Build it and They’ll Come!

In that iconic film Field of Dreams, Ray knew that what you dream does become reality. He fought against his lesser self to get there yet finally he knew in his heart and very soul that dreams do become reality, as long as you place everything you hold true and dear at the centre. Today for so many when they look across the devastated heartlands of their dreams, aspiration and hope all they see is less hope, less of the dreams they aspired to and more misery and despair.

Yet, it is those very eyes, that mind, that constructs the future of light, hope and everything they feel they deserve for not only them but their children and those that follow them. It is that human urge for better, for growth, nurture and evolution.

All along this twisted, winding path the sirens of “You will be happy and have nothing”, raise their putrid, spittle-filled words, as if to finally crush the last vestiges of light. A light that remains hidden behind comfort, misdirected belief that there are those in power who will always have our interests at heart, yet never show it. Dangling the carrot of social support, dependency and silent abuse, conveyed across the airwaves via television, radio and paper, they lure us in, deeper and more insidiously than we could control.

If looked at this present moment with objective vision, never found at Specsavers, it can be seen the lie told for so long, to so many, is as hollow as the deadest tree.

Where are the dreams? Where is the vision of a life so much better?

Well, build it and they will come!

For so many the art of building a life with strength, fortitude, challenge and vision has been crushed. In spite of it seemingly being crushed, it can never be extinguished nor killed. It is always there, like the eternal flame, to be fanned, brought back to life and power. Yet out of all the mass of humanity there will be but a few that will lead towards that light and way, present to the greater masses – the light of solution, the way out of human purgatory, self-inflicted and determined.

Along this fragile path to the light there are many who loudly pronounce they have the way, there are solutions, yet drill down these solutions and there is a vapid, bleak hole of nothing. No action taken to assist the many, yet much money demanded for a huge vacuum of dark nothingness. Sweet dulcet tones from lips that came straight out of Propaganda Central. Illusory journey’s end that ends, as ever, in dead ends. Creamed, of last pennies so many are left at their wit’s end. Cruel beyond belief, such egos suck like vampires, till the gullible, fall, drained of everything.

Yet all the while, all around us, is the solution building, are the hopes of so many constructed from solid foundations built on the land that is ours and ours alone.

No need to serve the Maritime masters the Admiralty a*holes, drunk on empire and a heritage of elitist ‘superior’ management. The totems of a dead legacy, consumed with self interest and greed finally meet their end. They know it, yet to manufacture wars is all they ever had, and that castes belief beyond the pail. Unfortunately for them the majority of the world have been shown a far richer, more potent way to co-existence – a multipolar world and respect for the sovereign in each.

Their rule, empires, hegemony all face a divine tsunami of retribution that was always the people’s to have and to hold. The usurers, not only cast from the temples of mammon but also wiped out of an existence they thought was theirs by divine right. Ah, how sweet their twisted presumption falls. Its image and process, soon to be watched and witnessed by so many who held them ‘too big to fail’, feared their impotent power directing all futures, now mere vanities on the bonfires of hubris.

Nothing much that has ever come out of Hollywood has had a tingle of truth, yet been awash with predictive programming. That programming has made most of us believe what will be is always meant to be. Just watch as we all go forward how misdirected that thought has been.

Hold the popcorn, take your favourite beverage and be totally enraptured with what you most probably never believed would ever come to pass in your lifetime: Your new life before you.

Despite that harpy Thatcher stealing this quote from a true saint, here it can be quoted in its truest form and most meaningful meaning:

St Francis of Assisi

“Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved, as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”

However you may recognise the divine within, own it, love it, as no other. These times around us now only reflect the beliefs of what we each have seen, what we each have created in our minds and hearts and what is force fed by the authoritarian devils. Just allow yourself one moment where the negative, the horrors, do not rule. Imagine, as Lennon said, “Imagine all the people, living for today..”There is no past, there is no future, until we build it, and when we build it out of our fields of dreams, it will come and as will millions with it.

I am not offering anything that has not always been on the table. That table may have looked barren, yet refresh, reboot the eyes, and with the use of imagination, the core structures we all have within, with love, passion and perseverance, it will gradually be seen, to be lived cherished and enjoyed.

Patience is a particular quality and aspect that many feel has been beaten out of them. Release that thought and feeling, nurture patience and she will reward you with what you thought was beyond imagination.

Start now to build the image and form what the future offers you, and you can offer the future.

What is it that you are offering to this field of dreams making it the reality you desire, wish for and in your heart know is possible for both you and those that follow you?


Visit The Freedom Cycle

A Nation Building a Life for the Future

Imagination in Form

Bird Flu – The Latest Scam

As a young lad I was fortunate enough to be brought up on 250 acres of beautiful Sussex farmland. The world was the horizon and beyond. I loved those precious first 15 years of real and actual freedom that were the 50s and 60s. Among the treasured livestock were 35,000 chickens, 5,000 layers, 100 head of Jersey cows, a bull, 5,000 turkeys and several dozen pigs amongst others. It was always Sunday when the pigs got out and the septic tank burst.

