A Political Movement Out To Destroy The World, And You’re Not Allowed To Say So

Mechanisms for developing, maintaining and inflicting control over others has always been part of the human construct. In its best form it allows order, co-existence and peace maintaining optimum balance. In its worst form it develops and maintains tyranny, war, cruelty and obsessive division, distraction and persecution.

Politics is an accepted term for the activities of the government, members of law-making organisations, or people who try to influence the way a country is governed. It is commonly understood that governance is something emanating internally, within a sovereign state.

When the power wielded by any political entity exerts its influence demanding governance of over other sovereign entities, beyond its sovereign borders, it is recognised as empire building. Greece, Rome, Mongol, British and US empires are some of the most recognised in our human history. Yet one empire in making, built on a rabid political base, has been allowed to fester, grow and permeate our modern world with total condescension, impunity and rampant disregard for best and accepted values of humanity. It has at the same time been granted exceptional leeway in maintaining its existence over and above any laws internationally recognised.

Since its inception in 1897, Zionism has built itself into a toxic, stand alone, untouchable virus proclaiming its self righteous entity deserving of unquestioning fealty. Its roots are grounded in everything antithetical to religion, let alone humanity. By its very creation it is and always has been a political entity. Yet, since inveigling itself into demanding acceptance as an integral pivot of Jewish faith, it has forced itself to be acknowledged as a faith. No other political entity in the world does or is allowed to make such preposterous demands.

Such deception has always been its modus operandi. Founded on falsehood, arrogant superiority and criminal hegemony, it has forced its existence alongside a world order, built on power, domination and criminal collusion.

Its power is so entrenched and accepted within political governance that we find ourselves living under ruling bodies insisting this group must be held to far more stringent respect and allegiance than any other entity. Its demands to have greater meaning and status than any other group, has been manufactured through its insistence it is genetic Jewish.

Like some gross cuckoo, Zionism has taken over and rewritten attributes, historical reference and hereditary traits that have nothing to do with its own own origins. It has forced laws into existence, built on deception and lies, it twists terminology to anoint and appropriate legality where only illegality deserves residence.

Zionism’s psychopathic desire to control and rule the world is as monstrous as anything in existence. Yet within the corridors of Western nations it has been embraced as a legitimate organ of power – committing illegality at will, hounding and persecuting any nay saying, questioning of its legitimacy and generally placing itself above any law, national or international.

Its arch trope, the anti semitic accusation has been played since its inception to an ever more gullible world. Yet as more people are confronted by this totalitarian deception, they vocally refuse to accept the lies demanded to be swallowed. Like some rabid beast, it flays and lashes out in desperation to stay alive and meaningful.

If we wish to develop a world where people are accepted and respected as equal, where multipolar coexistence is nurtured, this cancer must be addressed and shown transparently for what it really is. Its very existence not only diminishes and damages  Judaism, it tarnishes and poisons so many other cultures, faiths and creeds.

Until we can control this entity, deny its overarching power and control,  we place ourselves into a perpetual loop of subservience to illegitimate power calling the shots. If ever there exists the mark of totalitarianism and fascist rule, it is epitomised in this political entity.

Our world is at a pitifully low point, the flagrant abuse of power can be seen everywhere. Worse still, so many powerlessly accept this as normal, without questioning its merit.

As the depth and penetration of Zionism is exerted, witnessed by the present capitulation of the UK Labour Party to total subservience to Zionist lies and manipulations and the powerful creep of the State of Israel lobbies worldwide, there seems no rescuing a world on course for capitulation.

Blood is on the hands of Labour leadership, as unwarranted expulsions from the party membership score the death this week of Pauline Hammerton, a long-term Labour activist from Hulme in Manchester.

We are confronted by Jews facing up to this practice and offering themselves as lambs to this mindless slaughter. Professor Haim Bresheeth is an admirable example of this and shows us all one powerful way to call the greater tune on the lunacy presently practiced by a party now infested with Zionist ideology, rather than sovereign worth.

His extraordinary letter is part quoted here and can be fully read here:

It is evident that my background qualifies me as an antisemite according to the Labour coda based on the flawed IHRA ‘definition’ of antisemitism, or rather, the weaponised version of Zionist propaganda aimed against supporters of the human and political rights of Palestinians. But I would like to add some more damning evidence, so as to make the case watertight, if I may.

Over the decades, I took part in hundreds of demonstrations against Israeli brutalities and acted against the atrocities committed by of the military occupation, in various countries – Israel, in Europe and the US. I have published articles, made films and contributed to many books and have spoken widely in a number of countries against the Israeli militarised colonisation of Palestine, the denial of any rights to most Palestinians, the severe violations of human and political rights of the Palestinian citizens of Israel, and the brutalising impact of the IDF on Jewish Israeli society. I have also analysed the false nature of the IHRA campaign in a recent article, written from an anti-Zionist, human rights perspective. I am active in a number of political groups affiliated or close to the Labour Party, who support Palestinian rights – Jewish Voice for Labour, and Jewish Network for Palestine, of which I am a founder member.

It has to be incumbent on everyone, especially those members of the Labour Party in the UK and all Americans affected and influenced by AIPAC, to rise up and say Not in our name! 

Unless we make public what Zionism truly is, the cancer it is spreading, then we are doomed to an ugly world.

Zionism is not Judaism. Anti Semitism as declared and used today is nothing more than a cheap trick by the political entity of Zionism to silence truth, facts and a criminal pursuit of violence, genocide and illegality.

Mandate Loyalty Pledge to Palestine or Mandate to No Foreign Entity

The US seems to be leading the way in mandating loyalty pledges to a terrorist regime. Already twenty eight states in the USA have mandated that loyalty to a foreign entity is more important than its own. Such actions are shutting down any dissent on the terror regime that is the State of Israel. It would seem that any questioning of this genocidal, criminal regime flies in the face of support for such criminal existence.

The hollow drum of ‘Land of the Free…etc BS… etc BS’ is banging to distract as many as possible from illegal and criminal slow genocide of a people we are supposed to accept as non-human, from a regime intent on wiping out an indigenous people. Sound familiar from a government whose near full existence has been just that?

The demand for mandating a loyalty pledge to an incarcerated and unjustly served people seems obvious. However such mandates fly in the face of free expression, obvious discussion from every side and basic human rights.

A far better and more human approach would be to mandate none of this rubbish, examine by their actions such states for promoting legitimacy, legality or illegality, and from that point demand support for or justice against adherence to or flouting of international law.

At present the USA, as self proclaimed leader of the free world, an oxymoron in itself, adheres to a threadbare set of international norms and laws. It does so purely on a level of self interest, not a desire for international co-operation. Such actions are usually pinned on juntas, facist, totalitarian and dictator-run states.

“This censorship of my talk based on forced compliance to anti-BDS laws in Georgia is just one level of a nationwide campaign to protect Israel from grassroots pressure.” Abby Martin

After refusing to sign a pledge of allegiance to the state of Israel, the state of Georgia shut down a media literacy conference featuring journalist and filmmaker Abby Martin at Georgia Southern University. Rightly so the journalist, along with two organisations, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF), filed a free speech lawsuit against such First Amendment rights to speak.

It is obvious to all those not living on a desert island for many decades, that the intrusive and illegal nature of the Zionist run State of Israel has exceeded all known norms of human behaviour and become the single most dangerous entity thwarting world coexistence and peace. Until such time as this pariah state and virulent pestilence is called out for what it truly is, we can expect any sense of humanity to be further stifled, reduced and subsequent illegal actions perpetrated on a world complicate with its actions – silence and non resistance being two obvious markers of such complicity.

Rather than loyalty to a foreign entity we need respect, tolerance and understanding to develop co-existence within a human race as diverse as it is peopled.

Coercion, BS, lies and authoritarian edict has never led to anything other than blood, enmity, death and destruction. Anyone is welcome to argue against this, however recognise you will be challenged and called out as the problem you really are.

And that starts with the present defilers in our presence.
Full article from MintPress here
BDS website here

The Hollow Virtue Signalling of NEVER AGAIN!

Please people, tell me when those in power in whatever age have ever learned from their errors or those of their forebears’?

Sick is not even able to reach the heights of the hypocrisy today’s psychopaths scream out with their oh! so predicated ‘emotional responses‘, an oxymoron itself of the highest order, spew from their lips.

In Israel this last week we have witnessed the great and the good, the political and authoritarian send a virtue signal of the most gargantuan proportions to the world on the back of the Great Guilt Inducing Holocaust Remembrance Anniversary. As if any of them ever recognised true suffering, while their own rules merely dish out ever more suffering to the ordinary people of the world. Platitudes will never rub out the desecration, deception and death they have dealt and now hold on their hands.

The insistence that a small number in the gross addition of numbers slaughtered in global holocausts must become the single most remembered and unchallenged data reference, tells everything about those pushing this agenda.

