Build it and They’ll Come!

In that iconic film Field of Dreams, Ray knew that what you dream does become reality. He fought against his lesser self to get there yet finally he knew in his heart and very soul that dreams do become reality, as long as you place everything you hold true and dear at the centre. Today for so many when they look across the devastated heartlands of their dreams, aspiration and hope all they see is less hope, less of the dreams they aspired to and more misery and despair.

Yet, it is those very eyes, that mind, that constructs the future of light, hope and everything they feel they deserve for not only them but their children and those that follow them. It is that human urge for better, for growth, nurture and evolution.

All along this twisted, winding path the sirens of “You will be happy and have nothing”, raise their putrid, spittle-filled words, as if to finally crush the last vestiges of light. A light that remains hidden behind comfort, misdirected belief that there are those in power who will always have our interests at heart, yet never show it. Dangling the carrot of social support, dependency and silent abuse, conveyed across the airwaves via television, radio and paper, they lure us in, deeper and more insidiously than we could control.

If looked at this present moment with objective vision, never found at Specsavers, it can be seen the lie told for so long, to so many, is as hollow as the deadest tree.

Where are the dreams? Where is the vision of a life so much better?

Well, build it and they will come!

For so many the art of building a life with strength, fortitude, challenge and vision has been crushed. In spite of it seemingly being crushed, it can never be extinguished nor killed. It is always there, like the eternal flame, to be fanned, brought back to life and power. Yet out of all the mass of humanity there will be but a few that will lead towards that light and way, present to the greater masses – the light of solution, the way out of human purgatory, self-inflicted and determined.

Along this fragile path to the light there are many who loudly pronounce they have the way, there are solutions, yet drill down these solutions and there is a vapid, bleak hole of nothing. No action taken to assist the many, yet much money demanded for a huge vacuum of dark nothingness. Sweet dulcet tones from lips that came straight out of Propaganda Central. Illusory journey’s end that ends, as ever, in dead ends. Creamed, of last pennies so many are left at their wit’s end. Cruel beyond belief, such egos suck like vampires, till the gullible, fall, drained of everything.

Yet all the while, all around us, is the solution building, are the hopes of so many constructed from solid foundations built on the land that is ours and ours alone.

No need to serve the Maritime masters the Admiralty a*holes, drunk on empire and a heritage of elitist ‘superior’ management. The totems of a dead legacy, consumed with self interest and greed finally meet their end. They know it, yet to manufacture wars is all they ever had, and that castes belief beyond the pail. Unfortunately for them the majority of the world have been shown a far richer, more potent way to co-existence – a multipolar world and respect for the sovereign in each.

Their rule, empires, hegemony all face a divine tsunami of retribution that was always the people’s to have and to hold. The usurers, not only cast from the temples of mammon but also wiped out of an existence they thought was theirs by divine right. Ah, how sweet their twisted presumption falls. Its image and process, soon to be watched and witnessed by so many who held them ‘too big to fail’, feared their impotent power directing all futures, now mere vanities on the bonfires of hubris.

Nothing much that has ever come out of Hollywood has had a tingle of truth, yet been awash with predictive programming. That programming has made most of us believe what will be is always meant to be. Just watch as we all go forward how misdirected that thought has been.

Hold the popcorn, take your favourite beverage and be totally enraptured with what you most probably never believed would ever come to pass in your lifetime: Your new life before you.

Despite that harpy Thatcher stealing this quote from a true saint, here it can be quoted in its truest form and most meaningful meaning:

St Francis of Assisi

“Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved, as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”

However you may recognise the divine within, own it, love it, as no other. These times around us now only reflect the beliefs of what we each have seen, what we each have created in our minds and hearts and what is force fed by the authoritarian devils. Just allow yourself one moment where the negative, the horrors, do not rule. Imagine, as Lennon said, “Imagine all the people, living for today..”There is no past, there is no future, until we build it, and when we build it out of our fields of dreams, it will come and as will millions with it.

I am not offering anything that has not always been on the table. That table may have looked barren, yet refresh, reboot the eyes, and with the use of imagination, the core structures we all have within, with love, passion and perseverance, it will gradually be seen, to be lived cherished and enjoyed.

Patience is a particular quality and aspect that many feel has been beaten out of them. Release that thought and feeling, nurture patience and she will reward you with what you thought was beyond imagination.

