How Extinction Rebellion is Being Massaged onto the Fallible (Part 1)

Let me be upfront with y’all at the start.

I wish for a Rebellion/Revolution like so many of us. I also do NOT wish we create our own extinction. However that means joined up collective action of the sort not gaining true traction through the likes of the distraction du jour today.

In the zeitgeist of the times a group called Extinction Rebellion is fluffing the feathers of the chattering classes. It is encouraging the lost souls of environmental elves and elvins. It offers the self important virtue signallers of environmentalists more juice and reason for dysfunctionality and entrances a rag tag army of so called Mind Body Spirit possessors, allegedly feeling they hold the upper ground of higher consciousness greater than mere mortals. All ready to save the planet and themselves from extinction and falling into the climate change fakery, hoping to avoid nothing other than their underpants getting stained.

This said group who have among their stated aims peaceful confrontation with the Powers That Be have produced online and in their protest movement a whole army of individuals, so empowered by group action as to feel good and fit to declare their own little territorial domain of fascist and totalitarian group speak and think. The power of the masses is strong yet utterly misdirected and I fear purposefully.

Out of interest to investigate my local group in the zombie/fair/looney/self promoting/ enlightened/unenlightened Glasterfarians in the sleepy Somerset town of Glastonbury , I joined the ExReb community – online, I hasten to add.It was not long before I discovered any divergence from the exact rule book/subject area of ExReb would bring down a censorial censorship, reprisal and admonition not seen since the days of Kristallnacht.

On doing a little research I found the connection of some of the shakers and movers of this outfit to have close ties with the very establishment they were out to turn. Hmmmm?

Thoughts and memories of the 60s and the masterful manipulation of the hippy and drugs culture movement came flooding back. MK Ultra has its reborn 21st century purposed on the people again. How could we have any element rocking the progress of world control unless it was steered for diversionary reasons by those au fait with the agenda?

There are many innocents abroad who are sick to the teeth of a system too divided and unfair to tolerate. They, having done little homework jump eagerly on the first bandwagon passing that reflects their supposed world view. Like barking dogs they believe they have caught the ride. The types that give to charity thinking this assuages their first world guilt without realising most of the donations end up in admin and founder pockets. Those white privileged Camden lot and Brixton/Bristolian brothers and sisters. The unhappy housewives of the shires, newly purposed to make their lives meaningful where meaning before was merely an episode of East Enders. The so called creatives, grannies from another dimension and loose limbed libertarians and a hellish host of vegans.

Along come and join the PC brigade’s best promotion artists thrusting the fist of “Anything not ticking all my boxes is wrong, against our cause and/or racist/misogynist/anti semitic” (honestly, choose your own insult here)

So in an honest attempt to find out more and reasons behind the three demands/principles they spout I questioned more. What happened next – I was admonished in no uncertain terms that going off piste like I did with innocent questions would get me ostracised and banned.

They quoted almost verbatim, GW Bush – “You’re either with us or against us” – at this you really have to laugh as all this is so pathetic as to be sorrowful.
The following convo on their wall ran as follows:

Me: “I become mystified at the crossroads of intention and action as displayed here – truly wonder where the actual is:
From your own principles and values:
1 – We openly challenge ourselves and our toxic System
2 – We value Reflecting and Learning
3 – We welcome everyone and every part of everyone

[Sounds brave and innocently inviting, does it not?]

EXREB input: The intention is very clear.

Me:     [I then unknit the three principles contained in the link]

“Government must tell the truth by declaring a climate and ecological emergency, working with other institutions to communicate the urgency for change.”

Getting the Government, any Western government to tell the truth is directly in opposition to their MO. So many have tried and been slaughtered, jailed and disabused – sadly that comes with the courage to raise one’s head above the parapet.

For the Government to declare a climate and ecological emergency it must by its very definition demand and confront the corporatocracy front on, rein in their centuries old practices and change them utterly. A rather lofty and unrealistic demand under the present regimes and circumstances. Thus any root and branch change on these lines needs a far more grounded, subtle and incisive attack.

Getting Government to work with “other insititutions” whatever they may be – UN, OPEC, etc? – is a mountain to climb when the major criminals in this are are breaking every international law they disapprove of daily, making and neutering Orgs such as the UN to be in name only, rarely concrete actions.

However I note the objective and intention is merely to “communicate” an urgency for change, not define and legalise specific change laws. Easy out there! Talk is cheap and easy to row back on.

That’s the first intention of the EXR

“Government must act now to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025.”

In 5 years you are asking Governments that thrive on polluting the planet to suddenly about face, clean their act and implement a change never before witnessed in any political or public life. Especially when these calls for action have been voiced exactly the same over decades with little or no action as you wish for.
The very actions they need to take are so huge even before self interest rules them impossible as to make this dream a wet one.

“Government must create and be led by the decisions of a Citizens’ Assembly on climate and ecological justice.”

Handing over the power to the people has never been in any shape or meaningful form the MO of any ruling elite. However handing power and rule to the people is the only way forward and demands the incisive knife to be brought into every major area of present rule and divide.