There is one purpose and one alone to hosting world leaders at this gathering on the hallowed ground of Yad Vashem, built on the location on a Palestinian settlement that existed before 1948. It is to wrangle them together so that they may understand what they must do when they return home: protect Israel at all costs.

The goal of the Holocaust event is to wipe out any distinction between the Holocaust, antisemitism and Israel. They are all one: an insult to one is an insult to all.

A sincere (apparently) royal, the Prince Charles gave a moving speech to Palestinians on their plight, hoping for that day when they and all people are properly recognised as equally human. Ironic it was his country that created the treasonous deal in the first place.

The bestial Anglo Zionists have every drop of blood since the 1890s on their hands and souls. The spawn of evil that resides in the State of Israel, an entity and cowardly regime using their clout to maintain disorder through their main proxy puppets in the US and UK, is beyond redemption. They learned their craft well and we see a world where their work has to be glorified otherwise those refusing are branded criminal anti semites.

Until we exorcise this excruciating, vile and criminally illegal regime from any point of influence the Never Again platitude will ring hollow down the ages and mark the depths  humanity is able to wallow in with not dealing and scrubbing clean the stains it has self administered for so long. Until that time of cleansing it will remain a pariah world in the cosmos of creation, pissing in the tempest its self inflated ego.

The Lobby Too Big To Question

Lobby groups are an endemic and often virulent part of political life. Many lobby groups are funded by self interested corporations, intent on getting their ‘special favours’ from the government in office. There are those laudable lobby groups only concerned and pushing agendas that are in the public interest or common good. The former far outweigh in success and proclivity the latter.

Yet above and beyond all these lobby groups is one so infested throughout our political and daily  life, so powerful politicians, press and people of influence are afraid to even speak its name, let alone tag it for its actions, for fear of reprisal, loss of influence and denigration of power.

It is the Israel Lobby.

Its name highlights it as a foreign entity, or at best working directly on behalf of a foreign regime, to influence, push agendas and in short control the decisions, actions of such lobbied countries. As much as there are multitudes of foreign and corporate interests constantly lobbying for attention, usually trade focused, this particular lobby group is intent and set upon gaining such control, such indivisible power through multitude arteries of the British and US system, that in any other context it would be seen as the grossest form of internal interference by a foreign entity on a sovereign nation. Not least, an act of war.

Under such circumstances, you might think any government, its intelligence services and sovereignty protection apparatus would be onto such devious ways and means in a trice. You might wonder why such a lobby is not immediately called out, across screen, print press and online. In any sane, self respecting sovereign state this would be the primary mechanism engaged. Yet somehow the lobby’s influence, power and creep is ignored. It is on most occasions embraced as part and parcel of sovereign life.

England would like to feel it was last invaded and conquered by an external force way back in 1066 by their French antagonists.



It was taken over and ruled by foreign entities in 1815. The Rothschilds had funded and backed both sides in the War, both French and British. They walked away from the table at Waterloo with the biggest single win any gambler could have made. Their messenger reaching London before any other, declared a British loss. Panic and depreciation of stock and Bank holdings wrought imminent bankruptcy. Rothschild’s secret bet on a British win, soon transpired to a bankrupting payment, settled only by the handing over of financial control of England and the bank to them. To this day it is how it operates.

Not only did all this lead to the eventual creation of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basle in the 1930s becoming the central bank of all global central banks, it secured direct control by Rothschild and its minion Eight Family directors, absolute global financial power. When, during the First World War, Rothschild persuaded the British not to sue for peace with Germany, by promising the certainty of getting the USA to enter, helping win the war the British were presently losing, a deal was struck.

That deal, as is well documented, became the State of Israel gifted in Palestine at a time and calling of Rothschild. In 1948 the State of Israel was created violently through the terrorist actions of those ending up to be the first leaders and government of the new founded State of Israel.

This invidious act of treasonous betrayal by Balfour in 1917 has led to what we face today – an impervious practitioner, outside international law, through contempt and arrogance – the State of Israel. Its shrill cries of God given rightness in occupying and denial of the ancient lands of others shows an arrogance and to what superior heights it places itself in a world seemingly acquiescent to such hubris.

Its tentacles of influence run rabid through the corridors of power in virtually all major Western countries. The quiescence and collaboration emanating from both the USA, UK and European states, alongside other vassal, corroborating states is the stain on everything that is good, just and honourable in this world.

The infestation is so deep and pervasive this entity has been able to change sovereign laws so as to vilify, prosecute and silence any and every point of opposition raised against it. Under cover of all sorts of deception, deceit and lies it has a stranglehold presently slaughtering anything close to democracy we so like to believe exists, operates and has its being among us.

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It has made criminal and demanded all others do likewise, any questioning or discussion as to its right to exist in its present political form and statehood. At the same time it reaps havoc on any questioning its own use of force or other, on any state it feels obstructs its way or prevents any and all of its belligerent actions.

That the general public is utterly unaware of the scale of infestation and invasion is due to most mainstream organs being totally under the thrall and influence of the State of Israel, via amongst others, the Israel Lobby.

All independent journalism, any organisation asking hard pertinent questions of this lobby and its greater foreign master is violently, petulantly stamped upon and silenced with a raft of spurious, malign excuses for its actions.



When Al Jazeera, a TV outlet showcased “The Lobby“, a series of documentaries investigating the influence of the Israel lobby in the United Kingdom and the Israel lobby in the United States and their relationship to the BDS movement, it was vilified and denounced as lies and fake news. No real references were made on MSM channels, no independent investigations were forthcoming. Yet within its fly on the wall discoveries was criminality, lobbying of the most insidious kind and blackmail. Watergate and other ‘Gates’ were a picnic in comparison.

The present take over of the Labour movement in the UK by sub groups of this Lobby show just how putrid self governance has become in the United Kingdom. The BDS movement is targeted like no other, portrayed as a criminal entity by a criminal entity of absolutely gross proportions.

That we are expected to cow-tow to a foreign regime and state by affording a political entity the genetic right to being Semitic is one of the most transparent forms of perversion of order yet manifested. Especially when no other political entity or country is afforded the same ludicrous ‘special’ status.

However what is transparently obvious and so pathetically subordinate, are the many public figures, politicians and leaders who accept, as an integral part of their sovereign being, such absolute obedience to this foreign entity as legitimate. The general term utilised in any other circumstance would be described as Totalitarian Dictatorship.

The most obvious question never asked, in public, is why any one country is allowed to wield so much power and influence over another without the slightest concern or worry about internal sovereign integrity. There can be absolutely no justification for one entity to have such an influence over and above any other entity, unless it is so rooted in the core machinery of governance and accepted as normal.

Under these circumstances, everything we have been led to believe to be sovereign, autonomous and sacred is merely a panoply of lies and corruption. That the regime of the State of Israel has at its core, an intelligence service, Mossad, trumpeting the motto:

By way of trickery (some translate as deception) thou shalt do war

demonstrates everything needed knowing.

The intelligence service, and by extension the State of Israel, place themselves on a constant war footing. Everything they do is geared towards attrition. Whether it be the seventy year old persecution of the State of Palestine, warmongering by proxy committed through their ‘allies’ and the endemic and constant interference into foreign governments through various Lobbies, they become, by these actions a cancer on the international stage.

When good people do not speak out, then evil reigns. That no one is allowed to question, counteract anything to do with the State of Israel, without being stifled, vilified and prosecuted, it perhaps shows that our collective Waterloo was lost in 1815, never to be rectified. That it begs questioning the instigations and outcomes of wars and events since then is an obvious corollary.

If we are to ever improve our collective lot, move evolutionary progress forward and bring peace to this world,  then present capitulation to this particular lobby must be examined, discussed and forensically opened and excised. As one of the major factors preventing global advancement of the positive kind, we must demand all actions, control of influence outside its own territory to be held to scrutiny, contained under a true implementation of International Law and justice. Nothing less will be acceptable and any demand this should not apply to the State of Israel, its lobby groups etc must altogether be denied and rebutted.

Anti Semitism – The Fascist Zionist Propaganda Tool

A letter on December 4th 1948 from Albert Einstein to the New York Times quotes:

“Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created State of Israel of the “Freedom Party” (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organisation, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organisation in Palestine.

The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States. Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome his visit. It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughout the world, if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin’s political record and perspectives, could add their names and support to the movement he represents.”

Einstein and many other prominent Jews put their name to this letter. They were utterly aware of the true nature of the Zionist terrorists, their history of revisionism and their aims at what Hitler had so abjectly failed to do – becoming masters of the world.

Having developed, since its inception at the turn of the 19th century, a vision that entailed infiltrating, controlling and usurping national sovereign power within the major nations of the world, their inexorable growth of this particular cancer has metastasised, poisoned and is presently in the final stages of destroying what the West quaintly calls democracy.

Its epicentres, found in both the State of Israel, Washington DC and The City of London have allowed its growth and virulent body of destructive force to permeate every orifice of power, control and financial interest.