Yet even though I loved the chucks, I helped at a tender age to collect them six to a box to be carted off the our factory near Three Bridges to be the first processed, deep litter chickens this country had experienced. Intensive production was heaven then compared with the battery hens of today. They were housed with good open ground, fed and watered with care and love and I and all the farm folk became attached to their growth and presence.

When an occasional foot and mouth came round, we dealt with it organically. I never remember bird flu being a thing, yet today with the shenanigans laid upon us all, it is used to gradually take home grown and even properly intensive farmed animals out of our hands and into those who would wish to drive us all into total dependancy on an authority outside of our influence and against our best interests.

A few weeks ago, on our regular trip to collect spring water near by, a little old lady who must have had the most beautiful chucks, as the colour of her eggs were varied and superb, had stopped posting boxes of their multi coloured eggs in a roadside honesty box. We put it down to winter non-production, yet I realise now that her beautiful birds were no longer, as she, poor dear had believed the tripe of culling such creatures for the sake of bird flu, H5N1.

Her obedience to our tyrannical government became yet one more scam they pulled on an old dear and us all.

This bullshit follows in the path of so much false guidance – think Covid-1984, and the recent foot and mouth disease, mad cow etc.

Yes there can be detrimental disasters in farming, yet more and more they implement disarming and destruction of homesteaders, free farming and anything that lies outside of their control and reach.

Well, as with their edicts of jabbing, masking and separation of family friends and community, it is time to stand up and tell them to bugger off with their control freak ways to cull us at very turn and twist. Do not fall for their looking after our best interests, they never have and never will.

Thankfully for all those that have or might be affected there is yet one more process that will aid everyone to challenge this specious lie and coercion. I refer you to a Notice of Conditional Acceptance that will place them all on a path to receiving justice for their wrongdoing. If you do not own birds then let all those you know who do that this sort of mendacious practice has lawful outcomes for those that feel they can play God with us all.

So many are now becoming aware of the deceit and murderous intent contained in the JibJab fraud, so it is now we must step up and refuse to believe their lies any longer.

Are we to tolerate this criminality any longer? No! if we care for ourselves, our families and our children’s futures. Start using this NoCA, all who have birds and all who care for our families of bird relations.

We have to, like our Dutch cousins and French farmers, stand fast and say “No, not in our name“. Are we, obedient servants to tyrants, able to become the strength we believe we have been, or are we going to just roll over and demand being shafted for the ‘enth time?

Your call!

Reasons to Be Joyful – Part the Next

My youthful life had the pleasure (seriously yes, real self-education) of being brought up through the English Public School system. A system that honed skills in recognising bull-shite, platitudes and a complete disregard for decency, even it produced the present Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy *unt, as head boy. (QED)

The art of waltzing round a pin head, recognising its existence yet denying its place and meaning at the centre of whatever subject was up for discussion was an eye opening experience, richly to be rewarded in later life. The utter arrogance, of considering oneself better than others, enabled such criminal deniers to foster a place for themselves within the upper echelons of what their forebears had created and furnished, while at the same time taking usurped ownership for any and all rightness of actions “in the public interest”.

I would like to take this expression, so fondly tossed around, like a fox at the end of a hunt, signifying their actions were for the highest good, for the express betterment of the people and show it for the disdain it covers. You see, when we take the word ‘public’ in this context or any other context that camouflages ‘the people’, there is a deliberate attempt to not only refuse acknowledgment of a position granted by the people to such positions of trust, but also the arrant attempt to inflict a them and us division merely creating such censorious uttering contemptible to the people.

When dancing around said pin and denying its existence, at the same time as being utterly aware of its annoying existence, there writ large is disdain. Actions proceeding from such vile observance and practice, merely curses all and their decisions to the bonfire.

Such actions back then, I had been taught and encouraged to act out in classes rightly, were given the name of classic political debate. This became an anathema for me and I refused to partake. If truth be told, the ability to smell BS, even at an early age, was one of the gifts my parents had engrained in me from an earlier age. Its sharp application would become one of my trusted weapons as my life took me into the rat-infested corridors of Fleet Street in the early 70s.

I relate this small part of my history, to further explain my present journey, as part of a magnificent team and growing community, whose absorption is to face off, expose and ultimately take down a system of rule that has kept us all in thrall for over a thousand years. Its efforts are now at the crucial point of exposure, behind which there has been progress and events that will, when made public, reveal the extent, the depth and the criminality of, what is laughingly termed ‘democracy and the democratic process‘.

Historically, tyranny and empire have been with us and over us, since the unsuccessful attempts of the Roman Empire to conquer these Isles. Our history has been served us by those that wished to rule over and subject us all to their conformity and remuneration. Yet, if we all knew the factual and true history, it might not have been such a pushover for them.

No matter how much we have all been traduced, today we stand at the point of release, the nexus of change for those that see it and know it. A release from centuries of oppression, pretended freedoms under a jackboot of caring less, ignoring more and arrogant disdain and abuse of The People.

