change their logistics and, in spite of additional costs, get everything they need in the right volumes. We could introduce a ban on the supply of fertilizers and grain. Tough, but the European poor would just pay double for food—what else would they do? All of these measures can and should be taken, but these are nothing more than slightly painful pokes and prods. And most importantly, the tangible consequences of most of these pokes and prods will not be felt immediately. What’s needed is a single quick and convincing blow with an oar to the temple. Everyone knows what that would be like, but not everyone understands how it would end and how quickly.

The Eurocrats have calculated that if Russia cut off natural gas to the EU, it would have enough reserves for six weeks, and then help would arrive in the form of LNG from all over the world. They would suffer for a month and a half but would muddle through. And Russia would go bankrupt without gas revenues. Well, well! In fact, everything play out a little differently.

First of all, our naïve little friends, who said that it would just be the natural gas? If the Kremlin flips the switch, it will cut off everything at once: natural gas, crude oil, fuels and lubricants, coal, alternative fuels and electricity. They don’t even have to stop deliveries, but simply switch to prepayment in physical gold—without violating their supply contracts. If Russia is cut off from SWIFT, it won’t be able to accept money for payment. Europe has enough gold for just for 3-4 months. That’s the way to rolling them: turn off their lights, but formally simply change the means of payment to a more reliable one because of force majeure. So sorry, but you brought it upon yourselves.

And now, the consequences. These will arrive not in 6 weeks, and not even in 6 days, but literally within hours, as prices for fuel, gas and electricity in Europe and the US will skyrocket. Don’t we know how dealers, speculators and other brokers react to such news? Shortly thereafter, battles over gasoline will begin at gas stations, up to and including the use of firearms. At most a few days later public transportation and freight will stop running. Since all supermarkets work from a warehouse on wheels, and there will be no means for delivering goods, it will not take long for shelves in the stores to be swept clean. Any delivery truck that manages to breaks through to a shop will be looted right in the street.

Two such presents in just the first few days are already sure to be met with jubilation by the general population. But don’t worry, folks, a few more surprises are on the way. Specifically, $5,000-10,000 per thousand cubic meters for natural gas on the spot market and a correspondingly high price for electricity. What can be produced at such energy prices. That’s right, nothing! The entire industrial sector will stop at once, with mass layoffs. Without products, there will be no need for services: good-bye, small business! And so on down the food chain.

All of these suddenly liberated workers, in an amount of slightly less than 100% of the previously employed population, will find themselves sitting on their last can of gasoline with about a few cans of spam they won in a fistfight, looking at their layoff notice and thinking at their leisure about the impossibility of paying their utility bills, which have increased tenfold and are slightly more than their bank account balance.

Let’s not even mention such trifles as the collapse of the financial markets which are now so precarious that a mere loud sneeze could collapse them by 60-70% in a month; or commodity inflation, which within days can turn into hyperinflation; or a severe shortage of fertilizers and fuels and lubricants for planting, guaranteeing crop failure of grain and other foods come harvest time. And so on along the path of full Somaliaization of Western economies.

Are the bureaucrats ensconced in Brussels and Paris so sure that the population will meekly and patiently wait for tankers to arrive from the US? Will those tankers definitely come? Will they really help out? And what if Russia does not just introduce a trade embargo but immediately follow it up with a continental blockade? Russia could simply declare that no tankers need to go to Europe and Japan just yet because we wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to them. Will private traders and vessel owners ignore this message? Perhaps at first, until a test firing of a Kaliber missile nearby causes them to suddenly remember that China had also asked them for some oil and gas.

Thinking that the EU will be able to hold out for 6 weeks would amount to drug-addled optimism. The consequences of such an embargo-cum-blockade would be comparable to a massive nuclear strike and would cause the EU to collapse in a few weeks, maybe even days. The fashionable head cold, lockdowns, restrictions, financial losses, the uncertainty of the future and other pleasures of the last two years have brought a significant part of the population in Europe very close to the brink of a nervous breakdown. Russia’s participation can push it across it. Why watch chaos on TV—as it unfolds in the Ukraine—when you can watch it live right at home? Given all of that, in a couple of months, somebody much fatter than the Ukraine will be sign an unconditional surrender.

And then it will be time to talk about lifting the sanctions, about disbanding NATO, about the political status of Eastern Europe, about ending American presence in Europe, and about Western reparations for all of the damage caused to Russia since the time of Alexander Nevsky (1221-63). Russia might accept payment in gold, lands, intellectual property, people—whatever it needs. Smart people have been warning Western fools for 20 years now that the world is heading into a resource crisis. There is no need to quarrel with those who control the resources and can protect them with harsh measures and, moreover, can simply cut you off.

Considering that Putin went for broke in the Ukraine, which is something that practically no one expected him to do, there is every reason to expect that he will also raise the stakes with Russia’s eternal Western “friends.” Right now, Russia has a realistic chance to close out the millennium of “Drang nach Osten” once and for all, present all bills for payment, and start building a new world order that will be convenient and beneficial for it. 

The winner will write the rules while everyone will gets to look up to him and to try to be friends with him.

How long will this take? Well, if the Ukraine is buttoned up by March 2nd, then Russia could turn the valve on the EU and Japan by the following weekend. And then by April Fool’s there should be a delegation of fools arriving at the Kremlin, ready to sign whatever is on offer. And then everything should be fine by summer. By the way, this would also be a perfect time for China to get back Taiwan. And then maybe Russia could get back Alaska and California.