Start now to build the image and form what the future offers you, and you can offer the future.

What is it that you are offering to this field of dreams making it the reality you desire, wish for and in your heart know is possible for both you and those that follow you?


Visit The Freedom Cycle

A Nation Building a Life for the Future

Imagination in Form

Now I Have Your Undivided Attention…

It is easy to sit back, run round your property 400 times, channel hop like a Guinness Book of Records entry, pay more attention to your kids than you ever did BC (Before Covid), learn your hubby/partner/wife is a genius at improvising entertainment, the likes of which you had never seen since you were at Butlins/Haven/Fill in Resort of Choice.

Yet the truth of the matter is you’re as close to mega Stir Crazy as you never imagined. As this dawns on each of you, I would like to offer a perspective that can and usually only comes from the DreamState. yes, folks…..

I HAD A DREAM! – Roll the drums MLK!

I would like to share it with you, as for me personally my dream state has always been a repository for some of my greatest inspirational, life changing moments in life. This may just be one of them, however as always I enter the Health and Safety caveat that I may have been touched by Project Blue Beam, MKUltra or ,…well you pick one.

It went like this:

I found myself in a place where social distancing was practiced with an order and imperative that made me, at first, rebel at such social conditioning. I asked how was it that so many could be traduced into practicing something I felt was nothing short of authoritarian control writ obvious.

I was then told that in the world a short mind distance from where we stood –  that was precisely what was taking place. There were, outside of this capsule of inter time, millions of people persuaded this onus to be at the cutting edge of helping save social and medical care, that previously had been the single cause of neglect any government or ruling party could have implemented.

I was also informed this had handed the ruling elite a superb opportunity to be able to blame the people entirely for whatever fallout would befall the world after this cooked up distraction concluded, as surely it would – badly.

I marvelled at this being’s lucid take on a situation  matching my own interpretation when awake in that world, yet I was curious to know why he and his ilk were commending people to do the same here.

“Ah, but we are not, dear one!” he explained. “Here we are making their tools and tricks work for us and against them. It is always the very best way to counter imposition when we can turn their tricks back at them. They have no idea as to what is different. They merely see conformity in action”

“How does that happen?” I ask.

“Simply by recognising, as the great seers did through their voluntary absenting to a cave, far outpost or inner sanctum of their choosing, that in that place, free of interference and buzz, they could not only contemplate their own being and grow from that awareness,  but also use tools available within that state to hone and command their own minds, thoughts and responses.”

My ‘tutor’ smiled knowingly. He knew I knew what was meant and invited me further down this road of contemplative resistance.

“The state and purpose of separation from the hubbub in the world, greatly assisted by so much “busyness” being turned off or tuned down, allows a gracious state of reflection and inner awareness to build, relatively unhindered from external influences. In that way a stillness of mind can be reached.”

I nodded knowingly, as my previous experiences had, through a couple of long ten day retreats into the dharma of Vipassana, shown and taught me experientially what pure silence and stillness lay behind mental overload.  How the continued practice of ‘stillness’ had wrought an experience of fleeting knowledge of and experience to the total unity of all things. However, the moment I savoured this,  it hilariously and most disappointingly vanished, instantaneously. Attachment its destroyer.

“So, having myself experienced what non attachment can be, how can those not as fortunate as myself recognise the benefits of social distancing?” I asked, eager to see where his thoughts were heading.

“Come”, he invited. “Join us where we maintain our distance and focus, through breathing in and out, the present moment. As you do that you will become aware of thoughts and words coming to you. They are not your own. Those are the thought talk shared by your neighbours around you, socially distanced.”

I did as he instructed and swiftly caught the inner conversation taking place between us all.

“So this is the way we can practice communicating without fear of being intercepted, listened in on or spied upon!” I said joyfully.

“Precisely. This is the way we can in vast numbers organise ourselves, locked down, doing shopping or running or exercising in the park. All outward signs are we are obedient, good little authoritarian followers, whereas on the inside a revolution is being strategised, organised, finally to be implemented,” my ‘tutor’ smiled, pleased I had made the leap of knowledge and implementation necessary to ‘get it‘.