The use of the anti semitism shibboleth, coined and attributed directly to the founders of Zionism, as a useful means to shut down dissent and questioning of the Zionist methodology is used today so rabidly as to destroy the very fabric of free speech, thought and humanitarian society.

One of the founding members of the State of Israel, Chaim Weizmann, is quoted in 1920 as saying:

“We will establish ourselves in Palestine whether you like it or not…You can hasten our arrival or you can equally retard it. It is however better for you to help us so as to avoid our constructive powers being turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the world.” (Chaim Weizmann,  “Judische Rundschau,” No. 4, 1920).

That they have settled into a mission to do precisely that, ‘overthrow the world‘ can only be seen as the most egregious enemy humanity has to deal with today. Multilateral interdependency and sovereign statehood are two of the major enemies of Zionism. It is why the infiltration and interference of so many Western powers is the prime objective and nuclear option of this.

Most recently one the UK’s most ardent supporter of the Palestinian people, a life long activist for not only peace, for which he recently was awarded global recognition, but also a supreme champion against all manner of racism, including ant semitism was crucified by the Zionists. His error was to lead the Labour Party in the winter election of 2019.

From his gaining the leadership several years previously, the onslaught of Zionist led hatred and smearing began. The party that itself recognised a 0.8% infestation of anti semitism, was then tainted with the lies, specious and venal blame of untruths. Unsurprisingly to those knowing the tactics of the Zionists, it became the greatest and most injurious propaganda that led to the Labour downfall.

The correlation by these despicable power hungry political influencers that Zionism and being Jewish are one and the same is as old a trick they play as it was way back in the beginnings of this political movement.

The BDS movement has been targeted over its desire to boycott The State of Israel, whose apartheid regime has for decades been creating misery, disenfranchisement and death on the Palestinian people. Now that Boris Johnson has gained the reins of power in the UK, his hidden agendas, covered by his inveterate lying, rolls out and is expected to create a law banning BDS and every other act of protest against The State of Israel.

Let us remind ourselves that the State of Israel is a political entity, a regime bent on genocide. As such to mark it as a semitic entity is downright ludicrous. A Semite is a very specific person. Yet the conflagration by the Zionist to get people to accept anything Israeli, any sort of criticism of the government, its actions and how it conducts itself in the world is to be anti semitic, is sheer lunacy.

We have to ask ourselves why the State of Israel is the only global entity to have a legal right to non criticism, non discussion and absolutely no protest against any and each of its actions, no matter how despicable. That used to be the domain of dictators, fascists and totalitarian rulers. Perhaps this then enlightens us as to their end game. Rulers of the world through proxies.

For we see all over the world how pusillanimous puppets of Western governments in the US, UK, EU and others are infiltrated, governed and controlled by these vermin.

If we are ever to have a world that depends and accepts interdependency, peace, multi ethnic community, respect and tolerance for all then the aim to rid our world of this cancer is the prime objective.

It is powerful, influential, insidious and deceitful. It controls the mainstream media, the narrative of fear and violence, yet everyone of us who has not been hypnotised by this virus needs to fight and expose its evil – as all our lives depend on it.

Psychopathy is inherent in these creatures,. Its development, expansion alongside all manner of perversions including pedophilia, an ultimate blackmailing weapon they use to control and keep those in power on side, is the number one developmental weapon.

Exposure of how ingrained Zionism is in our culture and communities is the aim for all who hold justice and peace as pre-eminent goals. Otherwise we shall enter even darker decades ahead of us.

Faux Humanitarian Irwin Cotler, the White Helmets, and the Whitewashing of an Appalling Agenda

Cotler’s campaigns for foreign regime change or intervention almost always march in lock-step with neoconservative U.S. foreign policy. His “humanitarian” branding is but a thin veneer of hypocrisy to conceal his establishment policies — policies that almost always serve the interests of Israel.

On July 22, 2018, Israel organized and facilitated an exceptional evacuation of White Helmet operatives from southern Syria, claiming the operatives were at risk from an advancing Syrian Arab Army. A number of NATO member states backed the move, calling on Israel to bring their intelligence assets to safety. 

The White Helmets have been discredited and exposed as a British-government-incubated project by a number of independent geopolitical analysts, including Scott Ritter, Philip Giraldi, John Pilger, Seymour Hersh, Eva Bartlett, Graham Porter, Rick Sterling , Cory Morningstar and many more.  

This journalist’s extensive work has shown that the U.K. Intelligence-manufactured group of pseudo “humanitarians” — financed by the majority of member states within the U.S.-led interventionist alliance waging war against Syria — is nothing more than an auxiliary of the Al Qaeda generic offshoots in Syria. The White Helmet image has been professionally polished by a vast network of PR agencies, billionaire philanthropists, and media outlets aligned with their respective government objectives to overthrow the Syrian government and reduce Syria to a “failed state,” as they succeeded in doing with Libya.

Israel has a history of supporting terrorism in Syria since the start of the U.S. coalition war against the nation officially began in 2011. Israel has offered medical treatment to the various militant groups previously occupying areas of southern Syria. Stories abound of Israeli troops providing covering fire for groups dominated by Al Qaeda affiliates or rebrands as they came under attack from the Syrian Arab Army legitimately reclaiming territory lost to internationally-backed armed groups. 

As journalist Sharmine Narwani pointed out in her article “Are Al Qaeda affiliates fighting alongside U.S. rebels in Syria’s south?

If forced to choose, Israel prefers the presence of terrorist groups to Iranian influence […] Israel is so heavily [in]vested in keeping Syria and its allies away from its borders, it has actively bolstered al-Qaeda and other extremists in Syria’s southern theater.”

Israel’s evacuation of the White Helmets was an extension of its terrorist-supporting operations in southern Syria — and a response to a cry for help from a U.S. ally that has also supported proxy terrorism in Syria for the last eight years. Certainly Israel would not lift a finger to help any entity opposed to its existence in the Middle East, regardless of the pressure brought to bear by its allies in the U.S. or the U.K. It must also be noted that Israel and NATO member states did not offer the same humanitarian assistance to ordinary Syrian refugees gathered at the borders with Jordan and in Israeli annexed territory. 

The following video footage of the Israel forces enabling the White Helmet evacuation process was published on Twitter by former Israeli security affairs expert Shai Ben-Ari:

Screen Shot 2019-08-12 at 10.01.14

White Helmets and families evacuated by IDF

During my time in the southern region of Syria, I visited numerous abandoned White Helmet centers located, as they always seemed to be, next to armed group centers or in shared complexes, usually former schools, hospitals or industrial buildings that had been converted into military headquarters and munitions factories.

I followed the route taken before me by the White Helmets as they exited Syria into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights before being transported to Jordan for their onward journey to asylum in the U.K., Canada, France or Germany. Locals in the area told me that a significant number of leaders and fighters from armed groups had been evacuated alongside the White Helmets with no opposition from Israel. 

On September 20, 2018, I managed to enter a still-operating White Helmet center in Daraa Al Balad, south of Damascus, and interview White Helmet members as they continued to work in areas still under the control of armed groups during ongoing Russian-brokered reconciliation talks. One of the White Helmets, Abu Mohanad Al Mahamid, told me: 

There are some [armed] factions connected with Israel; those factions were gathered by Israel in Quneitra and were told that you will [they would] leave with the White Helmets. By the way, the number of White Helmets in the southern area is 635, but those who left were 800. This means that there are [armed] factions who work with Mossad and they were extracted alongside the White Helmets… Not all those who left were White Helmets; there were people who left from Quneitra. There were terrorists; some left from the Yarmouk Basin.” 

When asked to clarify who the terrorists from Yarmouk Basin were, Al Mahamid confirmed that they were ISIS fighters. 

During the dramatic evacuation of the White Helmets, former U.K. Ambassador to Syria Peter Ford responded to a statement issued by U.K. Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt. Ford raised a number of questions regarding the extradition of the White Helmets, perhaps one of the most pertinent being this:

Might the British government have been afraid of this particular group being caught and interrogated, revealing perhaps the truth about alleged chemical weapons incidents?”

In December of 2018, Jordanian Member of Parliament Tareq Khoury demanded that the “dregs of White Helmets” still in Jordan be extradited as traitors to their homeland to face justice inside Syria.

“It is known they are traitors,” he said, adding:

Treason is a shameful and disgraceful act. Whoever betrays his homeland and his people will not spare the homeland of others. There are many stories throughout history in which traitors are eliminated by their operators when their dirty missions against their homelands are finished… I urge the Jordanian government to hand over those remaining [White Helmets] to the Sryian state to try them for betraying their homeland.”


Who orchestrated this exceptional rescue?

When the pedigree of those behind the White Helmet evacuation is more closely examined, Israel’s outsized role in the promotion and protection of the internationally financed group becomes more even more apparent.