Today from all over these islands, hidden by zero coverage from media we are now so privileged to have access to, a fundamental revolution has not only fermented but has also reached a point where, cornered and entrapped in a position of inability to escape truth the very elements that became puppets to their own puppet masters, each grovel, grapple and attempt to escape with their own arses clear of the destruction ahead.

This is and has been, all along a peaceful revolution, the single only example in our history. This fact alone designates victory. All other attempts down our collective historical line never took place without bloodshed. As much as the present fields of combat have included as their sorry result, deaths through policy and pragmatic criminality, the blood shed to make change happen has mercifully not been a part of that process.

Many of us recognise that distraction from the reality of what the enemy wishes us not to see is working on steroids presently. We see the energised application of rightness to feel we are part of a war against humanity by those very exemplars painted as totalitarian, regimes of tyrannical self serving power. This attempt to distract each and every quality we are persuaded the ‘enemy’ is, merely is a mirror reversed on those that quack, ‘for our safety, protection and good’.

That we have had decades entrained into believing such quackery must come down to each and every one of us who have bought, demands questioning our individual critical capacities to see through the lies and distractions.

As I began by sharing, having been brought up in the sort of mindset and surroundings, where those who were to go on and become part of this elitist sector of our society, it made me aware how pernicious the whole specialness, separation and ultimate contempt for the vast majority could turn out to be. In spite of generations of my family to have been brought up through this system, I am proud to know that the very same heritage contains some of the greatest warriors against such division. On the fact that my own father sacrificed much of the family remains of what could have laughingly been called ‘wealth’ on my siblings and my own education, now at least in my case it has given me privileged access to the MO of such an evil part of our collective lives. This experience now enables me, in my later years, to know the enemy ranged against us all, meet them with fearless face and cause them to quiver and retreat.

‘How so?’ you may ask.

Through the fact of ‘one of theirs’, in spite of having been offered, behind closed doors, enticements of the thirty shekel variety and all sorts of the usual bribes, turn on them with a commitment to take them down. The incredulity, fear and panic I saw on those faces that day, at the fact I could never be turned, even today brings a smile to my face. That I am joined at the hip with their two other terror-inducing enemies, the Scousers and Geordies, makes my heart and soul sing. All I now look forward to is the knowledge we know becoming the sweet knowledge and awareness for all. That moment must be very soon.

In spite of the several attempts at silencing us individually and collectively, the idea set in motion like all brilliant ideas, can never be extinguished nor indeed never will be.

Fearlessness, Truth and Humour

As we enter these final face-offs, the challenges that will most certainly bring about change none of us has ever experienced and had the pleasure to enjoy, again I implore all to don the armour of fearlessness, Wield the sword of truth in your hand and carry the shield of humour at your breast. With these three weapons we shall bring down that which has been a curse on the house of humanity, a virus to the hearts and minds of us all and the jailor of our souls’s purpose we all incarnated to deliver.

To paraphrase Shakespeare’s cry of Mark Anthony in Julius Caesar –

“Cry Freedom and unleash the lions of Natural Law”.

How apposite it came from one warrior, who regretted his part in Caesar’s downfall. Now is the moment for us all to take up arms, if not already mobilised to do so, and cause the greatest change humanity has witnessed in centuries. A change that, embedded in these British Isles, will cause such a profound domino effect as to ricochet around the world, through cries of “I want to be part of this glory!” until it manifests so.

Contrary to popular belief, taking down a pyramid of demonic power, although arduous and lengthy, is never impossible!


For all of us – the following links are not only the lifesaver but our collective future, for life.
Engage and enjoy!

Universal Community Trust – The bedrock

An autonomous Financial Bridge guiding us through to transition
Updates of all processes
P.U.B.s developing actions here
The Bernician – all actions here

Fearlessness – The Single Tool of Success

Today we are surrounded by talking heads, political babblers, spouters of distractive enterprises for solutions to problems existing and not yet created. The result of all this? Confusion, befuddlement and rank fear of outcomes.

It is this very fear that is the cause of inaction, numbness and the total lack of redress needed to stop the shite being thrown at us. As targets, the general population is the very epitome of those locked in stocks, victim to the rotten fruit, veg and eggs thrown by those that mock us, at the same time as pretending to have our best interest at heart.

Pummelled long enough, many just give up and allow the contents thrown by the ruling elites, to maintain unmissable targets. The humiliation and embarrassment get to the point whereby admitting we have allowed all this becomes a far greater hurdle than meekly submitting to more and more.

Can you imagine the spineless, pathetic, programmed resistance now in place? What precisely is the act that will stir the populace to indignation at being the bully’s butthead? It seems at this moment the denial of death being the outcome of so many violations, is better than reminding ourselves who created this outcome.

In a war zone the recognition that we, the target, are vulnerable, accountable to the inflictions of the enemy only dawns when the bomb drops, rarely before. The thought that silence is our armour, compliance our guarantee, shields us like a sieve used to stop water flowing through it.

There is no honour or self-satisfaction in being deaf, dumb and blind cowards. No heroic stance in saying “Yes sir, No sir, three bags full, sir.” No matter how emboldened you may feel by having a crowd of yapping lapdogs by your side, it will never protect you from the outcomes you invite by such a*licking subservience and denial of any responsibility to self-serving, arrogant abuse, egotistical enterprise being spread over you, like Marmite on toast.