Murderous Attempt By Three Duplicitous Traitors To Steal PCP Evidence

Article written by Michael O’Bernicia @The Bernician

Can anybody remember the name of that Irish DJ posing as a serious journalist, who crawled up PPE importer Simon Dolan’s arse, said I was full of shit and the PCP evidence we had amassed would go nowhere, shortly before disappearing into obscurity because his audience turned on him for being such a treacherous bastard?

No, me neither. The furthest I get is Bitchy Fallen.

Well, the same bullshit allegations are currently being bandied about by three duplicitous traitors who claimed to be working towards the same ends as UCT and the PCP team, one of whom recently survived an attempt to murder him with poison, shortly before an event in August, which they all attended.

Same Shit, Different Decade
However, whilst we don’t have any hard and fast evidence of malice aforethought [yet], each one of the three women concerned is now deeply implicated in a criminal conspiracy to steal the evidence we have amassed in the case against the Midazolam murderers, to derail my three notice processes to stop mandatory vaxxes in care homes and vaxxing in schools and to murder at least one of the three core PCP team members.

It naturally follows that these people are either working for the secret services, Common Purpose or the Rothschild cartel, in which case they are unequivocally not to be trusted and should be immediately blocked, unfollowed and unsubscribed to with immediate effect, in the event you have been supporting their work.

According to an establishment renegade who has reached out to us, it is agents of the Rothschild cartel who are at work, as there are powerful people within MI5 who want to help us bring down the cartel because they’ve been shafted by Lloyds and other protected banks.

Devlin Podcast & Exposing Controlled Opposition
Whilst the updated PCP evidence substantiating allegations of mass murder by government policy is still being drafted – which proves that anybody saying we don’t have a case is full of shit because it hasn’t even been written yet – we are aiming to file the papers by the end of next week.

Given the events described in the foregoing, it’s perfect timing that Mark Devlin and I will record another Good Vibrations Podcast later today, which will be published across all our channels soon afterwards.

Needless to say, Mark, as always, will ask all the right questions, in what promises to be another explosive interview about whatever feels most appropriate and prescient.

Nonetheless, in words nobody could fail to comprehend, from Save Our Rights to UK Freedom ProjectGuardians 300Stand In The Park and Lawyers of Light and Liberty, if it weren’t for controlled opposition, they wouldn’t exist, let alone dominate the newsfeeds and get on BBC television – the broadcasting arm of MI5.

Which is the reason why every one of the revolving procession of Common Purpose graduates and MI5 field agents in those groups either ignores my work or tries to subvert or discredit it.

Cause & Effect
So I’m putting every one of them on notice that the consequences of their duplicitous breaches of trust have placed their liberty and solvency in the utmost peril.

From henceforth, they can’t say they haven’t been warned that their arrogance, myopia and foolishness have led them into a corner from which they can only emerge in ignominious, infamous and shameful defeat.

However, if I were in the shoes of ‘Sam’, ‘Michelle’ and ‘Clare’, I would do what all the wisest people who’ve fucked with me have done – run for the hills and never come back, otherwise the full extent of the lies they have told to their followers will be permanently exposed.

Lest They Forget
For a breakdown of the potential price of failing to cease and desist in their treachery, just ask James Crosby, the former ‘untouchable’ CEO of Lloyds, who is still on the end of a stayed PCP alleging institutional mortgage fraud in the criminal court, eight years after the case was laid in North Shields Magistrates Court.

That case is due to proceed to trial by jury at the end of COVID-1984, following a successful Common Law damages claim for £207M from Crosby’s legal estate in 2019.

Alternatively, you could just watch The Great British Mortgage Swindle, to see for yourself why every CEO of every UK bank soils their undercrackers at the mere mention of my name.

However, in the event the predictable and tedious spouting of gobshite on social media unfolds in the wake of this post, the traitors will only have themselves to blame when an army of my loyal friends and supporters descend upon them to vent their fire and brimstone, in defence of the only real opposition to the tyranny which still abounds on these shores.


About the author:
Michael O’Bernicia:

The Bernician has performed more than 300 gigs on the stand-up comedy circuit; written and staged two critically acclaimed London plays; taught stand-up to a giggle of fledgling comics who went on to professional careers; co-produced and co-directed a critically acclaimed 35mm short film; and played supporting roles in mainstream and independent film and television productions; in addition to co-producing and marketing a #1 hit Danish action comedy and directing his debut feature film, Nefarious, which is slated for its long-awaited release in 2021.

The Bernician went on to draft the first legal argument by a lay advocate to be established as a point of UK law; as well as creating and publishing free online content that has had more than 4,000,000 downloads; whilst co-producing, editing and directing his second feature film, The Great British Mortgage Swindle, which was released in the UK on 10/11/2018. The Bernician is also a recalcitrant philosopher, a revisionist historian; the founding sovereign of Universal Community Trust; the draftsman of the UCT Treaty and Magna Carta 2020.

Reflecting on Seven Decades Life Experience

Another snippet from the ‘Wisdom of the Aged – Tempus Fugit’

Seventy one years in the eternity of things is not even a germ in anyone’s theory of life, yet lived, felt and experienced from the point of view of this transient being, it has constituted a bunch of experience that has, in retrospect, endowed much knowledge, wisdom and often hard learning, and had it been missed, would have made this soul a far lesser entity, let alone a breaker of contract.