Rewind to the hatching of the White Helmet “rescue” plan. On July 24, 2018, The Globe and Mail ran a story headlined: “How Canada’s woman in Istanbul began the daring rescue of the White Helmets.” The article outlines how White Helmets leader Raed Saleh approached Robin Wettlaufer, Canada’s Istanbul-based special envoy to Syria, for help.

Saleh has a history of being refused entry to the U.S. He was turned back at Dulles Airport in 2016 because of his suspected ties to extremist groups in Syria. This inconvenient fact was wiped from his immigration slate by former Obama administration Secretary of State John Kerry and Saleh was subsequently allowed to enter the United States in September 2016. Kerry met Saleh during a closed-door session at the U.N., where the then-secretary of state had convened a meeting with members of the Syrian opposition, including members of armed groups. Incidentally, it was during these talks that Kerry famously admitted to the Obama administration’s support for ISIS in Syria in leaked audio published by the New York Times.

According to the Globe and Mail, Canada was being “hailed for its leadership” of the White Helmet rescue mission. Chrystia Freeland, Canadian foreign minister and former Globe and Mail editor, used a July NATO summit in Brussels to issue a plea on behalf of the White Helmets, which persuaded both Germany and Britain to accept a number of the high-profile “refugees.”

Former MI6 intelligence operative and creator of the White Helmets, James Le Mesurier, praised Canada’s initiative and singled out Wettlauger for praise. “Robin has been absolutely extraordinary; …the drive, the galvanization came from Canada,” Le Mesurier told the Globe and Mail.

As time passed, another individual was revealed to have been at the forefront of the Canada-led campaign. In October 2018, the Globe and Mail ran another story identifying Irwin Cotler’s role in the operation.

Renowned international human-rights lawyer Irwin Cotler is nominating Syria’s famed White Helmets, a group of volunteer humanitarian workers Canada helped rescue from the war-torn country, for the Nobel Peace Prize 2019.”

Cotler, the former Liberal minister of justice and attorney general for Canada, was a crucial element in the White Helmets rescue bid and was called upon to broker an agreement for the mission with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 


Why is Irwin Cotler so invested in the White Helmets?

Cotler’s history and connections reveal a high-profile global player who has consistently defended Israel’s appalling human-rights record in Palestine and is a tireless promoter of the responsibility to protect doctrine or R2P. 

R2P is one of the most enterprising propaganda initiatives of the global powers aligned with U.S. supremacy and neo-colonialism. It effectively provides the moral justification to invade or attack any country whose government is deemed repressive toward its people.

Of course, those who decide what countries are repressive are the same ones with a history of militarily subjugating sovereign nations, plundering their resources, and in most cases ultimately reducing the quality of life for those same “repressed people.” This, on top of the years or even decades of bloodshed that leave behind depleted uranium and psychological trauma that will affect those “repressed people” for generations once the campaign has succeeded in reducing these nations to failed states. 

The R2P doctrine has become one of the most insidious instruments used by global hegemons to manufacture consent for the myriad forever-wars of various intensities that are currently plaguing most regions of the world. It sells the “humanitarian value” of war and obfuscates hidden interests that are the true driver of modern-day colonization projects. 

Cotler has hung the R2P Sword of Damocles over the heads of both Syria and Libya. In 2016 he accused Canada of “defaulting” on its responsibility to intervene in Syria, reinforcing the hyperbole used to facilitate another “humanitarian” war:

That doctrine [R2P] says that whenever there is a situation of war crimes and crimes against humanity and, God forbid, genocide, and the country in which it takes place is the author of that criminality, there is a responsibility to intervene and protect the innocent civilians. And I think we have defaulted on that — not just Canada, the international community — with respect to Syria.”

In 2011, Cotler argued that intervention in Libya to effectively bring down President Muammar Qaddafi would be a “test case for the UN Security Council and its implementation of the R2P doctrine.” History has since revealed that many of those “mass atrocities” so vehemently condemned by Cotler were little more than narratives designed to manufacture consent for the wholesale destruction of Libya by NATO member states. 

The reality of Cotler’s campaigns for foreign regime change or intervention is that they almost always march in lock-step with neoconservative U.S. foreign policy. His “humanitarian” branding is but a thin veneer of hypocrisy that attempts to conceal his establishment policies — policies that almost always serve the interests of Israel.

Canadian author and journalist Yves Engler has waged a long-time campaign against Cotler’s crypto-neocolonialism. When former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin nominated Cotler for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019, alongside Cotler’s own nomination of the White Helmets, Engler wrote an article titled “Canada’s Dershowitz, apologist for Israeli war crimes, nominated for Peace prize.”

In the article Engler lays out a convincing argument that Cotler is a serial apologist for Israel’s genocidal policies towards the Palstinian people. Engler reveals that Cotler was a long-time unofficial advisor to the former Israeli military chief of staff, General Moshe Ya’alon. Ya’alon is on the record saying that Israel “has a right to every part of the land of Israel.” In 2002, Ya’alon told a conference of rabbis in Jerusalem: “The Palestinian threat harbors cancer-like attributes that have to be severed and fought to the bitter end.”

Cotler’s own daughter, attorney Michal Cotler-Wunsh, was included in a joint list of Israel’s Resilience and Telem Party candidates headed by former Chiefs of Staff Benny Gantz and Moshe Ya’alon. Cotler-Wunsh was “born in Jerusalem, served in the Israeli military and obtained law degrees from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.” The Cotler family connections to extreme right-wing elements of the Israeli ruling elite could not be stronger or better defined. 

To launch the Telem Party campaign, Gantz released a video celebrating his role in the massacre of 2,200 Palestinians during the 2014 “mowing the lawn” bombing campaign in Gaza. For Gantz, “parts of Gaza [being] sent back to the Stone Age” was a victory for “peace” in the region. A “peace” that only Israel would benefit from. In his article, Engler points out that Gantz faces a war-crimes case in the Netherlands for his participation in the 2014 campaign that claimed the lives of civilians in Gaza and reduced much of the besieged enclave to rubble, destroying infrastructure and ensuring living conditions were reduced to sub-third-world status. 

In his staunch defense of Israel, Cotler has described illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank as “disputed territories” and justified the 2006 Israeli war on Lebanon that left 1,200 mostly civilians dead. He has consistently attempted to derail investigations into Israeli war crimes — savagely attacking Richard Goldstone, who led the UN investigation of Israel’s Operation Cast Lead, which killed 1,400 Palestinians in Gazain 2008 and 2009.


Cotler and Venezuela

It should come as no surprise that Cotler’s support for U.S.-backed foreign interventions extends to the other side of the Atlantic as well. In Venezuela, he has been instrumental in furthering the U.S. agenda and undermining governance in an independent and sovereign state. 

Cotler has gone so far as to state that “recognizing Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s leader is not a coup, it’s an embrace of democracy.” Cotler has called for the delegitimization of the Maduro government, and the sanctioning of top officials to hasten the demise of Maduro and to “speed the transition to democratic governance” in Venezuela. He described the Venezuelan government as being responsible for the “worst ever humanitarian crisis in the region,” while ignoring the U.S. role in creating and maintaining that “humanitarian crisis” through crippling sanctions aimed at undermining the Maduro government. This is such a textbook regime-change script and Cotler adheres to it without deviation. 

In his exposé on Cotler, Engler claims that Cotler has been working with Guaido’s right-wing Popular Will Party for four years with the aim of ousting the Maduro government. Regional media outlet VenezuelaAnalysis pointed out that Cotler was “one of three international experts” responsible for a 400-page Canadian-backed Organization of American States (OAS) report on rights violations in Venezuela. The panel recommended OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro “submit the report to the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC [International Criminal Court] and that other states refer Venezuela to the ICC.” 

Cotler’s dedication to the “mobilization of shame against human-rights violators” is invariably directed against states and leaders who oppose U.S. global supremacy.


Cotler on Iran and Syria

In 2012 the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that the U.S. State Department had reportedly removed Iran’s Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) from the terrorism list. According to the article:

Iranian Americans sympathetic to the plight of MEK enlisted the support of a number of pro-Israel figures, including Nobel Peace laureate and Holocaust memoirist Elie Wiesel; Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz; and Irwin Cotler, the former Canadian justice minister. “ (emphasis added)

As an aside, earlier this year the White Helmets were recipients of the Elie Wiesel Award from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (HMM) for their “work” in Syria. Raed Saleh was available to receive the award on behalf of Al Qaeda’s auxiliaries and simultaneously picked up a check from the U.S. government for $5 million to “help us with acquiring ambulances and to help us with search and rescue operations.” 

Former CIA counter-terrorism officer Philip Giraldi wrote a scathing article condemning the hypocrisy of the award, the irony of the taxpayer-funded HMM honoring what he called a “terrorist group … used in support of Israeli propaganda vis-a-vis Syria.” Giraldi concluded: 

Perhaps, while they are at it, the museum’s board just might also want to check out Elie Wiesel, for whom the award is named. Wiesel, who was a chronicler of Jewish victimhood while persistently refusing to acknowledge what Israel was doing to the Palestinians, notoriously mixed fact and fiction in his best-selling Holocaust memoir, Night. Ironically, the award and recipient are well matched in this case, as mixing fact and fiction is what both Elie Wiesel and the White Helmets are all about.”