It only requires, while swatting round for ways out, forward or the comfort of standing still, the recognition that we all carry the solution within. A solution, mark you, so powerful, so arresting that even the strongest concrete wall, iron barricade could not match. Imagining that sort of strength and power within, most likely is enough to frighten the creature we have cultivated to be our self.

Robbie Burns comes to mind:

Wee, sleeket, cowran, tim’rous beastie,
O, what a panic’s in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty,
Wi’ bickerin brattle!
I wad be laith to rin an’ chase thee
Wi’ murd’ring pattle!

Within the confusion, the purposeful injection of fear, fear and more fear and untruths supporting its fragile argument, the people, no matter where, are bombarded into obsequious obedience. While this is the sauce and flavour of their attack, we never seem to be able to switch on the ultimate WMD – our own Weapon of Mass Destruction – Fearlessness.

Until we can dress in that armour, give it full voice and resonance, we merely become another lemming to the slaughter.

Developing fearlessness needs the persistent application of “I don’t give a F*** to your rules, impositions, demands that take away my freedom. I reject your demands for me to be and remain a slave to your system.” To stand and be counted demands absolute fearlessness.

Comfort is not the place we presently need to nurture. Our own sanity and survival is. Whatever it takes, we must march towards it with belief, self-determination that we shall never inflict these conditions and times on our children, theirs and their children.

We need today to be the very inverse of the Me, Me, Me generations and attitudes. This whole aspect is the utter revolting manipulation that conforms people to an idea that – I am the most important entity in the universe – and for their needs, the social system marked out for you.

What is essential is to develop every part of our wellbeing into self-awareness, self-responsibility and recognising and bonding with the community around us.

Margaret Thatcher’s famous words “There is no such thing as society” led us all into the selfish, greed grabbing, no care for others space we are now all soaked in.

We survive and thrive best within a healthy society. That society is community that shares, supports and uplifts each to the other. A healthy, supportive community no matter how small or large exudes health and wealth on every level.

Poverty though looking and feeling real is a manipulated condition. There is enough for us all. Distribution and means of the same is the true barrier for thriving life. Banks use their usury to deplete us, mortgages are as fraudulent as these banks. Corruption within the corridors of power endemic to create the divide we call them and us. Equity is being squeezed out of all existence. Equality has nothing to do with alphabet acronyms, these all are mere divisions and distractions from looking full front and directly at the emperor without a stitch on.

We must stand for the values inherent in our true being, direct all our efforts to cultivate these values with ourselves and through the application of fearlessness, let it become our natural state. Let go of the distractions, leave behind the fearful nature, too long held close and for us all to become lighthouses, dispelling darkness so many take as normal.

Imagine and make manifest the armour of fearlessness, hold the sword of truth in our hands and carry the shield of humour to laugh off any attempts to belittle the giant within.

Never doubt nor accept the cries of “It’s not that simple”, “Those ranged against us are too powerful” and others. These are the phantoms we could have believed in, lacking the knowledge we are far mightier than all those hopeless appeals.

Do it, become it and change your world.

Grow as you were born to!

To help you in your magnificent quest, give yourself the protection of an impermeable wall, behind which you are protected in every way others might try and show you that you are not.

Embed your sovereign being within Universal Community Trust – share and offer all your worth no matter how that manifests.

A National Debt Disgrace

Q: How is a national debt different from a personal debt?

A: One you never pay off, the other you’re always expected to pay off.

That seems fair does it, not?

No, totally unfair, because a national debt is someone else running up humungous amounts you will never finishing paying off , whereas it is a done deal that any debt you have is immediately yours and expected to pay off, and penalised if not.

Some might say that is obvious, yet when it comes to a national debt, did you have any say in how much you are tagged for, how much say you have in the ridiculous figure you’re presented with and then expected to be taxed to pay it?

It is akin to a stranger coming up to you and saying “You owe me £XXXX.oo and you will pay or else.” Hardly transparent, let alone fair or equitable. Who decided you owe that, when you chose never to be part of that. You might of just said “Open my wallet and help yourself” – because that is what they are fingering from your wealth, however meagre.

That great organ of truth and transparency, the BBC, present the following story of where the debt the country runs up is borrowed from, has its unnatural being and continues the blood sucking it has always fostered.

Its admission that the national debt will most likely be never paid off;
Probably not. Politicians are more likely to use any spare money they have to cut taxes or invest in better public services.”

is as honest as it gets, yet utterly refuses to tell the real story of who benefits. It merely serves up yet more ‘listen to nanny’ and obey. Instruction from those that not only control us but who betray us – of truth.

That real story is that we the people pay every inch of the way. They spend and we pay, with no allowance for input.

It is projected that over the next couple of years the interest on such borrowing as we have today, will be in the region of £1 billion plus. This figure alone is more than what is spent on education, and that ladies and gentlemen, is part of the cost of being under the cosh of a debt-based system.