Along the way fruitful lessons brought mini enlightenments. Such enlightenment never gave the sort of Ah Ha moment, or that end of firework display sensation that wows us, merely a mini lightbulb of realisation. That many such moments were not fully cultivated, merely reflects the choice of ‘one more time round that rodeo, please’ as the pain had some sort of attraction to re-experience.

Sitting at a most fascinating point, where if viewed from one direction looks like the night before annihilation, yet from another the big in-breath before the most magnificent explosion into a new reality that had, in youthful days been the driver to make it happen.

For many perhaps this perspective could be interpreted as. “Yea, so what you lived your life and got a load of joy, shite and whatever!”

Sure this could be a pithy reaction to what we all should be minded to consider the greatest gift we ever gifted ourselves. Yet so many have taken all that for granted, lived life as a reckless, superficial group of disjointed ‘happenings’ and rarely considered what we are being asked to experience and/or confront. That usually occurs only when we confront death, have a life changing illness or event – note the words ‘life changing’ – and have time to ponder the really important things we are constantly given the opportunity to consider.

I personally have been gifted several times that confrontation with death and its immediacy. Sometimes I ignored these gifts and went on only to be served another reminder of beauty writ loud and clear, where the penny finally dropped. Most of these experiences were in my younger days. I feel I was blessed having encountered early these meetings, for what had been planned ahead. Some may call that the 24/7 attention of guardian angels, others may place it in the luck column. either way it changes nothing within the events experienced.

So why do we, at the moment of crisis, call these experiences life changing? Why is it that these wake up calls need to be part of our experience? Perhaps, we are so asleep to the very best things that life gifts us, it is only at crisis point we pay attention. What would be really helpful to garner from these moments is that very realisation. They are all, including the present moment, a gift. Perhaps that is why the old sore – the present moment is a gift, that is why it is called present, rings of truth.

I shall give you one example from my very recent experiences. I happened to find myself a fews from dying. My best friend, the love of my life, has always recognised her ability to insight. Forcing me into care I resisted so, death did a runner. I told it that, for now that door is firmly closed as per the contract I signed and immediately forgot on journeying down the birth canal. Only after many decades did I, not only realise the truth about contracts, but also gave not one stuff if no one else believed what I knew in my heart to be true.

Herein is a very important life lesson. If you find yourself to be the only one in the world who believes what you do is correct, then stick to it, like the proverbial to a blanket. You see, as long as it comes from that deep truth resonating within, does no harm to another and serves you presently, then your sovereign right to your conscience and innate knowing is sacrosanct. Too many fear what others may think of them. That is why we, as those who have unearthed truth, know forensically it to be truth.

Deceit, evil and criminality can never survive as truth does because truth never needs to alter its story.

I have been faced several times to follow the route of deception, well hardly surprising when you have worked immersed in the propaganda industry, yet I most often saw this as a means to an end. That end was not financial, though it helped pass through it. That end was getting to know how all this worked so, as Sun Zhu tells us in The Art of War:

“To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy.”

Sun Zhu

I am very grateful for all I learned in my life, most especially those parts that from those eyes looked like something else. If we all can learn anything from this gifted life, it has to be that everything we are served, or more correctly are part of or fully serve ourselves, is the greatest opportunity for us at that moment.

We may not be able to change things in hindsight, yet what we are absolutely able to do is learn from these experiences and incorporate them, not as hinderances or worse excuses, but as the experience we now recognise. If that means we respond decades later becomes inconsequential . At that time we did not have the wisdom of now, nor the ability. The beauty of all this is that temporal time lines are irrelevant, our ability to change, make a life change is able to transpire, now in this moment! Whether we have the balls, courage and desire is yet again another choice. We always have choice. This is the only planet of individual choice.

To those who have lived less decades than I, I would ask one simple question. “Do you have the guts to change?”

When we do then the whole of life changes along with that courage.

Oh, and please don’t tell me – “It’s easier said than done!” – You may find out that procrastination is your biggest cop out and challenge!


The author: Jonathan Trapman
Author, photo journalist, researcher and seeker after truth, Jonathan’s career started in the back stabbing, headline grabbing pavements and offices of Fleet Street, London. Decades of indoctrination into the vile art of propaganda and media, found him reach a pinnacle of renown as one of the top photographers in the industry.
Drawn to expose the untruths and base intentions of the Cabal, he followed former investigative members of his family, in exposing the Dark Side.
Please find out more here

The solution! – A new jurisdiction where freedom reigns

The Jabber Cocky

Loosely based on Lewis Carrol’s Jabberwocky

’Twas brillig, and the witless droves

      Did cry and moan for all their jabs:

All flimsy from no questions sought,

      Minds mere slush from TV bought.

“Beware the Jab they give, my friend!

      The nano byte, the genes they change!

Beware the Jabjab Gates, and shun

      The spurious Wancock lad!”

He took the veinous jab in hand;

      Long time the witless peeps he sought

Treasuring all the shares he held

      And vested interests he had bought.

And, as in hellish thought he mused,

      The P.U.B., with eyes of flame,

Cut swiftly through the B.S. used,

      And giggled as it came!

One, two! One, two! And through and through

      The Sword of Truth went snicker-snack!

No jury will deny, evidence so damning true

    Would ever save this pack.

“And hast thou slain those Cocky Four?

      Come to our arms, our beamish braves!