What was vital in this dream state, I recognised,  was the constant reference to the number eight. Eight, the distance between each person, eight as the number to remember when in the process of moving forward. Its repetition, on waking, of course, made me confirm its significance. Using that excellent tool of both exposers (us) and imposers (the PTB) – in my case Duck Duck Go, for others perhaps Google, I entered my query. (Duck Duck Go allows me to implement my right to have my inquisitiveness unrecorded and its pathways to where I travel left unfollowed!)

So, in this search I immediately hit upon an excellent resource offering me this interpretation of the numerological significance as to the single digit eight:

The number 8 is perhaps the most misunderstood of all single-digit numbers, as novices and professionals alike always seem to hammer on the “money and power” image of the 8. More often than not, when a client requests a name change consultation, it means he or she wants to add 8s to his or her chart in the mistaken belief that it will bring money and power.

It is true that the number 8, more than any other number, puts the emphasis in the areas of career, business, finances and authority. However, as with many other single-digit numbers, the shape of the number reflects its most important attribute, and in the case of the number 8, that is, first and foremost, balance. The 8 is the great Karmic equalizer, a force that just as easily creates as it destroys. When the 8 comes knocking, you can be assured that you will reap what you’ve sown.

The 8 balances the material and immaterial worlds. At its best, it is as spiritual as it is materialistic. The spiritual side of the 8 is practical, realistic and intelligent. It knows the difference between make-believe and genuine spiritual realizations.

Hans Decov –

The great Karmic equaliser, I love it. Yes, this whole scenario, this whole charade we are forced to have paraded in front of us is actually the very knot that will unravel  revealing the evil plan, so many centuries in the making, that will show the utter deceit, contempt, greed and power these entities have held us under for so long.

There will be those who may read this that have absolutely no idea of that which I share. I recognise that, each to their own level of awareness. Yet, if I were to relate the most incredible dreams I have been gifted and how they made tsunami changes to both my life and my growth in awareness, these same people would still rubbish my own experience and  life I followed, due to their lucid guidance. It is as it always has been – a life full of Doubting Thomases – it is the intransigence of ignorance we are up against today more than ever, however on the plus side, this sector of our human family is and never will be significant enough to change the inevitable, though to many it may look a blockage too far.

So often such circumstances are sent to not only try us all but also to take out those whose difficulty in moving forward is too great to attempt further in this life span. No judgement, merely an observation. None of us are saved in the life we individually experience. We can only save (grow) ourselves. It is and always has been a personal journey we contracted to travel.

No mother, father, teacher nor authority will  ever save us, protect us or prevent for our every experience to mould us, hone us and grow us. It is we, individually, alone that must do all of that. Anything else is mere signs, pointers, helpers, supporters and reminders to us along the way that we’re never alone.

I woke so refreshed, joyful and appreciative of this particular, personal assistance that has always, in my life, enabled me to entirely trust. Some may call it intuition. That it is  in the awake state. In the Dreamscape, it is, I personally hold to, my more intelligent inner self, unbounded by earthly bonds, touching me, holding me, speaking softly and lovingly to me saying:

“All is very very, well – even all this will pass and you are taken care of and navigated to precisely the next space on your incredible journey
in these realms”

May we each hold fast to that part of ourself that is always the lighthouse and guiding vessel, helping us move forward, to become and recognise the glorious being we have always been and will continue to become.

The Special Relationship – Propaganda at Its Finest Worst

The Special Relationship is perhaps one of the greatest con tricks played on the population of the world. Its toxic truth is far from exemplary and within its polished exterior hides an evil the world has yet to fully decipher.

Wikipedia quotes Special Relationship as: “The term first came into popular usage after it was used in a 1946 speech by Winston Churchill. The two nations have been close allies during many conflicts in the 20th and 21st centuries, including World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Cold War, the Gulf War, and the War on Terror.

Now we all know how contrived so much of Wikipedia is and this is no exception. Let me explain.

Firstly Winston Churchill used this term shortly after the end of WW2 thus catching the zeitgeist of the day. A man allegedly seeing us through the ‘brave, glorious bloody and noble’ attempts to stave off our ‘freedoms, democracy and liberty‘ turning fascist. More of this revisionist history later.

While it’s true the two nations have been close allies in all the wars mentioned in the Wikipedia entry, examining them in detail, it becomes very apparent there is nothing to be proud of supporting such wars, or blinding accepting the official narrative around any historical event. History has always been written by the victors, and that history often involves exaggerated (and sometimes completely false) tales of glory and heroic saviours.