I could go into the near £6 billion spent on feeding foreign criminals with weapons of destruction, rather than supporting its own population, but that would be just irritatingly truthful in the face of deprivation.

People still say, “that’s OK, we’ll just slave harder for our masters”. Others might say, “Well, we get to elect them, so that gives us the power to direct them.” Please pull the other one. If elections were effective and functioned for us, they would be banned as not fit for purpose.

We have to get our heads around the fact that virtually nothing that is of significance to our well being is ever in our gift within the system that has been created to fleece us to the bone and devoid of any real potential to be our own masters. I dare anyone to prove otherwise, under this present system.

So if we are landed with this National Debt Disgrace, how do we extricate ourselves from it to a position where taxes, inured slavery, usury and deprivation are a thing of the past?

Simple answer is to say a huge NO and then walk into a jurisdiction that outlaws all these things!

Yet find me enough who are willing to voice that. There will always be the “We are too small/insignificant/worthless to even contemplate such a gesture.”

Think that and it is true. Think other and it is already in the mind of creation. Further look around, find out if anyone is doing that, living that potential and you may be pleasantly surprised to see it already is being lived, in action and happening.

That being the case, then why are not more people rushing towards it, to escape the prison they locked themselves?

Comfort is all, too few brave hearts striking out for rediscovery. Enough paralysis in the Department of Exploration, to keep everything slumbering. Yet, it only takes a spark to ignite a fire. Such a spark comes from a place no one was paying attention to, and yet it sparks a fire, that becomes a raging fire. You’ll find many slumbering souls rising to the heat generated and crying, “I lit it, I lit it!”

Who cares if their response is a load of bull. At least they awoke to testify to something that is the game changer. Because no one cares who lit it, they care merely for living it, which will still take those irrationally grabbing credit for what they never created or cared for, to take more time in acknowledgement and tempering their new surroundings. We can wait!

The real debt we all owe is to ourselves – the debt of gratitude to be the change and live it at all costs.


Universal Community Trust

The Financial Bridge to the Future

Fraud, The Poster Boy of Tyranny

It is easy to bash a petty little fraudster as he endeavours to rip off a community through devious and sleight of hand ways. Outing such local criminality becomes obvious as more and more get stung.

Harder when on a far larger scale fraud is perpetrated on a whole nation, a whole world. In order to pull off such vast scaled fraud, so many layers of containment are needed to keep apart the whole puzzle.So very few have the whole picture, by necessity. It takes so very few to maintain and manage the so very many.

Yet we are told incessantly, that a global conspiracy to fraud would never be possible because too many people know. Therein lies the greatest lie, yet because of its size, it is easily believed. Ratios read wrong, the unbelievable believed to be so. Yet stop one moment and simply ask yourself – is not this present world and its criminal governance the very epitome of fraud?

It may be far too vast an answer to face, yet face it we all must since our very lives depend on recognising its frightful answer. Sadly, many will not even contemplate that question and throw it off like a bad smell. Yet in doing so they feed the fraud and sacrifice their lives in tandem.

If we were to take a few simple examples of the fraud perpetrated and then extrapolate them what would appear would be not a pandemic but a veritable global pestilence never before seen or perpetrated. Never before perpetrated is easily answered. Never before has humanity had the ability to connect with so many by so few before.

So let us start with money. Money has always been sold us (yea, pun village) as having intrinsic value as printed on the note, perceived on the coin. We, having flogged ourselves to near death agree as we accept the wage packet. We never consider that someone somewhere with an agenda told that story and all believe it without question.

Wages Hell

So the fraud of money is deep within the psyche. Money is merely a term we use to make sense and bring meaning to transactions and barter. It has no worth until two people agree its worth. It could have been seashells, nuts, eggs or anything, yet someone designated paper and coin to be the evidential worth. Sometime later another came along and decided they would be the arbiter of paper and metal coin and designated that their houses of distribution of said paper and metal would be the controllers of such value. Others agreed with that and demanded they have a substation of that house of value as long as they could cream a bit off the top to offer them value for being of service. The deal was therefore agreed that for every unit of paper or coin value they created, out of nowhere another nine notes, of that same value could be used to gamble with.

They also were introduced to another even more pernicious system whereby they merely promised each other they would pay an amount as and when they were called upon to do so. The promissory note, the lien, the commercial financial instrument was born. Not only born but this bastard child or worth superseded every known paper and coin denominating money. When it was encashed into the system, something somewhere became collateralised against it. What better collateral than the very people born into life. Now those who controlled the money, owned each and everyone that was born. The glory days of goods and chattel were fully formed and functioning. Oh, how they could grow their money reserves as the population grew!

We the people became the traded goods for a small cartel that literally lived off our very existence. A bigger fraud could there never be.

Sadly yes there was. They called it taxation. Yet beyond that is mortgage fraud, yet, before we get there let us continue with smaller ones.

A small fraud could be someone telling you they had some miracle cure that would relieve all ailments for a shilling, a dollar or Euro. Bottle bought and used to no effect. Snake oil merchant retires out of sight, fraud perpetrated.