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”

     A grateful world burst forth in joy.

’Twas brillig, and the witless droves

      Now banished to their chosen hell:

All whimsey were the wise and true,

      And those their warnings heeded.

When Bookies Refuse to Take the Wager You Know You’ve Won

Around 18 months ago you could walk into a bookie shop and lay a bet on Matt Hancock being kicked out of his Parliamentary position, with good odds. Luckily few people saw the opportunity and were able to save their pants.

You most probably could have laid odds on the number of deaths by Covid-1984 and made a bit or lost on the numbers game. If you had laid a bet on the likelihood of all this turning out to be one huge pandemic fraud, I am confidentially told that there would have been at least one big name bookie shop that would have given you very reasonable odds.

Sadly I do not have the facts to provide whether there are any ticket holders for that. However I can reveal that many have been going to the bookies and asking to lay bets on the likelihood that Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty, Patrick Valance and Neil Ferguson would be arrested before July.

To add my name to the list I entered my local Betfair and asked to be given the odds of these Four Horsemen of the Covid Apocalypse being sent down by September. The lady who I laid my enquiry skidded off to ask the manager what odds. I could see his face frown and nod a No.

In spite of the mask rules on offer, not taken by yours truly, of course, I sidled up and asked precisely why there was no trade on this one.

He grinned and admitted – “You gotta be joking, they’re a gonna. Everyone knows they are guilty as hell. We’d have to offer such dismal odds to be worthless.”

I smiled also to hear such truth and admission. I handed him a sticky from the Pandemic Fraud campaign and he nodded and said a huge thanks, as he took it with glee.

Prior to this visit I had purchased some much needed health stuff at Holland and Barrett. The lad behind the counter had admitted he thought it was all dodgy from way back, as I mourned the fact that him and his ilk did not feel brave enough to stand up and show their true colours. He also took a sticky and was grateful for the few minutes of information I poured in his direction. I left certain he would make use of the QR code and web address.

In the space of ten minutes I felt I had illumined several minds, though late, but closet minds opening are minds opening.

I also realised that this is the time that is the most important of all. Our endeavour to release the truth is no more important than right now. There are cracks all over this charade, this lunatic criminality. The harder we impress on others now, the easier the whole boatload will drown.

It is also to note of significance. It has been a mere week (discounting Easter) that the evidence bundle and case has been laid in court for due process to take its place – a week! Yet here we are at the point where the case is to be listed – in other words the summons will be served. For those that know about timing, process and the passage of these things this is supersonic. Some ask why – the answer is that there are far more people who refuse to buy the BS, the propaganda they spew out at us, and their assitance behind the cloak of the judiciary is huge.

The People will win, are winning – so join the People’s Union of Britain and become one of the prosecuting team, automatically!


Full story here – www.thefreedomcycle.com

P.U.B – www.thefreedomcycle.com/pub

When Social Media Are Our Censors

This is how we take them down

In the short history of social media, what started out as global interactive fora connecting us all through ‘friendships’, tweets and other mechanisms, has turned itself into a global censorship platform where only OfficialSpeak is condoned and promoted. Not part of the official narrative? – then “You’re banned!”

Without going into the depth of control and real time strangulation of not only decent debate but also any alternative views wishing to discuss, as most people like to do in any open and free society, the point has well and truly arrived at, where the terror of the truth being widely recognised is so great as to ban everything, mock everything and disrupt everything that is truth, threatening to become the reality. We are travelling at lightning speed into a dystopia no one wanted, some might say we are already deep within it, which would be hard to disagree with. So many so ignorant of what is happening. The rest too self centred and ill informed to even care.

Extinction is born out of this, and rightly so. However there are many who would dearly love to arrest this nihilist, blind adherent journey into night.

So confronting the poster boy of the greater plan – Covid-1984 – let us ask a few reasonable and apposite questions that frankly need to be answered before we can all wholeheartedly march in lockstep towards our oblivion.These reasonable questions must be asked before any semi intelligent person concedes to operate under any authority’s diktats. Of course many recognise that the authorities imposing these diktats, are themselves the very epitome of illegal and unlawful imposition. Let us for now put that to one side and simply ask these questions. These questions must by necessity be answered fully, factually and with material evidence, otherwise there is no reason or just cause to ban people from asking such normal questions, unless of course the agenda is to avoid, strike down and ban free speech and cognitive initiative. I shall leave to reader to decide that outcome:

Here are some of them:

  • 1. Evidence that masks prevent infection.
  • 2. Evidence that masks don’t cause oxygen deprivation which can lead to seizures.
  • 3. Evidence that breathing in your own carbon dioxide does not cause bacterial infections and respiratory disorders.
  • 4. Evidence that wearing masks does not cause stress and anxiety.
  • 5. Evidence that wearing masks prevented the spread of the Spanish Flu.
  • 6. Evidence that dismissal for not wearing a mask at work would not represent a material breach of the Equality Act, which entitles someone to claim compensation for discrimination, as well as unfair dismissal.
  • 7. Evidence that the government lurgy has ever been proven to exist.
  • 8. Evidence that the Coronavirus Act and the regulations which arose out of it are not adjudged to be repugnant and void under the common law.
  • 9. Evidence that it is not a crime ancillary to genocide to collaborate with government policy, which has already resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths in care homes and hospitals.
  • 10. Evidence that the government has not relied upon fraudulent data to frighten the population into fearful compliance with its legally unenforceable diktats.
  • 11. Evidence that vaccines are 100% safe to administer.
  • 12. Evidence that vaccines do not have any detrimental health effects, amongst which are, but not limited to,  neurological, physical impairment, paralysis, long lasting and detrimental side effects and/or death.
  • 13. Evidence that vaccines have been thoroughly tested according to the full rigours of historic testing procedures (usually lasting years) and do not fall short in any respect, of these essential processes .
  • 14. Evidence that vaccines have been able to halt /prevent the conditions they are allegedly created for.
  • 15. Evidence that keeping a safe distance(6ft/2m) apart is foolproof in stopping spread of infection from alleged Covid-19
  • 16. Evidence that a crowd of 2 people gathering is safer than a crowd of 3 or more people gathering in terms of preventing spread of an alleged pandemic Covid.
  • 17. Evidence that interacting with people in public and/or open spaces causes a health threat .