World War 1 was as contrived a controversy built around the false flag assassination of useful stooge Archduke Ferdinand as you could conjure at that time. When after action was engaged in 1916 Germany swiftly looked like winning. The Kaiser pleaded with his English cousin, George V to put an end to the senseless and ridiculous ‘family spat’. Standing in the wings the Rothschilds, owners, since Waterloo of the Bank of England, advised the King not to deal with his cousin, promising to bring in the USA to make the odds favour the British and their allies. The sinking of the Lusitania did the trick. Yet it took until 1917 for the US to participate, mostly due to their alliance with the Tsar in Russia. Again the Zionists took care of that by negotiating with inside elements in Russia to dispose of the whole Russian Royal family. Job done, President Wilson had no obstacles in his way preventing his election ticket being transgressed.


Balfour Declaration

It is to be noted the US was not only virulently opposed to entering the war due partly to Wilson’s election winning promises, it also had a loathing, as often expressed in the mainstream media of the day towards the Zionists who were pushing for this entrance. The reward of success, as has become well known, was the fateful document from Balfour. This promised the Zionists a homeland in Palestine. The handing over of such a deal that transpired following WW2.  Once the US joined in, fortune turned and the usual virulent campaign of demonising the Germans, especially the Kaiser, swung into full propaganda mode. His exile to Holland following the promised defeat was sealed.

The Treaty of Versailles became a poster child for one of the greatest travesties of peace treaties in modern history, by way of crushing the German people utterly. Its oppression, banning and implementation of any military build up alongside financial and economic strangulation, led inexorably to the hyper inflation that led directly in the late twenties, to the rise of the nascent National Socialist Party getting their hands on something akin to an independent sovereign existence.

The banning of weapons development also became a useful cover for foreign investment programs led by Henry Ford and other US industrialists to spectacularly finance and benefit a secretly growing war machine morphing in later years into the Luftwaffe, the German Armed Forces and the very might setting its sights upon expansion throughout Europe.


Crash of ’29

The depth of involvement by the Americans in building Hitler’s war machine has been as treasonous a secret as its cover up over decades. The involvement of the Bank of England, especially Sir Montagu Norman and the Eight Families of the banking fraternity of Wall Street and Germany that included JP Morgan, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kuhn Loeb, Schiff and Goldman Sachs all transpired and plotted to instigate another bloody world conflict. Their efforts successfully creating the Crash of 1929, paved the groundwork for a global depression, an igniter for economic hardship like no other and an excuse for yet more global conflict. That has always been the MO for not only surviving economic disaster but a game plan exponentially growing the wealth of the super rich.

The Zionists, not the Jews, were instrumental in aiding and supporting the Nazi movement in becoming the ‘useful idiot‘ to start a global conflict. The chemical, armaments manufacturers and aircraft industry that became the backbone to one of the largest and fastest growing build up of a modern army in Europe, defied all outward declaration of Germany’s neutered and impotent ability to form any purposeful force of military might.

The Zionists aiding Hitler then set about destroying the influence and presence of the Jews and their successful integration into German society, banking and business world. It targeted the very banking interests instrumental in creating the power of the National Socialists. Ludwig Landmann, the first Jewish mayor of Frankfurt had endeavoured, after resigning his post,  to resist these anti semitic actions. He himself targeted by the Nazis, under direction of Zionists, eventually fled the country for the relative safety of Holland.


Banksters of Wall Street

However the likes of Kuhn Loeb, Goldman Sachs, Warburg and Schiff were adept in their fancy footwork covering complicity in Hitler’s now Nazi Germany (The name itself a neat conflagration of National, as in National Socialist and Zionist). As always in these war efforts tracks were sufficiently covered with an embargo on information the public ought to have been privy to, being edited out by a more and more compliant media, now more heavily owned by these entities.

Churchill’s intention to see Hitler destroy the Bolsheviks overrode any concern for the maniacal rise of a puppet gone rogue, as Hitler swiftly became. The subsequent defeat and retreat of the German troops by Russia, despite initial successful inroads, dressed as relief from the Stalinist rule, immediately put paid to any hopes Russia would be destroyed. It left the British exposed, as the Americans once again refused to play ball and join the game. Down to the money men to manipulate and encourage the first Pearl Harbour false flag event, it successfully brought the Yanks into the fray, albeit late in the day.