Then comes a biggy of fraud, the bankster and mortgage perpetrators. Those that made you pay for a good part of your life through a system that was so fraudulent, so nefarious that its very existence made you believe that by following certain unlawful processes, the charges they laid on you and your property were theirs until you had paid the over three times the original ‘offer’ they had made. In fact in the eighties, experienced by this author, you did not even have to have the ability to pay the instalments, as long as you got suckered into their fraud.

It is now the time to call time on the fraudsters. Their filthy game is up and they have run out of track to run this criminal racket. On behalf of the People’s Union of Britain (P.U.B) the following were sent a Notice of Conditional Acceptance (NoCA) to defend the fraudulent activities they have used over decades to rob a good percentage of the British public – around 11.4 million of them, of their hard earned cash. Those sent were – Andrew Bailey – Former CEO of FCA, James Crosby – Former Deputy Chairman of FSA, Adair Turner – Former Chairman of FSA, Lisa Osofsky – Director of SFO, Graeme Biggar – Director General of NCA, Sam Woods – CEO of PRA and Nikhil Rathi – CEO of FCA. Read the full report here.

This follows the TGBMS Class Action To End Mortgage Fraud that has been ongoing for several years. The names featured above are merely the first in a long line of individuals who will be receiving their justice in the coming weeks.

This action, now fully initiated, will bring down, possibly the greatest fraud perpetrated in the last two centuries. Not only could the whole 11.4 million+ people frauded, be compensated but also the release of such return of capital would mean a huge injection of billions, if not trillions into the economy and people’s pockets. This endeavour would have been achieved, not by any persuasion of present political ambition but solely by the endeavours of the people of these isles. What that would mean is that the properties of those concerned would be rightfully returned to them, the injustices meted out on them corrected and the place of individual sovereignty returned intact and flourishing.

This endeavour does not nor will not end there. Fraud unravels all, as designated by the Supreme Court. The People’s Union of Britain has the goal of identifying all fraud against the people of these isles and rectifying all perpetrations of it towards the people.

Following the Notice of Conditional Acceptance, which PUB served upon the regulatory officers who have failed to regulate the UK mortgage industry, resulting in trillions of pounds being stolen under the terms of fraudulently registered mortgages, the Attorney General, Suella Braverman, who by all accounts has aspirations to replace Bojo as Prime Minister in the Autumn, was served with a notice requiring her immediate action to end more than three decades of institutionalised fraud on these shores. See this report

We live in times that look the most tyrannical, yet are also the times when truth trashes lies and mendacious acts perpetrated. For those that recognise these truths and facts, it is a glorious time to be living through. For those that have yet to awaken to these truths, there is a wonderful future lying ahead.

May we all get to live the lives we were born to live, the potentials we were encouraged to reach and the communities we deserve to live within where truth, justice and joy abound.

To follow the whole story of these events, find them here

When Sovereign turns the Tide

It is an universal truth that all of us, in being born, are born sovereign beings. This fact is immutable. No one owns us, no one has authority over us, we are sovereign.

That this truth is cruelly thrashed out of us, by one means or another is the tragedy of life. Be it the ignorance of those we have chosen as our parents, guardians, teachers and mentors for those early years or merely the pressure and tyrannical execution of lives lived under laws, man-made and exclusively for the benefit of others, difference is incidental.

What is totally apparent for us all today, whatever background, culture or social standing, is that tyranny, in its most flagrant and transparent form is rife and pressing us all into an existence as far from sovereign as you could imagine.

There are only two countries that have retained, let’s say, over the last 500 years, their sovereignty. This is sovereignty on a national level, not personal. The difference being that, in as much as each and every human being’s birthright is sacrosanct as sovereign, a country’s sovereignty is a collective establishment of independent being and collective betterment.

The individual’s right and authority is their own. No other authority can or must impinge, prevent or endeavour to interfere with that God given right. A nation’s sovereign status establishes that on a national level, yet does not confer power to each individual, as sovereign. So if I was to inform you that the two nations who have maintained that over the last half millennia were England and Russia, you might be surprised.

You should be, as what we have playing out today is the pinnacle of a good 500 year battle for supremacy, that started the modern era’s battle for single dog supreme. In this struggle there is only one that became the aggressor, the other defending itself against all outside, flagrant aggression. The long term desire to conquer the land of Russia has been in English sights for centuries. Today’s manifestation of this age old struggle started in earnest in the Napoleonic era.

By way of conquest it started with the East India Company way back in 1600. It went on to become the largest corporation in the world, and the richest at that time. For the English, the natural resources, vast landmasses and abundant food stores of Russia were and still are, a coveted jewel in a tyrannical crown. From out of the Slavic lands came the unholy Khazarian tribe, whose own lands included what is now Eastern Ukraine. It was, before the English became embroiled in lusting after Russian lands, that Russia had to deal with, along with the help of the Persians, a haven for these criminal thieves and violent psychopaths. It was also to England and Western Europe that the descendants of these evil beings arrived and settled. From there they manipulated their vile infection into North America, not before taking control of the English financial system, won after falsely reporting the loss by the English at Waterloo.