If anyone finds these questions and similar are a step too far or out of order then surely the nature of freedom of speech, holding alleged authority to the fire, wishing to have absolute evidence before commitment, is now against the best processes of life. That it is against the law can be mooted, yet the response must be against what law. Most likely responses to that are in the vein –

“Do not challenge what we say – just do it! What we say you must do” – which of course we all know is the mark of totalitarian authority.

QED – Zero Freedom!!

If, as with what they constantly bombard us, the very questioning of their almighty BS is a public health hazard, then surely we are dealing with utter nutcases, professional psychopaths, authoritarian followers and mere puppets of even greater species of the same. By that token alone every single member of the public ought to be rising up and saying a huge NO!

Sadly we have the majority of our country who have rolled over, unquestioning to these masters of lies, propaganda and mind control. If we were to recoil several decades and place this position into an invasion by the Nazis successfully taken, then we should see the very sinew of the population rolling over and creating a British Vichy. Most people will not know what the heck I refer to as all of that has been either expunged or not told to present generations. Their Me! Me! Me! desires have all been met. They give not one flying one for anybody but themselves. Their parents have, in the majority, had few decent critical brain cells to hand down, so we surely are dealing with a manifest pen of sheep.

Even so, against the odds, the minority always win through, so asking these reasonably presented questions is paramount.

The upside of all this is that it is these very questions that can be targeted, not only to those who try to impose governance on us but also to every single head of every single entity that colludes with the lies that the questions expose. It is for each and everyone of us who cherish truth, wish to retain the freedoms we believe and acknowledge are our natural given right. The payback is in what results from this exercise and that down the line is the extinction of those that follow the losers.

Every single supermarket, shop and trading establishment, every single employer who demands you obey, every single law enforcer, bully boy who demands you do this and that. Every single fine you may receive. Every single diktat coming from wherever needs facing off, lettering with the Letter Protocols we have for just this. Every travel quisling, every airline, every airport, port authority imposing whatever. Every pub that goes along every restaurant, every eatery, every one who says – DO IT BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD TO.

When people take back their power of NO! then change will transpire.

For now we have a powerful action prosecuted by the People’s Union of Britain – that is, by the way, you! – so join the PUB that is bringing the case against all this fraud – make it personal – make it you who is taking these criminals down!

So never ask what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your people! The People of Britain


No one, not even Social Media, will ever crush the voice of the people. Best way is to withdraw all support from these cancerous organs, yet the will of many is so weak and insecure it relates drawing off/leaving any social medium, as running from friends. Therein is the rub, the utter abrogation of taking personal 100% responsibility and action, the sheer intellectual inability to separate virtual from reality.

Still, all this we know. What those that continue to inflict on us do not know is the power of the pen over their overarching totalitarianism they wish to lock us down into. Pens as swords to the ready and let us launch an attack like they never have witnessed.


About the Author

Jonathan L. Trapman

Author and photographer writing since age 9, photographing since age 10. A professional career as photojournalist, working for top titles in Fleet Street (London Times, Daily Express and very short, boring stint with the Sun newspaper) swiftly exposes him to propaganda and half truths demanded from photo/journalists of the ‘70s and 80s.

Deciding his soul to be worth more than shekels earned from the news rooms of corporate cronyism, went on to  become one of the industry’s foremost photographers. Enjoyed getting to know the world, its peoples and a far wider vision of life on earth on others’ behalf and at others’ expense. Appeared on TV and radio including BBC, France Inter and online radio.

Invited to speak at creative and literary conferences across the globe having in early 2012, in partnership with his wife, accomplished the first ever English translation, in over 900 years, of 11th century Sufi founder and mystic saint Hoja Ahmed Yassawi’s Diwani Hikmet (Divine Wisdom) poetry and sacred verse. Currently working on a 7 volume opus The Freedom Cycle, Dreams and Realities being the first, now published. www.thefreedomcycle.com
The Freedom Cycle is also the info hub for the People’s Union of Britain’s private criminal prosecutions against the array of main players in the present criminal farce.



Views expressed by Guest Authors are their own, and are not reflective of HLN or its editorial team. HLN publishes these for research and educational purposes only. The text is presented for these reasons alone, and absolutely not for purposes related to promoting any of the views expressed herein

A Very British Cock Up Coup

From a veritable display of the most outrageous lies and propaganda the present inept, crass and incompetent inmates of Tory Treason have marched arrogantly towards a horizon, where, by their own description, will herald a sunrise into the new future of independence, freedom and unshackling from the bonds of EU restraint.