Cotler, Wiesel’s comrade in defending the MEK and promoting the White Helmets, was responsible for the organization of three “Iran Accountability” weeks. In 2014 Cotler invited Maryam Rajavi, leader of the MEK, to appear in the program alongside UN human-rights officials and “pundits from a hawkish American think tank.” Cotler later argued that Rajavi’s inclusion in the event was “issue specific,” but his prior support for this brutal terrorist cult undermines such an argument. 

Cotler employs blatant “human rights” double standards in his condemnation of governments in U.S. and Israeli crosshairs, while systematically ignoring the appalling human-rights records of governments or organizations included within the U.S. circle of power.

As in Syria, it seems that prominent neoconservatives will favor terrorist groups over legitimate governments that are perceived to threaten Israeli security in the region. 

Cotler is also a member of the International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians (ICJP). The ICJP has operated under the auspices of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) since 2006. Democratic Congressman Eliot Engel (NY-16), is chairman of the ICJP and vice president of the WJC. Engel is another vociferous supporter of the MEK. 

Engel presented a “gift of appreciation” to Cotler during a dinner at the King David Hotel in 2015, on behalf of the WJC. “If one looks to this generation and seeks a role model, that would be Irwin Cotler,” Engel said. 

Engel connects again with Cotler in his condemnation of the Syrian government and support for increased “humanitarian” military intervention in Syria. Engel was responsible for the Caesar Civilian Protection Act, which was ostensibly introduced to increase economic sanctions against the Syrian government based upon claims made by an alleged former Syrian military photographer in the questionable Caesar Report. That report was commissioned by the government of Qatar, a Gulf State heavily invested in the financing of terrorist groups and the White Helmets in Syria. 

The Caesar Civilian Protection Act will effectively collectively punish the Syrian people for resisting efforts to destabilize their country and topple their elected government in the time honored tradition of U.S. Coalition sanctions that can only be considered siege warfare or economic terrorism. The orchestrators of this vindictive measure clearly have their roots in the neoconservative camp in the U.S. 

There are now two more elements of Cotler’s influence on the global stage that I would like to examine in some detail. Cotler has been at the forefront of the new cold war campaigns to criminalize Russia, but that warrants an entire article dedicated to Cotler’s war against the Russian government’s perceived “culture of corruption and criminality.” Cotler was instrumental in introducing the controversial “Magnitsky Law” (Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act) in Canada to “fight Russian thuggery,” and for promoting the adoption of the Magnitsky Act by all aligned governments. 


The Cotler-Dershowitz partnership 

Alan Dershowitz, a controversial figure in his own right, has described Cotler as “his mirror image in Canada.” The Cotler-Dershowitz double act is a longstanding and powerful partnership with far-reaching influence among the world’s most powerful entities.

Dershowitz, and American lawyer and academic, was heavily implicated in the recent Jeffrey Epstein scandal that has sent shock waves through the establishment ruling classes, exposing decades of depravity among the most powerful sectors of society and a blackmail cartel that profited from the sexual perversion of their billionaire clients from within capitalist, political and intelligence inner circles.

Dershowitz negotiated the “sweetheart plea” for Epstein that allowed him a “work release provision throughout his 13 months in Palm Beach County Jail” in 2008, when Epstein faced charges of sexually abusing under-age girls at his Palm Beach mansion. Dershowitz denied claims that an under-age child and a woman were forced to have sex with him by Epstein and his girlfriend, British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell. 

Award-winning journalist Whitney Webb is publishing a series of articles for MintPress News detailing the horrifying implications of the Epstein case and the origins of this underworld-sanctioned debauchery. I asked Webb for a comment on the Dershowitz connections to Epstein and his role in furthering the U.S./Neocon “humanitarian” war agenda. 

She told me: 

Alan Dershowitz is an individual deeply involved in the pro-Israel lobby and has close ties to influential figures in the U.S. and Israel like casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson. In his pro-Israel activism, Dershowitz fits well with Cotler’s efforts to “shame” groups that run counter to their policy goals, and this has recently been seen in how Dershowitz has sought to initimidate and shame the young women who have accused him and his friend Jeffrey Epstein of rape.”

In 2016 Dershowitz nominated Cotler for the Nobel Peace Prize. Like his “heroes” in the White Helmets — who have, themselves, been unsuccessfully nominated several times — Cotler has yet to succeed in his bid for the ultimate “humanitarian” prize. 

While Cotler may promote his hawkish policies under the cover of “humanitarian” branding, Dershowitz has openly advocated torture under specific condtions and argued that non-lethal “torturous techniques of interrogation should indeed be legally authorized.” 

Dershowitz seems to endorse torture if the government makes the decision to torture an individual under any “reasonable” pretext. This is effectively the legitimization of state torture, which could very possibly be used against anyone classified by the government as high risk.


The Jewish Coalition for Kurdistan

The Brussels-based Jewish Coalition for Kurdistan (JCFK) counts Dershowitz and Cotler among its pro-Israel members. The JCFK website declares its mission to support independence for Iraqi Kurdistan: 

The Jewish Coalition for Kurdistan is committed to deepening friendship between the Jewish and Kurdish people worldwide, and supporting the further development and consolidation of relations between Kurdistan and the State of Israel, the only two democratic and pro-Western societies in the Middle East.” (emphasis added)

This project brings Cotler and Dershowitz into alliance with Bernard Henri Levy, a French-Jewish philosopher with a deadly reputation for fomenting and supporting neocolonialist projects around the world, but perhaps most notoriously in Libya. Levy has been a long-time supporter of Kurdish “independence.” 

While it would take a separate article to fully explore the neoconservative weaponization of Kurdish independence to weaken, destabilize and partition target states, including Syria, Iraq and Iran, the involvement of these three empire builders in the “cause” and the marketing of Kurdistan as the other “democratic and pro-Western society” in the Middle East must indicate the direction in which this campaign is heading: the balkanization of the Middle East. 


Bringing down nations and trafficking children

Cotler must be considered a “humanitarian” fraud when one takes into account the extensive damage caused to nations that have had to resist one interventionist war after another by his neocon-aligned policies. Policies designed to remove non-aligned governments and collectively punish the non-aligned citizens of those countries. 

In his 2019 petition against the nomination of Cotler for the Nobel Peace Prize, Iranian-Canadian activist Mehdi Samadian states: 

The petition organizers believe that Irwin Cotler has supported and advocated for political actors and policies instigating conflicts and prolonging instability at the international stage.”

Cotler’s protectionist campaign on behalf of the White Helmets should raise alarm bells among the legions of Palestinian movement supporters and ostensibly pro-Palestine journalists and talking heads who have promoted the concept of a grassroots “Syrian revolution” to their substantial Western audiences.

Whether wittingly or unwittingly, media personalities like C.J Werleman, George Monbiot, Nafeez Ahmed, Jon Snow of U.K. Channel 4, and many others have vehemently leapt to the defense of the White Helmets and joined the chorus of attacks and smears against journalists and academics who have dared to question the credibility of the organization financed by the U.S. Coalition that so clearly collaborates with the terrorist groups committing heinous crimes against the Syrian people. 

Israel’s involvement in the evacuation of the White Helmets and the subsequent promotion of the group by personalities and governments heavily invested in expanding Israel’s interests must highlight who the organization serves in the region — and I do not believe it is the Syrian people, as their PR agencies claim.

Cotler’s “human rights credentials are a sham” according to Engler. Much has been made of his role as legal advisor to late South African President Nelson Mandela. Yet South Africa’s ambassador to Venezuela, Pandit Thaninga Shope-Linney, apparently denies this claim, thus stripping Cotler of his most potent “humanitarian” identity. According to Engler, Mandela himself does not name Cotler in his biography, although he does mention other lawyers by name. 

Cotler has been merciless in pursuit of China for its alleged record of “gruesome organ trade.” Why then does Cotler not equally condemn Israel for its appalling history of organ trafficking and theft, particularly in Palestine? 

In 2009, Nancy Scheper-Hughes was Chancellor’s Professor of Medical Anthropology at the University of California Berkeley, the founder of Organ Watch and author of a number of academic books on organ trafficking. I have taken the following quote from an article by long-time author and journalist Alison Weir: 

While Scheper-Hughes emphasizes that traffickers come from numerous nations and ethnicities, including Americans and Arabs, ‘Israel,’ she states, ‘is at the top. It has tentacles reaching out worldwide.’ … In a lecture last year she explained that Israeli organ traffickers ‘have a pyramid system at work that’s awesome…they have brokers everywhere, bank accounts everywhere; they’ve got recruiters, they’ve got translators, they’ve got travel agents who set up the visas.”