That the Russians went on to be a decisive force in stifling Germany winning yet another war even today has been overlooked and barred from most people’s innocent appraisal and taught history they were fed. The malicious playing down of Russia’s decisive part in crucifying this global atrocity of manipulation merely augments the criminal elements dancing as the ‘good guys‘.

The whole post war ‘fight’ against communism became more a pay back for Russian successes in two world wars rather than fighting any real perceived ‘enemy‘. Soviet, and any communist regimes around the world including Korea, became suitable targets and ever greater an excuse to load the military industrial complex budgets. War, the threat of it became the raison d’être for establishing global domination. An enemy, and mighty enemy at that  was now the force de rigeur needed to carry on the growth of the MIC.

The joint intelligence bonding of British Intelligence, CIA, NSA, Mossad became the secret special relationship in manipulating, infiltrating and usurping all powers not willing to bend to their global hegemony. Asymmetric warfare at its most lethal and most pernicious.


Illegal use of white phosphorus by US/UK/Israeli forces became the norm


Korea an abject failure, though trumpeted a win, illustrated an unremitting lust for power and control.  Massive slaughter of millions of innocents had little impact on a psychopathic mindset. Its lack of resolution to this day is testament to the uselessness of the adventure. Britain’s own tainted record of belligerence started with the Greek Civil War, Palestine, Vietnam, Indonesian revolution, Malaya, Korea, Suez, the Mau Mau uprising, Cyprus, Muscat, Oman, Brunei, Jordan, Aden, Gulf Wars, Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya to name a few.

The US roll call of attrition and its serving of Freedum an’ Demokracy  includes many of those cited for the British plus Grenada, Panama, Liberia, Indo-China War, Laotian Civil War, Cambodia, South African Border War, Dominican Civil War, Vietnam War, Bay of Pigs, Syria, Iraq, Liberia, Italy, Philippines, Albania, Iran, Guatamala, Congo, Brazil, Cuba, Chile, East Timor, Yugoslavia and Haiti to name a few more.

If we  look at this so called Special Relationship it is found fair and square in the militaristic and warmongering nature of these two nations. What draws their connectivity even closer is the relationship through abject abeyance to the Zionists, the Rothschild bankers cartel and all those infecting the Corporatocracy and political and media power centres. Today it is best illustrated through the Military Industrial Corporate Complex, lobby groups and specious NGOs and their like.

Economic ties, banking liaisons, cultural (read Hollywood et al), technological and not least National Intelligence communities are found bonded and intrinsically interwoven into a spider’s web of control, manipulation and under the surface totalitarian and psychopathic control by the very few of the very many.

So many Presidents and Prime Ministers eulogise this relationship, pull it up the mast of international cooperation as the great and the good of our two nations. This is the big lie. It is the whitewashing of evil perpetrated by these two entities as a natural carry over from centuries of attrition both through Empire, Revolution (War of Independence) and a power struggle to rule the world in every conceivable way except in overt name.

warofindepenceThe so called War of Independence, the War of 1812, The Chesapeake and Little Belt Affairs were all precursors to a power struggle continuing to this day. It was culminated and formalised in the modern world through the formation and establishment, after many decades, of effort and establishment of the foreign entity known as the Federal Reserve. With its inception in 1913, the bankers and money men were set to control the world. The later establishment of the Bank of International Settlements, in Basle sealed a monetary noose working hard to the present.

The difference today is that the Special Relationship is now merely a PR manoeuvre, a cover for a far deeper malaise, that of global hegemony. The present President, a buffoon, liar and manic tweeter uses his arrogant peacock strutting to masterfully negotiate frightful deals, trade wars of attrition and a psychotic loathing for international chess players who continue to outsmart, not only his players but the poodles that have become the UK, EU, NATO and other bit part actors.

That Australia, a part of the Commonwealth and  close yap dog for the US experimentation of ways forward (through which a separate article will highlight) throws its Southern sphere weight around like a bantamweight in a Sumo wrestling ring. It is making such a fool of itself, reflecting the lunacy present in all the Western wastrels and yes nations, to an evil overarching cartel of malfeasance.