As they slobber through the discarded Covid masks of a compliant populace, their dreams of gaining ever more a triumphant profit foothold over the masses swells.

No need the jackboot of yesteryear, they smirk, the people are so easily frightened into submission. The cavalier way in which unelected members in the Cabinet Office throw their weight around, doling out more and more pain, ever confusing story and counter story, around the umbrella known as the Plandemic, is as unedifying a sight as Cameron on a pig.

This country has never in its history had such an inept ship of fools at the helm. That lockdowns, mask mandatories and ever closing mass vaccination loom large in the psyche of the psyched, is cold comfort. Truth be told it heralds frozen minds and sheer terror, not witnessed since the break out at Jurassic Park.

When in March of 2020, a small cabal of plotters got together to plan the coup d’état on the United Kingdom, they had every aspiration to do the full Monty. Little did they realise they were not even as efficient as the Lavender Hill mob. That surprise was in store for them further down the line.

As 77 Brigade came into its fullness, reporting back information emanating from anonymous sources, it offered them hard evidence against not only the Prince Andrew but also his brother and strikingly, of their parents. The unidentified source shared the horrors inflicted, at their pleasure. Relating how the abused had been passed as a ‘gift’ from the elder Trudeau in Canada, through shady groups of the elite and onto royal households.

With this securely in their wallet, a plan was executed.

First, in the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020 it was worded to read that Parliament was now the sovereign, with no interference from the Crown and above, the People.

Section 38(1)

It is recognised that the Parliament of the United Kingdom is sovereign.

Section 38(3) reaffirms this, then goes one legal step further:

Accordingly, nothing in this Act derogates from the sovereignty of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.

This abject act of treachery in ignoring the basics of the Common Law, was further increased when the events of COVID-1984 revealed Parliament was acting with what the constitution deems to be prohibited royal powers.

From which juncture it became increasingly obvious the UK government had ever since purported to exercise national sovereignty in the interests of Bill GatesGAVI and the WHO, as per the sustainable development Agendas 21 and 30.

Mark Sedwill, a ghostly presence in the corridors of power at Westminster, helped by MP Tobias Ellwood, his contact with MPs House wide, proceeded to initiate the coup’s final points as Head of the UK Security Council Group. This group consists of both GCHQ, the British Security ServicesSecret Intelligence Services and the Joint Biosecurity Centre. In his position as Cabinet Secretary in the Cabinet Office, he instructed Integrity Initiative, a pale horseman of psyops, counter-disinformation and media development programme and propaganda, to stun gun the public mind.

As the faux pandemic advanced, with full assistance from the media BBC et al, the public crumbled and fell mostly in line.

The desecration of the last remnants of democracy, scarcely visible, was almost complete. What remained was to lock down, keep out of sight any normalcy of life for the population. Winter would come and with it the final closing of freedoms for the people and the mass vaccination campaigns that would complete the branding of the people for tracking and tracing.

Then came the deposing of the Queen — and neutralising the Crown. A subtle move needed here, in as much as the country did not want to get wind of any coup of the crown. However with valuable information at their fingertips, from anonymous sources, they easily managed to get Her Royal Highness to crumble, on threat of her family’s dirty little secrets being exposed. A deal was struck and off to Windsor Castle with her and the Royal entourage. Buckingham Palace shuttered down, the Queen’s own Regiments skedaddled from the front of house and the RAF Military (Martial Law) placed on point duty. The Royal crest roughly ripped from the Royal Gates, the deposing of the Crown was now complete. Complete also with a cover story protecting the Crown against Covid, as an ageing monarch would otherwise be susceptible to.

Roll forward a few months with lockdown and compliance in full swing. The rabid raft of laws illegally introduced through the back door, weighed even more insult and injury upon a growing, suspicious population. However the numbers were never looking in favour of the Many. Still too many quislings, compliance and ignorant masses.

It was inevitable. The Prime Minister and his cronies became, as always, too cocky. They exceeded their arrogant disregard for the intelligence still alive. Their back and forth orders looked like the comedy act they were — and bad comedy at that. The exposure was at its raw edge. Of course those prancing up and down the land, blissfully unaware they had been sussed years ago, carried on the clowning and abuse of the many.

It was to be an auspicious day on August 22nd 2020, hidden away in a secret location in Britain, where 22 of the most ordinary and upright of Britons came together, voluntarily putting themselves forward and chosen randomly. Accompanied by 22 equally upright Britons acting as witnesses to the event about to take place. A renewed and updated presentation of the Declaration of Rights and the Restoration of the Common Law. It passed unanimously. Its ratification taking place in the days that followed.

What never had been believed possible, confronted a coup collective and their treason. From here they would now be subjected to the law of the People, the Common Law. The treachery, the injury imposed upon the people would now be met by justice of the most just.

In their moment of feeling most powerful, their guard was at its most vulnerable. Years of preparation, way back, as the government crowed its petty glory around the Olympic Stadium of 2012 in East London, now came into its own. Real poverty usurped and thrown out for the profiteering gaggle of corporate friends of those power and their land deals, was slaughtered on the pyre of vanity. The stench of corruption was everywhere. The Opening Ceremony itself, arrogantly presented, in full detail, the disasters to befall a hoodwinked citizenry in 2020. The audacity of their tissue thin hubris was being usurped by an intelligent and well laid plan, well away from the bullshit and lies.