I mention this as it is an important part of the overall infection of evil, the tyrannies that ensued, procured. 

So when today we are faced with a rampant hatred and Russophobia, most especially from the English towards the Russians, bear in mind this is no recent phenomenon. Since the take over of the Bank of England after Waterloo, by the Rothschilds, the modern face of Khazarian malevolence, the desire for the English to defeat and destroy the sovereign territories of Russia, have never been so exercised.

Those in these isles who are happy to sail on the vessel ‘Utter Ignorance’ in the fleet that includes “HMS Impotent”, HMS ‘Common Purpose’ and HMS “Fullon C*nt” will never see the rocks that will sink all trace of them. A blessing for both truth, justice and their damned souls.

So next we see the Ra! Ra! of utter prats not delineating, nor defining a space between one major psyop and the next. All we can wish them is a smooth journey to their very own self created hell and ultimate salvation.

What all those that do know is, that whosoever have not used and developed their God-given divine gift of critical thought, justice is swift, final and full of divine retribution of the learning kind. Compassion, enabling all those delusional enough to think their position is the single truth, is as magnanimous as it comes. Yet we shall surely witness resistance dressed as right, like never before.

Does that remind you of those digging deeper the holes they are preparing for their own fall?

When sovereign hits the present turf running, those that chose, through self-determination, the path of freedom, will enjoy such a life as they never could have dreamed. Their own choices, made from the very stuff of living under Natural Law, will deliver a joy, ease and ability to grow as has never been experienced for those presently living on earth.

Sovereign is and always will be the only truly lawful and natural high of worth!

I’m Entitled So Give Me Everything!

Today’s world has so many challenges and blocks that make travel, by those that expect to be served on a plate, a road full of potholes. The nature of expectation is driven and riven with the idea that the entitlement of each is to be cosseted, looked after and pampered from cradle to grave.

Large swathes of society in the West predominantly, expect to be taken care of, with only minimal effort exerted from self-determination. The debt-based society is driven by carrot and stick. It always has been.

The cry of, “If you work hard, you maybe can be as rich as those telling you that “. Of course, that is not what they say from their ivory towers, it is what they encourage obscurely, knowing that all that is bullshit and mere goading. It is designed to encourage the scrambling over other to reach heights and goals they stipulate and have inculcated into the mindset as ‘the way’.

This breeds a selfish, arrogant attitude in so many fringe groups who then assume their ‘rights’ to be considered greater and more important than mere mortals. The whole virtual signalling brigade parade their entitlement to this that or the other. My sexual preferences must be more important than any biological, natural precedents. Why?

Because these people are encouraged to puff themselves up, backed by a quasi-societal demand for equality. Such interpretations of equality divide even further the already divided.

No one bothers to ask the question why it is so important to be identified as ‘x,y,z’. The truth is that some highfalutin person or group demands that it is necessary for our basic freedom and identification of our ‘special rights’.

No one even bothers to consider that to be a sovereign, free, self-determined being maybe encapsulates and makes all such ‘demands’ irrelevant. What it most definitely does not do, is demand others must adhere or respect absolutely what me and my group believe in. Yet when confronted with living and being this simple determination, most shy away from this option as they are no way prepared to take 100% responsibility for and in their lives, personal choices and a willingness to not impose their beliefs on any other, no matter how circuitous they may be painted. The point that is often made is that such people, and often a group, are special and have been ignored and mistreated in the past thus now deserve the recognition they presently demand. Of course equity is a positive presentation.

These situations, however have predominantly been voiced in respect of colour, sexual orientation and a multitude of ‘rights overridden’, unfair bigotry etc. In a structural existence where division is an essential part of its working ethic and control, it becomes a prerequisite. Where the haves and have nots determine success or failure, compliance or non- compliance, there will always be such false paradigms. Such a system builds into itself endemic failure, yet few question its inevitable suicidal tendencies, made for the specific purpose of reset.

When the system is questioned, historically it enabled dissatisfaction to grow to the point where revolution becomes inevitable, or more accurately manipulated, and thus a vacuum is formed. When that happens some saviour of supernatural appearance appears and thus the cycle starts all over again. Inevitably such new beginnings, in whatever name or form, passes into a stage where ego driven absolutes form and become the modus operandi. In an unpredictable timescale we arrive back at the point where revolution and change is yet again called upon.

The so-called ‘entitled’ start their screaming and righteous indignation appeals.

No one recognises these patterns have been run and controlled by a small group manipulating lives and conditions. They do so through the existence of a debt-based system, where owed, owning, reward and deprivation are the instruments of control. Conditional to slaving away, pittance is thrown on the ground to be grovelled over. Most scramble and scratch their way to obsequious gratitude for not starving.

In other versions of this manic pursuit, they are literally starved, blackmailed into compliance as the ‘useless eaters’ they are called. New and variant ways are exploited to rid the number of these pestilent irritations from the equation. Technology is encouraged to find automated answers to production and service. Individuals become surplus to requirements. Meanwhile compliance has been ratcheted to a level far exceeding those controllers’ imagination. If not enough pay attention then wars are instigated and hate, anger and fury blaming others are pumped into the machinery of manipulated fear and outcomes.