As the Orange One flies off to Ireland to his golf resort for R n R, our Queen retires back to petting her corgis, the failure called May disappears in June and this country is left to a circus of very British buffoons pretending there is still sunshine to set and rise ad infinitum and for the best of all possible worlds that to remain ruled by the Few over the poverty stricken and dying many.

History, the true history that is, has a nasty habit of upending such hubris and inflicting major shocks to the status quo. The Special Relationship is set to be exposed for the finest virulent and caustic propaganda it has always been.

Whether the world is able and ready to set course on a path far more egalitarian, far more peaceful and cooperative, we can only wait and see. The war this time could be either extinction or expansion. Both are potential outcomes, one would serve all the other extinguish all.

I know which I am gunning for!

For more on the uncovering of the Federal Reserve, Plutocrats and Anglo Zionists Dreams and Realities by Jonathan Trapman


A Fairy Tale for 2019


A long, long time ago in a land far from trouble and strife there lived and ruled a rich king and his fair queen. Their offspring, one girl, one boy and three others of assorted gender who had absolutely nothing better to do than complain their gender differences mattered in the kingdom, all bickered and quarrelled with each other as had their father and rich king enshrined in their very privileged minds.

Their exceptionalism, the descriptor having been bestowed on them at birth by their king, allowed them to feel exceptionally aloof from the hoi polloi populating so much of the rest of the kingdom. It was so estranging, so total that even they with their privileges were encouraged daily to go into the public square and encourage the people to think likewise – exceptionally. After many decades it was soon abundantly clear their daily seeding of such thoughts brought about an exceptional degree of arrogance, assumption of greatness, prosperity, number oneism and general belief in their own creation. In their imagined fullness they totally missed out on the reality of things as they are.

Throughout the rest of the world, not contained within the king’s kingdom, a manifest realisation led to a globally echoed line now infamously burned into history.

There is something rotten in the State of Exceptionalia“.

Its repetition produced not fear but hilarity as those outside saw those inside the kingdom riding on the crest of their imagined wave oozing such pompous proportions they had no chance to perceive the tsunami of hubris racing up to meet them. While many in the rest of the world lived in abject poverty due to a trade embargo by the King’s men and staunching of the reserves of financial command , the people of Exceptionalia believed they lived The Dream. They felt so privileged to be living off the fruits of the land where freedom as the key progenitor equipped them to express their divine right as exceptionals into every orifice of life, land and liberty. That this was truly an illusion passed them by.

At times, well truth be told, all the time, they found themselves out there in the wider world bagging yet more rich resources or staging posts for expansion in an ill thought out, messy and collaterally devastating way. This as it happens meant nothing in the order of chaos sown. Chaos seemed to work so well for them they continued as they only knew fit, with bombs, decimation and distain. Back home the people, now fixated on their distractions freely offered and exceptionally available cared not one infant death as long as they had their toys. When doubt did sow its heady ointments into the still liquid minds of mostly Western state populace, the King’s eldest boy met with his psychopathic school mates from Cuckoonalia and created internal mayhem in the form of what became quaintly named false flag attacks. These involved often active shooters in schools, malls and anywhere the television ‘copters and cameras could reach in under three minutes. Always it had the effect of shutting up the nay sayers and doubters. Most never realised how many passports found at crime scenes, how many incantations to a foreign and strange god uttered moments before annihilation or membership to a rifle organisation indicated a thoroughly set piece set up delivered.

Such quiescence suited all especially the King and his men and erstwhile, cow towing women. In spite of ludicrous mini sub groups of the disenfranchised and disaffected of many colours crying foul and a rise in political correctness on a nano cosmic scale, the king’s lesser bred brood never really suffered any serious attention. Liberals, as they were laughingly referred to tried to fuel the bandwagon, but we all know a three wheeled bandwagon never really makes any appreciable distance.

As more and more adventures were made into and around the world outside the kingdom, it became apparent even to the lowly goat herders on the plains of far off lands and the river folk along the water arteries of the lands where dragons lived that something was so out of kilter, action was needed. The blood and treasure of the king’s men and hirsute women never really amounted to much even in their deathly throes, so any returning were cast onto a pit outside the royal domain where their grovelling and bemoaning their lot was taken up, recorded and turned into a sensational hit of the year in the Misery Moments, an overtly popular TV reality show fed the masses.