What is perhaps even more disturbing and ominous is the fact that Cotler has not addressed the accusations of organ trafficking levied against the White Helmets themselves by the Syrian civilians who were forced to live under their occupation in areas of Syria formerly under the control of terrorist groups partnered by the very organization that Cotler nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2019.

Cotler has not only defended the White Helmets, but he has also lauded them and invested his reputation in the whitewashing of their image. Cotler is a powerful sympathizer of the Israeli government and influencer with connections that reach into the darkest corners of state affairs in Canada, the U.S. and Israel. He has not chosen to ally himself with this fraudulent and criminal organization by chance. 

Cotler’s mirror image in America is Alan Dershowitz, this, according to Dershowitz himself, accused of sexual abuse, defense lawyer for a convicted serial child-abuser and advocate for state-controlled torture. More recently, Dershowitz argued that “puberty is arriving earlier, particularly among some ethnic groups,” in light of which Dershowitz proposes that the age of consent in America should be lowered. Or, as Whitney Webb commented, “Alan Dershowitz is now making a ‘constitutional’ argument to legalize statutory rape.” Dershowitz is effectively suggesting that if a child reaches puberty at the age of 10, they are to be considered a legitimate target for sexual predators — interesting timing as the Epstein scandal storm gathers.  

We can only speculate that there is a connection between the White Helmets, accused of multiple child abductions and organ trafficking, and the nefarious activities connected to one of their staunchest supporters: Irwin Cotler and his double-act partner Alan Dershowitz. It certainly warrants a deeper investigation.

Feature photo | Graphic by Claudio Cabrera

Vanessa Beeley is an independent journalist and photographer who has worked extensively in the Middle East – on the ground in Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Palestine, while also covering the conflict in Yemen since 2015. In 2017 Vanessa was a finalist for the prestigious Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism which was won by the much-acclaimed Robert Parry that year. In 2018 Vanessa was named one of the 238 most respected journalists in the UK by the British National Council for the Training of Journalists. In 2019, Vanessa was among recipients of the Serena Shim Award for uncompromised integrity in journalism. Vanessa contributes regularly to Mint Press News, Russia Today, UK Column, The Last American Vagabond, Sputnik radio, 21st Century Wire and many other independent media outlets. Please support her work at her https://www.patreon.com/vanessabeeley Patreon Page.

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The Clear and Present Danger Has Always Been Psychopathic Zionism

Is it too inhumane to ask why a belligerent, arrogant, self aggrandised group of psychopathic, genocidal, terrorist criminals are allowed to strut around the world stage using each and every one of their puppet sycophants to engage their blood and power lust on their behalf and at their behest?

We have presently a rotten empire dying, nay dead, swiping its loathsome tail around the globe, pretending it owns the place. We have corporate criminals stealing the life blood of people too inured by their trinket technology to recognise an act of zombification being perpetrated on them. We have the majority of the world’s population starving, penniless and  suffering infernal subjugation, be it through war, denial and sanctioning of life necessities,  while a brazen few make money every nano second from all their tribulation.

We have clowns in government, paid off yes men and women to perform like rabid dogs, to the tune their masters play them. We have such inequality, perversion, abuse and satanic scheming that makes any biblical Sodom and Gomorrah pale into a picnic.

The agendas going down are multifaceted. The divisions created by each and every social media pundit is volumised to such a crescendo of crappery as to make division of people, groups, interest parties fight like cocks in the pit at each other. The venom, hate and spite thrown is merely the appetiser for the controllers and steerers of this madhouse circus.

The sodden, over worn  tactic of point and blame on others rises inexorably. It matters little be it anti semitism, anti gay, anti feminism, anti a million other easily digestible pieces of excremental BS. They all have the same purpose – to divide, control and subjugate to a level where jack boots are as easily able to crack a skull as stepping on an egg.

By their own words, actions and arrogance this psychopathic group of evil have over several centuries taken by stealth, deceit and overt belligerence, the world we presently inhabit.

As if immobilised by an invisible force, most people disregard, are ignorant of or wilfully cow tow to such brutal rule. Most are taught to blame those that truth tell. Many of these truth tellers are liquidated, incapacitated, refused any air of expression. Mass media and social outlets have been from the get go, controlled, owned and manipulated by these forces.

It is almost exhaustingly futile to say we must stand up and refuse these controllers, yet most people believe it is beyond their power to resist, even if they wished to.

RESISTANCE IS FUTILE is what they want you to believe. It never has been impossible, and nothing presently existing makes it so today. It merely demands a refusal to play the game, a willingness to voice loud and long the truth. The determination to cleanse minds polluted with such venal rubbish, saturated with such bigotry whose modus operandi is violence is overarching and imperative.

The Terrorist State of Israel in its present constituent parts is the most evil, satan, racist, anti-semitic entity of earth. Each one of its quislings, be it in the USA, UK, EU or any other part of the world makes itself a pariah to humanity. There can be no other solution than to lock up and take these vermin away from society.

If we wish for psychopathy to rule this planet then do absolutely nothing and expect less than nothing. If there is even an iota of desire for humanity’s continued survival, it is not to be  found in the overblown, misguided vocalisation of climate change and other vociferous distractions. They will have their due time and place but today in the here and now the cancer of psychopathic Zionism and craven Kazharian criminality must be cut out from the body of humanity if it has any chance whatsoever of survival.

For all those seeing an impossible journey, I say start within and operate on your own ignorance, shortsightedness, lack of love, empathy and conditioning from year dot. Destroy your own procrastination, selfish ‘me culture‘ and intransigence. Only when the warrior’s own vessel is purified can the cleansing proceed on the outer field of play.

None of us were placed here to live meaningless lives. Not one of us was meant to add zero to the experience of life. Many may have decided to choose this path out of selfish choice not imperative. Every choice has its rewards, its outcomes. Never complain when those outcomes destroy you.

Choose Better! Act Swiftly!

Weaponisation of Language To Deceive

Three words used in any rounded discussion, any legitimate questioning, any political or ethical reportage seen to have even a smidgen of opposition are immediately weaponised and lobbed back at the ‘assailant’ as anti-semitism.


These words are weaponised by only one particular small, belligerent group, and most often themselves the  perpetrators of the very assailing they rail against. These types only objective is to shut down, stymied and diminish all and everything that questions their legitimacy, most time illegitimacy to perpetrate sick, genocidal, psychopathic war lording through the many proxies they control, onto a world truly sick of their endless games of lording over and domination.

No other group, let alone culture, nation or tribe has ever been allowed to perpetrate this  belligerence on so many by so few and be supported for it by the monied, blackmailed, eagerly assisting sycophants, greed chasers and puppets that make up the powerful cabals of control.

Global Warming, climate change agendas written by these yobs, ethnic cleansing, racism, societal division, divide and rule and rank deception through media and other channels, along with most every other distraction under the sun, are foisted and encouraged by them.

The three words are – Jew, Jewish and State-of-Israel (technically three words however always lobbed in as one!)

In a time of obfuscation and reinterpretation it has slipped many peoples’ notice that factually there can never be a political group or state that is able to be anti-semitised. If this was possible then discussion, degradation, opposition of a state or political entity could lead to massive cries of anti-capitalism, anti-communism, anti-whateverism.

against-zionismThe sheer folly of the proposition of anti-semitism as a shut up and put down of any opposition, shows a crass, yet highly successful mobilisation of containment, denial and control of free speech, free thought and individual expression. All of this is predicated on a narrative, thinly based on historical factual evidence, yet never to the degree it is promoted, of a Jewish people being the world’s most persecuted.

Those that have promoted this into the ballooning myth it has become did so with targeted intention. Promotion of victim conscientiousness, exploding it to encompass the fallacy one particular group to have a divine right of ascendency over all others, is as warlike a posture as any. To set oneself up as being the global rightful masters of the universe through inflation of an original fairy tale must be the mark of arrogance above all arrogance.

That a group of trouble makers, for that is what they are historically recognised as, to then decide to infest, inhabit, overcome and occupy the identity of what has always been through history a nomadic, stateless group, shows the wily, deceitful and criminal nature these people have continued to perpetrate.

Their weaponising of language, the independent culture of Jewish people, twisting it into their vision and appropriation for their own nefarious ends is a declaration of war on hiumanity.

Like all invaders, dictators and totalitarian despotic regimes what they point at others as  crimes against them merely illustrate exactly what they perpetrate on the world. The fact so many have been succoured in, ponerised and mind controlled to believe these lies is a huge challenge to truth, justice and humanity.anti-zionism

In truth, in the order of that most urgently needing our collective attention, this criminal regime, this unscrupulous cartel is the most important cancer we need to cut from the global body, if we as a human race wish to survive.

This is no overdramatic statement. The truth is seen, demonstrated and implemented from the very bowels of their interfering deceits, the very profusion of the anti-semitic slur rained down on anyone, especially the Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn.