It is precisely that need that demands something like EXReb, cannot be just a one trick pony. The problems are too deeply embedded in the present cancer of governance.
Until we face these very truths and admit a far more wide ranging approach is called for, it will always easy to pick off, placate the well intentioned and bitterly ill informed public that really hold the power, albeit potentially.

EXREB input: You obviously disagree quite strongly with this group which you are a member of.

(Comments banned from hereon in.)

I merely question and ask pertinent questions re: the Principles you so kindly point me at. Since that gets comments turned off, I see little hope of having an intelligent coherent conversation without the die hard extremists getting all “better than thou” with their snide come backs and dismissive put downs that fail to address anything in the questions raised.

Ask yourselves: How easy will it be for Government to change its spots when they are so complicit in war crimes as their rule of thumb!

We have to ask ourselves are all the years of formulating an EXReb agenda saner than the insanity we are asked to believe from those we wish to change?

Since it seems that by asking perfectly relevant questions and having a decent discussion on core principles it seems is enough to get ADMIN to stop comments, shows a couple of fascinating things:
2: Always answer a legitimate comment with an “If you are not with us you are against us” sort of retort shows the intransigence and blinkered mindset we are confronted with. Is this seriously your pacifist civil disobedience you so loudly trumpet?

I would say no it is more like crude form of violent verbal passive aggressive rhetoric of a majorly totalitarian kind.

If honest critical thinking is not supported what difference is the group mindset from the devils we are allegedly confronting?

End of exchange!

Others like myself have been already shut down and out. I merely await my own execution!!

My own surmise is that with those who instigated this movement and had already discredited themselves by stealing funds from the Occupy Wall St and other Occupy movements along with other improprieties running and having fingers in this pie as well as those alliances with the criminal politicos themselves and Neo-NGO movements we are seeing a repeat and rinse of the Sixties MK Ultra manipulative movement.

Why? Oh, don’t be silly! Distract, Divide and Subvert as always…..

6 thoughts on “How Extinction Rebellion is Being Massaged onto the Fallible (Part 1)

  1. English isn’t my first language, and that might be the reason why I’m finding it hard to follow you. You open your diatribe with the claim that you wished “for a Rebellion/Revolution” and “NOT wish we create our own extinction”. You also, I believe, explain why collective action is powerful (and their means is civil disobedience). They have a mission. They have to decide who’s music and who’s noise. They have to apply filters. How did your online noise help with their mission? And what did you, then, really wish for? I’m honestly, really, confused.


    1. Thank you for your comment, Olivier. First off thanks for the side slap of diatribe. Seems you’re pretty au fait with the language. Like many I suspect we need change, root and branch to the system having held sway for centuries. Today’s incarnation is merely the fine tuning of eons. It would be convenient for us not to create extinction through pollution/war etc however there can be a case for that being the short term (in universal time) solution to the pesky human species who find it so difficult to evolve into anything resembling civilised. Collective action especially through civil disobedience has a just place in the hierarchy of change, I agree.

      They (presumably) XR have decided on a course of action pinpointing their targeted modem. By decided I mean those in the movement who have set out the strategy. Therein lies the whole structural defect of this movement, exacerbated by willing pawns and virtual signaller eco , so called warriors who tag along to the line. The agenda, however it is portrayed, is specious and set up for distraction at best and full manipulation at next less best! Behind these creatures starting this jamboree their filters and focus are decided and maneuvered by the very powers they claim to cuss and revolt against. In simple terms they are controlled opposition of the most deceitful kind.

      That I get vitriol and abuse for merely pointing this out shows how ponerised these people are and how much their cognitive dissonance shines through.

      That you comment that this article is online noise is disrespectful of journalism and as much as you may have that view I disagree but hey that is discussion for you.

      What I would love to see is grass roots fully informed revolution and rebellion against the real injustices and creatures perpetrating them. Choosing to make the “climate change” meme their idle fixe is no way to go about this. Since Gore spouted his BS and lies, since MSM backed it all up and all involved NEVER mention the percentage universal solar and cosmic effects that cause the Earth’s ongoing disruption merely accentuates they never wish to highlight their impotence against natural order. Man has been a polluting ignoramus mostly for selfish and greed purposes and humanity will suffer intensely, yet any global disaster will be meted out by Nature herself and have little impact from human self buggeration.

      In the shortest time possible the real problem needing changing are the psychopaths ruling us. While we blithely address the window dressing we merely parachute ourselves deeper into enemy territory that will transpire as a genocidal global cull vastly more horrific than any climate tinkering.

      Still confused?


  2. Brilliant take-down of this well-intentioned but deeply flawed placard/arrest confab.
    Why, then, did you want to lend your good name and reputation to them?
    They weren’t ready for you, and they never will be.
    Of course, as a practicing nihilist, I’d say there aren’t many groups that are bad enough to take me (or you). You may not be nihilist, but your response to their words and actions definitely was at that high level of skepticism.


    1. Thanks for your comment – In confronting and then taking down the BS, manipulations and lies I went into the lion’s den as I knew they would offer directly the very proof I needed to expose them. As an investigative journalist you sometimes have to “sup with the devil”!!!


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