At this point we arrive in the world we have today. Well, to be far more precise, a world most have accepted as ‘normal’.

However depressing this may sound like, it does not have to be the only solution in a rotating, manipulated equation, with known and played variants.

The only entitlement we are all born to is one that is reliant on taking personal and total responsibility 100%, becoming self-determined, free to do whatever we wish, as long as that does not bring harm or injury to another.

It is imperative to acknowledge there is only one authority to respect and adhere to – oneself.

The sovereign being born into this most treasured and sacred existence is only answerable to one law – Natural Law, no other. All others are man-made and fallible to manipulation. Imposed to exert control over the sovereign being, they are everything Natural Law is not. Even though we have lived our lives within such a system and control causing us all injury, extorting us, demanding us relinquish our freedoms, gifted at birth, we have, most definitely, a choice to accept or refuse such demands.

Their system of loss and reward is called their financial system, debt based and driven. If we are to feel there is no other, we would be wrong

The opposite to a debt based, usurious society is a credit based one, where equity, respect and honour where make money, as we have understood it, become superfluous.

How, you may ask, can we access such a 180-degree opposite to this present system? Like everything else that has been reverse engineered. We create it!

Luckily, that has always been done, it is on the table and available to move into. The only challenge for each of us is – Do I have the courage and the determination to release myself from a jail of my own making?

The choice is simple – yet will it be taken?

No matter how indoctrinated we have become, to think that there is no way out is surrender of the weakest kind and ignorance. We are the most powerful and creative beings in this cherished state of incarnation. To deny that and not progress its establishment under Natural Law, is criminal itself.

Are you yet suffering enough to make that change or are you in need to be kept in the boiling pot till it is too late? We all placed ourselves in that pot, through whatever journey and the water felt, at first, pleasant and cool. Yet today most are unaware that those cool waters of compliance and convenience are getting to boiling point. When it does we will all be blamed for not only creating it but bringing it upon ourselves.

The trick is to hop out before it’s too late – the different menu is staring you in the face. Get off that self-entitled mule and ride into a richer life where you regain your sovereign being and truly live, as you were born to.

Any other choice will become a miserable and inevitable end.

The solution and our Future: Universal Community Trust
The Financial Bridge: UCT Token

Original Article found at

‘Twas The Night Before Christmas…

T’was the night before Christmas when all thru the House
Not a criminal MP was able to grouse
Their pay checks hung in their pockets fair
In the hope that St Bill soon’ll be there

Their acolyte promoters, collusional Heads
Dreamed visions of kick backs and full hospitals beds.
An’ Bojo with mop head filling all with his crap
Just settled down for his last winter’s nap

When out in the square there arose such a clamour
They all spring from their seats to see what was the matter.
Away to the windows, they tore like a flash
Tore open their privileged entitlements stash

The moon on the breast of the new formed show
Gave a lustre of light to those gathered below,
When what to their horror and gaze did appear
But a vehicle named PUB and ten thousand nightmares

Led by a warrior so bold, so wily and wry
They knew in that moment their luck had run dry
More rapid than eagles, this army rolled on
As all of them urged each to stay strong.

“Come Forces so mighty, Come Freedom from Hell
On Justice, On Peace, Come ring out that Bell
To the Sovereign in each, we storm the City of Crime
Now crash the old system, crash to dust so fine.

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly
When they meet with such obstacles, mount to the sky
So blasting the criminals, murderers all
With a stash full of charges, that’ll lay them low and fall.

In a twinkling we heard throughout the land
The screams of defendants, such a wretched band
And all drew a breath at the wonder revealing
Colluders, criminals and cowards left reeling.

Their eyes how they sunk, their complexion so haggard
Their faces bled dry, knowing how they were buggered
Their wimpish mouths pinched hard from their lies
Now curled and curved, filled with excreta from flies

The stump of their pipe dreams held so fast in their hope
The stench of deception, was there for all to gloat
The excess of selfishness, greed and advantage
Now turned to terror of the people’s blinding rage

T’was BoJo, Twitty, Wanky, Imbalance, Fergie all
Would soon make us joyful at their imminent fall
A knowing glance to the rest who are all for the chop
Gave a nation the reason to cheer non-stop.

The criminals, in unison spoke not a word,
Save Boris shouting, “I’ll expose all these turds!”
“We’ve heard all your lies,” the people cried. “Your promises too.
All’s left for us now is to flush y’all down the loo!”

The nation, as one, sprang to their feet,
Crying freedom for all, and sovereignty sweet
Energy released, peace and hope now rewarded,
Coloured the dawn of a New Year, so long dream’t, now afforded.

The Most Explosive Interview this Century!

All the usual suspects are refusing publishing this explosive interview by Michael O’Bernicia, to be loaded so go here –

What better viewing can we have ahead of tomorrow’s historic events #rememberremember211221 

Also learn about all that is happening and being exposed and made public – on the same page

Truly the beginning of the end for COVID-1984