“He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.” — Sun Tzu

The foundations laid back then, now appeared, like some avenging angel to scatter the mockery of deceit, perversions and injury laid upon a population too desensitised and mind controlled to know even the slightest truth of what they were to be impaled upon, if it was to hit them full face.

The journey ahead will not be an easy one. Truth hurts, has its backlash of denial, yet ultimately evil will never succeed. As the wet end of August days roll inevitably on, September and the fall to come look to offer, tentatively, the multi coloured splendour that is its very hallmark.

The taking down of the beast at its core – London – could very swiftly manifest a domino reaction in the fall of empires echoing across the globe. The thrall of centuries smashed asunder. It is then the New Age may herald in the Common Law for all humanity along with justice, peace, harmony and coexistence for all.


The author: Jonathan Trapman
Author, photo journalist, researcher and seeker after truth, Jonathan’s career started in the back stabbing, headline grabbing pavements and offices of Fleet Street, London. Decades of indoctrination into the vile art of propaganda and media, found him reach a pinnacle of renown as one of the top photographers in the industry.
Drawn to expose the untruths and base intentions of the Cabal, he followed former investigative members of his family, in exposing the Dark Side.
Please find out more here

Returning Sovereign Being and Rights – A Sacred Act

Listening to an interview this morning where Afshin Rattansi, host of Going Underground on RT, asked actor Clarke Peters, he of Da5 Bloods fame, his view of the arts, music, dance and poetry being expunged,  step by step, from the UK curricula in children’s schools. This was in reference to the fact that poetry has been the first to fall in the lunatic educational Covid-Cull field in the UK.

His response was:

When you take the arts out of the elementary schools systems, you take away a platform of humanity and spirituality and love that you should be giving to a child at that point in time. I have seen this in America where the first things that have been cut were music classes, drama classes, from that it went into art classes.
So what does that leave you with?
That leaves you with very dry subjects that have nothing to do with that which feeds your soul, to feed that part of you that carries your humanity. It is necessary to keep the arts in the schools. Music, theatre, if you can get dancing there, painting, all of those things are what the human being needs. Gardening, put gardening in there.  When you take that away from a human being, you are taking away a piece of their soul. You are undermining who that human being is, or who that human being has a chance to be. Absurd, absolutely absurd. I am sorry that is how I feel about it!”

Clarke Peters has beautifully verbalised exactly what is being done to, not only the children, the next generations, but also to the people, the adults in this world. Desensitising, obliterating critical thinking, disallowing freedom of expression, speech and freedom of movement. If these actions are not curtailing and stifling life, then tell me what is.

It does not matter which pathetic, specious excuse is ramped up, propagandised without any shred of credibility or discussion. That there are so many that are content to suck up the BS  they use to transgress human values, to beat into submission the right of every human being on this blue marble. The fact that they are doing this for ends that have nothing whatsoever to do with looking after us or for our own good, is as criminal as it gets.

There is no consent from the people, whatever they may tell us. Common Law, that law that is above any sort of legal argument they produce is sacrosanct. That they tell us it is irrelevant is yet more lies. The criminal, in your house telling you it his right to steal from you and that you have no right to resist, is that right, let alone legal?

Of course not. When we accept that denial of freedom of any sort is OK, then we have handed our divine right as a free human being to another to dictate to us.

We cry for the atrocities we see happening in the world. We cry for the starving children, the bestial treatment of others in our family of humanity, yet all the time we allow transgression, not only on our doorstep but within our own homes, to be meted out to us, without so much of a word of resistance.

To the “Well we voted them in, so that is our consent” statement . No, we did not and neither is it giving our consent. That can only be through a wet ink signature from each and every one of us. A tick in the box of preference is not consent nor the handing over of our power of attorney to criminals. Even if we are told, “That has always been the way we do these things” never makes it legal or lawful. Common Law, is very precise and clear that consent of the people must be gained. Criminals who by their actions and edicts inflict harm and suffering on human beings,  sovereign beings, without their consent do break the most sacred law and must account for their criminality.

On this alone we can and must hold them to account.

That in the UK, in the Withdrawal Agreement Bill Art:38 ,  Boris Johnson and all who voted that bill through has committed high treason. They have declared Parliament to be Sovereign. It is not and never has been. It cannot be unless a coup d’etat has been enacted, which violates the rights of the people.

We the people are sovereign.

The Crown, acting as titular representation of that sovereignty has been usurped, dethroned of all power and status and exiled. The Royal Crest on the gates of Buckingham Palace are covered up. The Queen’s regiments withdrawn, replaced by maritime soldiers. The royal residence shuttered up.

To add insult to injury, she was dragged along to “open Parliament” without even wearing her crown. That is the first time in English history this has ever occurred. A real symbol of take over of  power in the kingdom.

We can all bang on, protest and stomp feet at the endless injustices thrown on us all. Yet to take any meaningful action, we must do that as one – as The People.

When our children are abused, our very being transgressed, then it becomes imperative for us all to stand up and say:


Excusing this as ‘they are more powerful than us’ is criminally wrong and an act of apology for collusion. Our fear is the only thing that stops us taking back our Human Rights and making our Sovereign voice heard.

That they are already suggesting they deny us our human rights must be the core of our defence in a New Magna Carta 2020 we insist is reinstated as The Law above all laws, save Divine Law.