His decades long fight against the genocidal treatment of Palestinians, the righteous defence of those infected and labouring under racism, his truly integrity riven stance across so many arenas of life, show these very potent actions threaten the base of the Anglo Zionists.

The force and determination to smear the good is merely a campaign of desperate measures from a more and more desperate bunch of criminal liars. Language is important. Use of language erroneously is criminal when it deflects from truth.

If we value our individual lives we must all rise up and voice our most concerted efforts to slam the Zionist political agenda into oblivion.

It is evil, arrogant, genocidal, malignant and one that has no place ever in any world describing itself as both civilised and human.

Be no longer deceived and betrayed by these faux Jews. They are nothing but common criminals, traitors to humanity and worse than vermin wishing and creating war, division and destruction by proxy on any and every kind that is not themselves.

Anti Zionism must be the constant cause and action from every decent human being in the world, lest preference falls to being destroyed one vile lie at a time by psychopaths and darkness!

Evil Cares Little for Life – It’s Power Almighty, Stoopid!

Trying to keep the State of Israel’s Zionist criminals out of Western politics and manipulating the War Machine is like clearing a sewer of 10,000 year old turds.

Evil has a face and it is not Jewish. It is the deceitful, devious, genocidal, manipulating and totally scurrilous Zionists. This political entity is the scourge of and behind almost every evil intent perpetrated on this earth today. Since these excremental criminals have not a jot of Semite DNA, let alone blood, it is up to the world to call out these manipulating, malfeasant entities, expose them and their plans, crimes and everything about them.

Until this happens in earnest, little will change and the world will become darker for it. The paid off traitors in the US, UK, EU and many other puppet Western allies work hard to support a criminal cabal that is centuries old.


They tell us the bankers, financial institutions are upright corporations benefiting humankind, while they remain an oasis for the most virulent criminal money laundering, manipulating and trousering of billions for the few. Extortion, debt fuelled societies propagating every crack in this broken society are the mark of the Beast. Usury is the greatest carnal sin, even beyond murder as it has become global. Attempts to cement global warfare as the new normal are in process each and every day, yet usury has us all by the short and curlies, in seeming perpetuity. Until the egregious financial and economic charade is exposed in all its emperor’s clothing, we can never be truly free.

To be accurate, there are some people of Jewish extraction who have been bought or willingly subscribe to the Zionist cause. It was always the intent for these Zionist Cuckoos, to infest, take over and chuck all honest Jewish people under the bus. Their whole manipulation to get a “Jewish State” merely cover for legitimacy of their criminality. All the better if you can parry the blame onto an already perceived oppressed people.

Such division is a core tool in their box of heinous tricks. While they spew out their sick Anti Semitic mantra, played perfectly on an age old belief the Jews were the hardest done by group in history, (another manipulation going way beyond the size of that truth), they can mobilise zero criticism  against their genocidal, psychopathic ways and means.

In truth, the Jewish association, abused by the Zionists and further inculcated into ignorant and mind dumbed populations, begs the world’s sorrow, pity and support. All the while the brutal slow genocide of Arab and Palestinian people goes on interminably with little or no redress. As for the rest of the world, their manipulation within their chosen attack groups sees to it no resistance to be forthcoming.

The infestation into political life through lobbies such as Friends of Israel, PNAC, AIPAC and other odious groups allows such criminality to be accepted, unquestionably and supported in its full gory glory. Any questioning of its intent or actions is swiftly beaten down with the AS slur. It is impossible to find the imposition of unquestioned authority of any political structure in the world save for a totally autocratic, totalitarian tin pot dictator. The State of Israel is the living breathing exemplar of that.

Every strata of our lives has at its directional core interest of or sympathetic to the Zionist agenda. This includes, yet is not exclusive to, Big Pharma, charities, entertainment, education, politics, agenda driven interest groups, corporate control, agit prop, dissident movements, (colour revolutions) and the list goes on.

Zionism is dressed with precision, in vestments of the pitied, bullied, criminally traduced and misrepresented underdog. This perfect pitch is why they chose the Jews for their cover and at the same time if we were to reverse engineer this modus operandi we would have revealed their true criminality as the traducers of deceit, the bullies and the warmongers they are.

Merely writing these truths will be interpreted by some as anti semitic. This would illustrate perfectly their playbook in action. We have come to accept the silence demanded against any and all evil actions of Anglo Zionists in whatever horrendous interpretation it is played. Thankfully more and more are seeing through this BS. Yet it is still hardwired in the highest realms of power. Only a few brave souls at the top speak of these horrors, question a political entity, by law in some countries, disallowing any voice to questioned a single iota.

Our Western mainstream press owned and directed by a few of these wolves will never allow rightful questioning to be aired. The difficulty in airing truth and its broadcast is most probably the first and foremost frontline we all need to attack and bring down.

Social media is totally controlled by them and their acolytes, thus there being anything social about these organs is mere specious manipulation we all buy into, under the guise of freedom of speech, voice and viewpoint. The recent take downs, banning and eradication of any sort of questioning, no matter how heinous in and of itself, shows the control desired.

Climate diversions are yet another sponsored distraction, set in place to keep the proles off target. Otherwise good souls have been suckered into believing this is the most important subject, while the sponsors of their distraction continue to wreck the world around us. The implementation of surveillance through such progress offered as such in 5G is yet more pervasive intrusion towards total control.


2001 was a good year for these criminals. The whole perpetual war scenario had its Pearl Harbour (another of theirs) moment in the 9/11 treasonous act. Of course the A-rab ‘bad guys’ scenario had been set up to deflect the treason perpetrated and to this day maintaining the mantra of ‘terrorist Al-Quaeda responsibility (ed note: It is telling to hear the lackeys of these criminals admit this year Bin Laden had nothing to do with it!) bangs on. Every War on Terror excuse, and even worse, law enacted to continue the growth of the MIC war coffers and enrichment of these lunatics merely rubber stamps illegality and lawlessness across their presumed owned world.

Yet due to this incessant bullshit from day one, many people supported this perpetual war on the basis of 1) a policy that has no legal basis in international law and 2) a totally unfounded claim of Iraqi, Venezuelan guilt. The seven countries taken down in 5 years admission swung into full operational mode. This was and still is a State of Israel action plan, managed not fought by the Zionists and shysters for war.

Every avenue of information is so permeated with bullshit and counter bullshit, lies and obfuscation the general public have grown not only bored of facts but real time have taken the sop fed and ritually vilify anyone who lays out the truths around both 9/11 and every crime emanating therefrom.

It’s been a neat and filthy game played, tech toys and other manipulations have solidified the stagnation permeating the hive mind. All around us the politics of hate, terror, fear, criminal behaviour, genocide acceptance and so much more evil is the guiding principle.

When will truth rise to its rightful place and hold to?

Perhaps a pathetic, merciless war encouraged by these evil sponsors, using all the puppets at their manipulated disposal must take place to awaken so many drench sodden slaves. Slaughter does at least have its curative purpose, yet it would be far better to bring to justice the satanic bastards who, presently thrive on the killings, criminality and cruelty they get everyone else to commit in their name.

Exposure and outing at every level must be the daily effort by all who see through the travesties slammed on us all. The intensity with which they procure their results is only matched by their fear. loathing and bite back when their games and manipulations are exposed. One thing this does show us all – we are winning, we will win and that evil in whatever cover it hides behind will be exposed and dealt with.

Stay safe, have no fear and fight to your last breath selflessly for a future, presently looking and feeling uncertain.


Another excellent article, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”: A Summary Blueprint of PNAC Plan for US Global Hegemony by  is well worth reading.

The Special Relationship – Propaganda at Its Finest Worst

The Special Relationship is perhaps one of the greatest con tricks played on the population of the world. Its toxic truth is far from exemplary and within its polished exterior hides an evil the world has yet to fully decipher.

Wikipedia quotes Special Relationship as: “The term first came into popular usage after it was used in a 1946 speech by Winston Churchill. The two nations have been close allies during many conflicts in the 20th and 21st centuries, including World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Cold War, the Gulf War, and the War on Terror.

Now we all know how contrived so much of Wikipedia is and this is no exception. Let me explain.

Firstly Winston Churchill used this term shortly after the end of WW2 thus catching the zeitgeist of the day. A man allegedly seeing us through the ‘brave, glorious bloody and noble’ attempts to stave off our ‘freedoms, democracy and liberty‘ turning fascist. More of this revisionist history later.

While it’s true the two nations have been close allies in all the wars mentioned in the Wikipedia entry, examining them in detail, it becomes very apparent there is nothing to be proud of supporting such wars, or blinding accepting the official narrative around any historical event. History has always been written by the victors, and that history often involves exaggerated (and sometimes completely false) tales of glory and heroic saviours.

