The End Is Nigh Thru CO2

How many scare tales have you succumbed to?

  • 20 years before the end of all we know

  • CO2 is the devil in the climate

  • Human beings are the Real Problem

  • We’re running out of X,Y,Z

  • What you experience today is the truth

  • You must work harder to better yourself

  • If we don’t, someone else will

  • Nothing is bad for you unless we say so

  • Trust us we have your best interests at heart

What is a fact is that we are being played in the easiest win/win game the elite rich play out. We are being set up hourly by a corporate structure of things, intent solely on their bottom line.

CO2 is the real problem – that is Corporate Oligarchy Squared (i.e. on steroids)

This article is written specifically for all those with less ability and inquisitiveness than a 6 year old and those having never attended these classrooms. It is aimed at all those who firmly believe We, the 99%, are the problem. It is written in simple short paragraphs (you know, those things with punctuation) that may possibly cater for, and dare we say break through, the precious 15 seconds attention span developed in so many.

  1. There is always money in spreading doom, gloom, fear, division and paranoia.

  2. We, the 99%  have always been the guinea pigs, lemmings and sheep.

  3. The few with, wealth and power (given so conveniently by us to them), always rip us off, through offering ever more attractive, easy to use, ‘time saving’ toys and conditioning.

  4. To one group they cry “Buy” “Buy” “Buy” to the other “Sell” “Sell” “Sell”

  5. Using media, marketing and propagandised ‘in house’ instruments of persuasion they persuade us all we must do this and that, in this way or that way, listen to banal distractions in order to be good people(citizens). We are fed toilet paper while told to eat crap.

  6. They create the veneer of law, international, national and group, through self created laws they tell us we need for peace, stability, moral superiority etc.

  7. They persuade us more division, divisiveness and separation is healthy. Individualism is power. Me, Me and I , I represent empowerment.

  8. We become conditioned to accept anything proposed, through the purposely created toxic food chains, water supply, environmental conditioning and psychological manipulation.

  9. The process encourages us to believe we are free, we are part of a democratic system of sublime fairness, right and justice.

  10. We have been conditioned to believe those in power would never really do anything to us, to harm, constrict or contain us against our will. Yet they continue to police, herd and gather us into smaller and smaller cells.

  11. We are persuaded we have ultimate choice through the multiple choices they supply. We believe that one big time.

  12. We must accept whatever present ‘enemy’, terror, disfunction or threat created and presented is real, present and out to kill us, control us and take our freedom away. We throw our arms (pun intended) into the air, shouting “Yay!”

All of this is unutterably the biggest heap of bullcrap, yet most eat it, digest it and are happy and thankful it’s no worse nor harming us.

The whole farrago around Climate Change is one huge puss bubble of the above. Disagree with anything forming the concrete, ‘settled’ Climate Debate and you become a Denier.

All debate is so narrowly ring fenced within parameters excluding any and all scientific opposition not on message, it rightly cannot be termed debate. It’s official dogma.

Yet terms flung far and wide are specifically tailored to encourage anything other than open discourse. What discussion is allowed happens entirely and exclusively on their terms. Some of the most common are:

  1. Conspiracy Theorist – widely used to connote someone who presents a losing/invalid presentation of any information outside the ordained truth.
  2. Denier – a term used for anyone not pulling the official cart
  3. Anti Semite – a throw over, all enwrapping silencing/condemnation of anyone or any group denying the State of Israel, its lackeys and attack dogs and cuckoos perpetrating illegal, criminal activities outside of both International Law and their own cage.
  4. International Law – a neat, legal sounding term for righteously abiding principles of Empire, dressed as Universal Cooperation for Justice and Right.
  5. United Nations – a mirage of engagement supposedly being the defining principle of international co operation and containment of any abuse of International, lawful coexistence.
  6. Mainstream News – a very thinly veiled cover for outright mind control, propaganda driven narratives to divert, divest and dissemble away from any form of reality inconvenient to the plans of those in charge.
  7. Democracy – the centuries old trick played on the 99% to make believe choice is in the hands of each and every one of us
  8. Voting – the sleight of hand supporting #7
  9. Freedom – Slavery
  10. Peace – War
  11. Truth – Lies
  12. Woke – intolerant blindfolded bigots, barbarians and bestial beings, willing StormTroopers for the ruling elites
  13. Political Correctness – the largest cover up, imposed negation of free speech, expression and discourse

So you want to make a difference?

