Why Highly Likely?

playtime-is-overBack in the spring of this year – 2018 – Theresa May pronounced on no factual evidence whatsoever that the false flag poisoning of Serge and Yulia Skripal was “highly likely” to have been perpetrated by the Russians, moreover on the orders of President Putin himself.

This sort of guilty before evidence, let alone trial set a terminology in place that will forever haunt her and all who present specious propagandised clap trap as not only truth but serious news.

That these things can quite easily set off a chain of unintended events leading to the annihilation of the human species seems to be irrelevant.

Thus to counter the rubbish, the lies, the mendacious specious and downright criminal we have formed Highly Likely News, an outlet for flagging up such nonsense and doing the job the mainstream medias ought to have been doing but have rolled over, been controlled and generally prostituted their way into the criminal den.

That this pathetic MSM has thrown the independent towel in and willingly become the propaganda bullhorns for the criminals themselves leaves everyone with two ounces of brain cells left to critically think their way out of the disastrous cesspool created.

We at Highly Likely News like to feel we can be a signpost for those searching for reality. We hopefully deliver with a good dollop of humour – for without it we might as well all commit self suicide! – best effort writing and sharp insight.

We are always looking for like souls to share their pen so feel free to connect with us and join the team.

We shall overcome – We shall be victorious in this War for Our Minds


Welcome to Highly Likely News

At Highly Likely News, lets shorten that to HLN, we endeavour to challenge the likely stories thrown out minute by minute, hour on hour, day through day, month… you get the picture…… by the usual suspects.

It is our task, set by our good selves and hopefully encouraged by others, to counter the news that programs, manipulates and steers pitifully weak minded souls into believing the unbelievable, the propagandised and the utterly incredible.

We stake our claim to a rickety mast of credible incredulity by questioning the unquestioned, the sheer ridiculous, the utterly unbelievable and the downright specious.

You may agree, disagree, be thoroughly offended, (we always welcome that) demand all sorts of lunatic actions for us to be silenced. Or you might just be impressed, enjoy or shout hurrah! for something a little different, lighthearted, heavyweight or how ever much you buy into our proposition.

We are not in any way PC oriented. You vote with your click away or click onwards. We endeavour to be a bastion of free speech, having little regard for any of the social media giants who may from time to time wish to or are ordered to silence us. If that does happen we know we are definitely irritating those powers that be and are getting our message out there.

Of course we rely on you to feedback whether we feed the need, or if it is appreciated so feel free to fill in the contact below and let us know.

We appreciate we need a tad of lead time to get the show rolling, so please be generous with your patience!

It’s all a huge experiment in upsetting the Usual Suspects’ apple cart in ways highly likely to create mosquitoes in their false recipes of soup and gruel.

“Highly Likely is the only way we know to describe our dissemination of lies as truth”. — highly likely attributed to Theresa May, British Prime Minister in dodgy times

both barrels of a shotgun that are pouring out smoke