World War 1 was as contrived a controversy built around the false flag assassination of useful stooge Archduke Ferdinand as you could conjure at that time. When after action was engaged in 1916 Germany swiftly looked like winning. The Kaiser pleaded with his English cousin, George V to put an end to the senseless and ridiculous ‘family spat’. Standing in the wings the Rothschilds, owners, since Waterloo of the Bank of England, advised the King not to deal with his cousin, promising to bring in the USA to make the odds favour the British and their allies. The sinking of the Lusitania did the trick. Yet it took until 1917 for the US to participate, mostly due to their alliance with the Tsar in Russia. Again the Zionists took care of that by negotiating with inside elements in Russia to dispose of the whole Russian Royal family. Job done, President Wilson had no obstacles in his way preventing his election ticket being transgressed.


Balfour Declaration

It is to be noted the US was not only virulently opposed to entering the war due partly to Wilson’s election winning promises, it also had a loathing, as often expressed in the mainstream media of the day towards the Zionists who were pushing for this entrance. The reward of success, as has become well known, was the fateful document from Balfour. This promised the Zionists a homeland in Palestine. The handing over of such a deal that transpired following WW2.  Once the US joined in, fortune turned and the usual virulent campaign of demonising the Germans, especially the Kaiser, swung into full propaganda mode. His exile to Holland following the promised defeat was sealed.

The Treaty of Versailles became a poster child for one of the greatest travesties of peace treaties in modern history, by way of crushing the German people utterly. Its oppression, banning and implementation of any military build up alongside financial and economic strangulation, led inexorably to the hyper inflation that led directly in the late twenties, to the rise of the nascent National Socialist Party getting their hands on something akin to an independent sovereign existence.

The banning of weapons development also became a useful cover for foreign investment programs led by Henry Ford and other US industrialists to spectacularly finance and benefit a secretly growing war machine morphing in later years into the Luftwaffe, the German Armed Forces and the very might setting its sights upon expansion throughout Europe.


Crash of ’29

The depth of involvement by the Americans in building Hitler’s war machine has been as treasonous a secret as its cover up over decades. The involvement of the Bank of England, especially Sir Montagu Norman and the Eight Families of the banking fraternity of Wall Street and Germany that included JP Morgan, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kuhn Loeb, Schiff and Goldman Sachs all transpired and plotted to instigate another bloody world conflict. Their efforts successfully creating the Crash of 1929, paved the groundwork for a global depression, an igniter for economic hardship like no other and an excuse for yet more global conflict. That has always been the MO for not only surviving economic disaster but a game plan exponentially growing the wealth of the super rich.

The Zionists, not the Jews, were instrumental in aiding and supporting the Nazi movement in becoming the ‘useful idiot‘ to start a global conflict. The chemical, armaments manufacturers and aircraft industry that became the backbone to one of the largest and fastest growing build up of a modern army in Europe, defied all outward declaration of Germany’s neutered and impotent ability to form any purposeful force of military might.

The Zionists aiding Hitler then set about destroying the influence and presence of the Jews and their successful integration into German society, banking and business world. It targeted the very banking interests instrumental in creating the power of the National Socialists. Ludwig Landmann, the first Jewish mayor of Frankfurt had endeavoured, after resigning his post,  to resist these anti semitic actions. He himself targeted by the Nazis, under direction of Zionists, eventually fled the country for the relative safety of Holland.


Banksters of Wall Street

However the likes of Kuhn Loeb, Goldman Sachs, Warburg and Schiff were adept in their fancy footwork covering complicity in Hitler’s now Nazi Germany (The name itself a neat conflagration of National, as in National Socialist and Zionist). As always in these war efforts tracks were sufficiently covered with an embargo on information the public ought to have been privy to, being edited out by a more and more compliant media, now more heavily owned by these entities.

Churchill’s intention to see Hitler destroy the Bolsheviks overrode any concern for the maniacal rise of a puppet gone rogue, as Hitler swiftly became. The subsequent defeat and retreat of the German troops by Russia, despite initial successful inroads, dressed as relief from the Stalinist rule, immediately put paid to any hopes Russia would be destroyed. It left the British exposed, as the Americans once again refused to play ball and join the game. Down to the money men to manipulate and encourage the first Pearl Harbour false flag event, it successfully brought the Yanks into the fray, albeit late in the day.

That the Russians went on to be a decisive force in stifling Germany winning yet another war even today has been overlooked and barred from most people’s innocent appraisal and taught history they were fed. The malicious playing down of Russia’s decisive part in crucifying this global atrocity of manipulation merely augments the criminal elements dancing as the ‘good guys‘.

The whole post war ‘fight’ against communism became more a pay back for Russian successes in two world wars rather than fighting any real perceived ‘enemy‘. Soviet, and any communist regimes around the world including Korea, became suitable targets and ever greater an excuse to load the military industrial complex budgets. War, the threat of it became the raison d’être for establishing global domination. An enemy, and mighty enemy at that  was now the force de rigeur needed to carry on the growth of the MIC.

The joint intelligence bonding of British Intelligence, CIA, NSA, Mossad became the secret special relationship in manipulating, infiltrating and usurping all powers not willing to bend to their global hegemony. Asymmetric warfare at its most lethal and most pernicious.


Illegal use of white phosphorus by US/UK/Israeli forces became the norm


Korea an abject failure, though trumpeted a win, illustrated an unremitting lust for power and control.  Massive slaughter of millions of innocents had little impact on a psychopathic mindset. Its lack of resolution to this day is testament to the uselessness of the adventure. Britain’s own tainted record of belligerence started with the Greek Civil War, Palestine, Vietnam, Indonesian revolution, Malaya, Korea, Suez, the Mau Mau uprising, Cyprus, Muscat, Oman, Brunei, Jordan, Aden, Gulf Wars, Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya to name a few.

The US roll call of attrition and its serving of Freedum an’ Demokracy  includes many of those cited for the British plus Grenada, Panama, Liberia, Indo-China War, Laotian Civil War, Cambodia, South African Border War, Dominican Civil War, Vietnam War, Bay of Pigs, Syria, Iraq, Liberia, Italy, Philippines, Albania, Iran, Guatamala, Congo, Brazil, Cuba, Chile, East Timor, Yugoslavia and Haiti to name a few more.

If we  look at this so called Special Relationship it is found fair and square in the militaristic and warmongering nature of these two nations. What draws their connectivity even closer is the relationship through abject abeyance to the Zionists, the Rothschild bankers cartel and all those infecting the Corporatocracy and political and media power centres. Today it is best illustrated through the Military Industrial Corporate Complex, lobby groups and specious NGOs and their like.

Economic ties, banking liaisons, cultural (read Hollywood et al), technological and not least National Intelligence communities are found bonded and intrinsically interwoven into a spider’s web of control, manipulation and under the surface totalitarian and psychopathic control by the very few of the very many.

So many Presidents and Prime Ministers eulogise this relationship, pull it up the mast of international cooperation as the great and the good of our two nations. This is the big lie. It is the whitewashing of evil perpetrated by these two entities as a natural carry over from centuries of attrition both through Empire, Revolution (War of Independence) and a power struggle to rule the world in every conceivable way except in overt name.

warofindepenceThe so called War of Independence, the War of 1812, The Chesapeake and Little Belt Affairs were all precursors to a power struggle continuing to this day. It was culminated and formalised in the modern world through the formation and establishment, after many decades, of effort and establishment of the foreign entity known as the Federal Reserve. With its inception in 1913, the bankers and money men were set to control the world. The later establishment of the Bank of International Settlements, in Basle sealed a monetary noose working hard to the present.

The difference today is that the Special Relationship is now merely a PR manoeuvre, a cover for a far deeper malaise, that of global hegemony. The present President, a buffoon, liar and manic tweeter uses his arrogant peacock strutting to masterfully negotiate frightful deals, trade wars of attrition and a psychotic loathing for international chess players who continue to outsmart, not only his players but the poodles that have become the UK, EU, NATO and other bit part actors.

That Australia, a part of the Commonwealth and  close yap dog for the US experimentation of ways forward (through which a separate article will highlight) throws its Southern sphere weight around like a bantamweight in a Sumo wrestling ring. It is making such a fool of itself, reflecting the lunacy present in all the Western wastrels and yes nations, to an evil overarching cartel of malfeasance.

As the Orange One flies off to Ireland to his golf resort for R n R, our Queen retires back to petting her corgis, the failure called May disappears in June and this country is left to a circus of very British buffoons pretending there is still sunshine to set and rise ad infinitum and for the best of all possible worlds that to remain ruled by the Few over the poverty stricken and dying many.

History, the true history that is, has a nasty habit of upending such hubris and inflicting major shocks to the status quo. The Special Relationship is set to be exposed for the finest virulent and caustic propaganda it has always been.

Whether the world is able and ready to set course on a path far more egalitarian, far more peaceful and cooperative, we can only wait and see. The war this time could be either extinction or expansion. Both are potential outcomes, one would serve all the other extinguish all.

I know which I am gunning for!

For more on the uncovering of the Federal Reserve, Plutocrats and Anglo Zionists Dreams and Realities by Jonathan Trapman