The fly in the ointment of global healing was as always a small sliver of land in the middle kingdoms where previously ancient territorial rights had been usurped, under false pretence and occupied by the most evil and rapacious liars, murderers and bigoted beasts. These creatures dressed themselves in a panoply of inured suffering at the hands of everyone else. This had worked for many years as cover for an unrighteous rightness and special privilege. It gained them places in the high offices of everywhere under sufferance of guilt imposed on the put upon parties. In the Kingdom, their success with this policy of attainment had been the literal crowning jewel in their achievements.

As much as the King of Exceptionalia was rich it was in no small part due to the deals he had struck with the upstart state of Cuckoonalia, as this Middle Kingdom was known.

Its name grafted onto it by dint of its ability to enter any place it wished to settle and cast out or subjugate the rightful brood whose nest it had been. These criminal cabals of ghastliness oozed into every artery of governance. Their storm troopers of guile were sent to train so many around the world in the craft of deception, cruelty and total lack of tolerance and empathy.

Their crown jewel, its King and the various arms of state became a unity for evil intention. As the stakes were raised, the ridicule becoming even more ridiculous, the mutterings from around an outside world became the strength of vocal disdain and dismissal toward the overarching Kingdom of Exceptionalia.

Out of the North East and Far East the twin beasts of ancient times awoke from a long slumber of millennia. The Great Bear and the Red Dragon stretched in the dawning, extended influence and sanity and stood in the way of a King whose powers had exceeded even his exceptional vision. No thanks to his lieutenants, his cohorts of secretive black organisations and other useful idiots, his power was met full frontal and with little opportunity to debase it.

Along with his friends in Cuckoonalia and anyone else too dim to see the inevitable outcome, he boasted about the greatness of all he had under him. The Bear mightily unimpressed, laughed and distanced himself from the inevitable implosion. The Dragon stood aside, silently observing, with assistance of so many eras of foresight and awaited the inevitable, life saving preparations for the changes ahead.

It was the disappearance into the dust of vanity of his three gender uncertain progeny that amusingly brought the King’s attention to the fact that not everything was fine and dandy in the land. His acolytes, self serving pedophile hangers on and mega rich supporters scurried off the sinking ship to be greeted by a mega tsunami of wised up savvy types who not only exposed this wretched motley crew but encouraged disparate bands of well armed revengers to cut their bodily functions off one by one.

Little was heard by way of cries for leniency. Such evil deserved exorcism in the most expedient manner.

As the King faced ultimate derision, alongside the utter dilution of a former military might funded by graft and guile, the Great Bear alongside its protected family of well cared for peoples finally showed its might. The Red Dragon, whose expertise in copying the best of the rest had amplified into an Eastern art form of incredible beauty and showed its true centuries old magnificence.

The clatter of plastic breaking along the length and breadth of the Kingdom of Exceptionalia could be heard across the globe.

Mutterings of discontent were stammered out in a lonely isle at sea, alone in the drifting Northern Floes. Tepid draught was drunk, lukewarm waters taken to assuage a misery of lost empires and ridiculed greatness on par with their exceptional cousins across the waters.

To the east a continent of squabbling natives never truly integrated, nor showing anything akin to backbone swiftly drowned in its own mess of potage it had tried so hard to implement union.

The only saving grace from both these also rans was their populace who rightly, vigorously and viciously exposed and dealt with the swine of Cuckoonalians among them. This exposure brought a veritable vengeance that for millennia would become source of many a fable forked out for children nestling in the laps of parents and elders, who in turn encouraged them never to support such deceptions again.

It soon became clear the fabled Exceptional Dream was just that. A mirage of masturbated madness forced onto enfeebled minds. The King, his eldest son and surviving acolytes were swiftly brought before the Global Register of Union, masterfully created through multipolar agreement, and were ridiculed until their tortured souls could handle no more.

The indigenous folk of the Middle Kingdom, whose reputation for endurance and tenacity was legend regained their lands, accepted all those who allowed fraternal and sororal bonding to stay and rejuvenate age old community prior to the invasion of the Cuckoonalia.

As the fair queen and her daughter sloped off back to their true roots to merge, mingle and play baubles, bangles and bling the Great Bear and Red Dragon raised their glasses and toasted sanity and its inevitable return centre stage.

The blue marble seemed in that moment from an ever present alien eye to be very pleasingly blue hued. It was time to recede into even deeper invisibility until the next cycle demanded its  overseeing.