Common Law is above all law, be it Merchant, Admiralty whatever. To be told it is an old, dead law is yet one more compounding lie to be squashed. It is eternal.

If we profess to be humans, with souls and heart, then if but for no one else, we must take action for the children and all generations to come.

To allow tyranny to win is no option. There are no more excuses…… period!

For much more on all Non Official Narrative under one roof


Corona V | Dr Cameron Sidell Says Virus Isn’t Cause Of Symptoms

Posted on 4th April 2020 by The Bernician

Dr Cameron Sidell Says Virus Isn’t Cause Of Symptoms

This is an essential video post from Cameron Kyle Sidell, a doctor on the front line in New York, who explains that what he is seeing every day is not viral sickness and that it is being treated with measures which are making the symptoms worse.

Moreover, he explains that the evidence suggests we are dealing with something never witnessed before in human history, the symptoms of which he says are closest to altitude sickness.




Symptoms of mild, short-term altitude sickness also include dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, sleep problems and a general loss of energy. Symptoms usually begin within 12 to 24 hours of arriving at a high altitude. Symptoms lessen within a day or two as the person gets used to the altitude.

Symptoms of moderate altitude sickness are more intense and are not relieved by over-the-counter medicines. Fatigue, weakness and shortness of breath worsen instead of improving over time. The affected person may start to show loss of coordination and have difficulty walking, severe headache that is not relieved by medicines, nausea and vomiting, and tightness or congestion in the chest. Normal activity is difficult, although the person may still be able to walk on his or her own.

Symptoms of severe altitude sickness include shortness of breath at rest, inability to walk, confusion and fluid buildup in the lungs and/or brain. Other symptoms may include cough and a gray, pale or bluish skin tone. Severe altitude sickness is an emergency situation, and the affected person must be taken to a lower altitude immediately.


When was 5G switched on in New York?

2020, apparently:


What are the symptoms of non-ionising radiation from wireless devices?

Very similar to but worse than altitude sickness, according to the scientific studies completed:


Meanwhile, In Lovely Locked-Down Britain

When it looks like radiation sickness from the continuing 5G roll-out, sounds like radiation sickness from the continuing 5G roll-out and kills like radiation sickness from the continuing 5G roll-out, it is whatever the government tells us it is.

Or we can be summarily convicted as having been irresponsible enough to make statements which contradict the now rigorously enforced party line and the truth be damned if it conflicts with the unalienable rights stripping Coronavirus Bill.

Haven’t you read 1984 and Brave New World? You really should because its always good to get well-read, when doing time for the crime of breathing.

You see, they’re never gonna hit zero carbon dioxide emissions if most of us don’t stop pumping it out with every breath. Stands to reason, doesn’t it?

Why else has the opposition party leader stood so staunchly in support of the bill which suspended his opposition to the government he formerly said he despised?

Because he would have brought in exactly the same kind of compassionate communism, which tolerates everything within the scope of its totalitarian control, just as Lenin intended.

So follow his unprecedented lead and remember that resistance is futile, free speech is deadly, government is always right from now on and it’s simply not true that they collectively murdered more than 250 million people in the last century alone [not including soldiers killed in wartime].

That’s obviously just another one of those conspiracy theories, based on the largest collection of empirical data ever amassed, by so-called experts who’ve spend most of their lives compiling it.


Bloody do-gooders! Thinking they know better than the government, which can do no wrong in the eyes of the law, Parliament has [in its wisdom] passed, in the name of keeping us safe.

They Only Have Our Best Interests At Heart

In summary then, your life has been criminalised indefinitely, so just sit tight in your prison without bars, accept your fate with a stiff upper lip and do what’s left of your time on death row without a peep of protest because there is no appeal when you have no legal rights.

Still, mustn’t grumble, eh, as you will be doing your bit to help save the Earth from the substance that the disappearing trees breathe in, while the 5G network is erected all around us, to save lives being taken by that killer disease, named after the beer nobody wants to drink any more.

These are such great and noble truths, you really couldn’t make them up. Unless the government tells you that you must, in which case it’s completely different. But don’t until then, whatever you do.

Now then, just to get you all in the mood for the last dance of the British people, who could forget the Russ Abbot eighties classic:

‘I love a party with a happy atmosphere…”

Sleep well [two metres apart] in your bunks tonight, if you can forget that incessant ring of 5th generation progress in your ears, from a mast near you.

If not, please don’t disobey any aspect of government policy while the rest of us sleep; and in not doing so, you must completely ignore this woefully misguided meme, should it end up in your news feed:


Even though this doctor has written an empirical study of the evidence that exposure to wireless technology is highly deleterious to our health:


Why should we believe her word over less qualified people whom the government told us know better?

Exactly. It’s such a relief we agree on that.

You know, when it comes down to it, freedom, well, is so last month.

We had a few weeks of Brexit, so let’s be thankful that at least all those years of arguing with each other over our sovereign rights weren’t for nothing.

Whatever you do, never forget that.


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Tags: Altitude Sickness, Coronavirus, Coronavirus Bill, Coronavirus Hoax, COVID-19, New York Doctor, Radiation Sickness.  ← Imperial College | Predicted UK

About The Bernician, Guest Author

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Critically Acclaimed Comedian, Playwright & Filmmaker – Blacklisted ‘PotentialSubversive’ Revisionist Historian – Recalcitrant Philosopher Bankster-Busting Nemesis of the Rigged System.

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