The One and Only Truth – The Official Narrative

LBC – Life before COVID contained always a light dusting of comparative viewpoints at best. Most contrary opinions were, especially when they sharply challenged the official narrative, ridiculed, mocked and blasted with a fanfare of press and TV dismissal as tin foil thinking. Most of us went along with this horse and pony show. As a collective of Trumans we accepted it for what we were told it was.

The images, actions and daily back and forth so often manipulated to look like discussion, argument and dissent became monotonous. However, when under the magnifying glass it became transparently apparent this was as shallow window dressing as there could be presented. You see, no depth or feel of sincere investigation, transparent, honest appraisal was necessary. The public’s acceptance levels were so gullible, no depth or real subterfuge was needed.

This condition of course is not formed overnight. It takes planning, time and the very best, most malleable environment conceived.

The great conditioner is the mainstream media. Ruled by few and vested interests, alongside a compliant and directed television and radio output both government run and ad driven, afforded the engaged button, once pressed, to dollop out a sewer of propaganda, drivel, half truths and lies.


Stay At Home, Support The NHS, Save Lives …………..

Rinse and Repeat ad infinitum

We lapped it up, without barely a question. Question Time, renowned for manipulated bias, radio spouting the proscribed news of the day, those feedback episodes, filtering out any hint of meaningful challenge. They all allowed the barnyard animals to fight among themselves, create division to distract and topics created viral to maintain the online Punch and Judy show. All activity never crossing the boundary previously set that no ‘off topic‘ (non official narrative) bled through.

Sometimes it did and time was wasted, lost and managed. Frustration that truth could leak through demanded something not only covering these erstwhile errors but also to aid moving the agenda on  further stifling dissent. Containment of domestic terrorism (the now accepted term for an narrative challenging the official one) became imperative to arrive at the goal. That goal is behind the whole New Order desired. That the economic balloon of impossible, irreparable Capitalism  now so overdue, and more importantly so obvious to more than those in the know, meant the time for a massive gesture of ShutUp and ShutDown needed enforcing.

Cue yet another horror plague of trumpeted unimaginable terrors. Cue deaths focused on and made so public, where such deaths ticked the minutes on the time clock stats of daily life. Easily headlining these stats and worse, statistical guess-o-meters on repetitious programmes each day and part of day, soon ingrained terror, precaution and absolute obedience, on a scale never before imagined possible.

Specially chosen talking heads from science, medical and social institutions were paraded on the fully primed and pliant media. The show rolled out from country to country, each time drumming up more and more terror. Promises of ventilators were repeated word for word and most importantly figure by figure. 30,000 ventilators are ordered and will arrive, each head of state promised, as virtually none appeared. Forgotten by the next injection of false narrative, few cared or questioned.

Any dissenting voices were barred. No transparent and open discussion are permitted. The government line was the truth – Trust Us as We have Your Best Interests at Heart. Like good little performing circus ponies we fell for it, like believing unicorns were round the corner. The science persuaded us, through anodyne mouths and slick fitting suits, that truth was settled. The medical impresarios danced their corporately paid jig. We clapped, all together, and together pulled at the heart string of the British public, the NHS. Like some fixed tug o’ war, we all felt we were ‘doing our bit’

This incredible, groundbreaking, cherished beloved jewel in the British crown was used to draw our hearts into a darkness that would become anything but the health of a nation. Each member of this national treasure is and always has been extraordinary. Now being abused, in order to have us believe  we are saving them, when over the last several decades this National Treasure has been hung drawn and virtually quartered. A wily escape pod where we, the public could be blamed in the event things went bottoms up. Their work loads are beyond real, even before this contrived epidemic, the shortages are transparent and now laid bare. Where we have so many professional voices from every quarter who challenge the official narrative as the overall situation becomes more dire by the day, this line is hardened, locking out any transparency or guiding instruction, in favour of lockdown.

Inept is often described as that person, organisation who could not have been unable to organise a piss up in a brewery. A no more fitting description for the present rabble can be found.

Throughout obfuscation, refusal to discuss this whole scenario in the round, with clarity, open minds and a desire to get to the bottom, there has been a vacant pit, as hollow as some of the heads in charge. TV rolls out dire “Today’s Disasters“, no open discussion, viewpoints from anyone except the inner circle talking heads, with vested interests. Their faces, cut off, on the terribly angled and poor quality direct from my home studio set, further allows the dramatic immediacy of mediocrity to blaze through.

It stinks. Especially since so many now are happy to lose their freedoms, give up any true sense of democracy under an illusion they are going to be protected by those in charge.

The mere mention that there is something rotten in the State of ….(fill in) will drive hordes of lackey authoritarian followers to cry Tinfoilers, Conspiracy Theorists, Loonies, Deniers. Where is the open discussion, the 360 degree viewpoints, the information presented so that we the people can make those informed decisions or at least comprehend decisions made on our behalf?

To allow them would be a challenge so far beyond the pail, the scripted score of the agenda creators. Once accepting the travel plan, this journey has such a short cut off lane, that for most it will never be possible to access or desire. Mercifully, out there are  sane, disallowed voices of real science, not cod science or merely propagandised scripts. There are those who have known for a long time the agenda being played out presently. The avenues we are able to access these other voices and views will shortly be targeted and staunched. It is already happening. Many are finding the YT, FB, Twitter and Google arteries are being shadow banned, physically banned and altogether erased on a whim.

Unless there is a sane, sensible open debate as to what precisely is going on, this madness will end up poisoning the air, the environment and freedom of speech.

It will, if not addressed, lead to a far greater evil, one where the relative paltry stats of present death will morph into millions of real culling beyond most people’s imagination. However with this trial run having run its course, we will be told the return of the virus is merely the second coming of the most pernicious threat to humankind we have ever faced. That lie will become the greatest and most horrific told. By then so many will have been programmed to believe it, it will be etched in the history books as the greatest hand washing denial since Pontius Pilate.

When resurrection is finally announced there will not be cries of joy, uplifting knowledge of a better world  arriving – No, there will be a global gnashing of teeth, floods of tears and pain unimaginable. The upside for the organisers will be that the global population will have been decimated, financial chaos overridden and replaced with a population whose only hope of survival is to be at the total mercy and bidding of those that created this New World Order.

On the other hand perhaps in the background, working feverishly, is an army of those never accepting this narrative and fighting to the death to prevent its coming about. Does one need to know that for an absolute fact? Not at all……

The question has to be be – What do I want for our world?

Is my heart and soul strong enough to fight for that even though it may or may not exist? If it is not then maybe it is time to make swift haste to the slaughter house, for as one great freedom fighter is quoted as saying:

When good people do nothing then evil will overcome.

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