You want to change the world?

You want your life to have meaning and purpose, to name just two?

Then do something intelligent, something that actually makes a difference. Something that begins to threaten the very powers holding you in their thrall today.


Then wake up, get a life. Stop your self pity, self obsessions and oh, so righteous demands to be heard. On present form you deserve none of it. Life, as with respect, needs to be earned. Usually that comes through direct experience, living a life that challenges and that direct challenge reveals the way through.


Start by studying Nature and how she demonstrates how challenges are created and met. How they are worked through and around. Suffering is part of that and much suffering is usually the result of denial/refusal to earlier action.

Stop wasting time believing climate lies. Study the larger canvas of earth changes, earth cooling and solar influences that the script so conveniently left out of the equation they presented you.

Investigate why you so easily roll over for a quiet life and food on the table, roof over your head and the rest of the excuses to do nothing but toe the line. Believe you me, giving oxygen to the climate card they deal you is toeing the line.

Question more every day, challenge with your last breath all authority, even these words. Just make sure you have a cogent argument to discuss when the challenge is met and made.

Now go away and develop a spine, courage and a determination to help those closest to you.

Only then can we have the slightest chance to face up and defeat the Corporatocracy!



Climate Change is Taking Place -What’s Not is Armageddon via Warming

Climate Change is happening. It has always happened. Nothing new. The fact we are screwing with our planet has nothing significant to do with climate changing. Humans mess their place in the natural chain, mostly for profit, wilful ignorance and self interest.

This MO will have a very detrimental effect on our ability to survive in the ever rolling change cycle. From the perspective of the few that gain in these circumstances, mass extinction is of no concern to them. Profit today and screw tomorrow’s lives.

Little do they comprehend the change in climate is both out of their control and has no respect for personal greed and gain and will wipe them out as easily as they made their last buck. Not even deep dark holes in the ground will save them.


A Solar Minimum knows how to produce life threatening cold. Climate cooling is its trade mark. By not focusing on that fact, not revealing we are, in our present ineptitude, totally inadequately prepared to defend ourselves against the oncoming cold, they doom the world to extinction. Financial chaos is a mere gnat bite compared with the reality of global cycles.

Remember, their lies, deceits and self interest were never going to be compassionate. Psychopaths are not programmed for that scenario. It is up to each of us to do what we can do to make preparations for the oncoming climate cooling.

Screen Shot 2020-01-15 at 23.34.39

With Australia’s fires this fact may look a lot like lunatic prediction. That would be a fatal miscalculation. Man ignited fires feed the lies, over and above natural scorching. Those that cannot be bothered to research the cycles of Solar Minimum, the millennia long cycles bearing these facts out, way before humans and industrial add ons, then expect rude shocks hitting you and your loved ones. Although Hollywood blockbuster, The Day after Tomorrow, was apart from the American hero rubbish, it also showed very real potentials in areas of its conjectures. Remind yourself how many films over the decades have given insight into future happenings.

Chinese scientists studying centuries old cycles recently found “winters in northern China have been warming for the past 6,000 years –unrelated to human activity– but now the prospect of a sudden and severe bout of global cooling is on the horizon and poses a serious danger.”


The global warming agendas incessantly fed us make it easy for many to cast blame on our own habits. It suits those making money from these lies to make us in fight more and more fanned by the ignited flames of the outback, the so called melting at the poles and a media barrage of doom, fear and gloom, covered in guilty self blame.

Useful tools as Extinction Rebellion are handy emotive methods to stupefy people, blunt their enquiry and shut up any contrary views.

All I say is stop falling for more lies and redirects – face facts. prepare as best as you can – keep warm, build for growing food in controlled indoor facilities and group together as a community to get it done.

Fact! The governments are going to help you not one bit. We the people are the ones needing to self prepare. Take time to keep your emotions under control, be constructive, be fearless.

Why do I feel I am talking to the deaf, dumb and blind?

Prove me wrong, start now. Use the social media you have left before you no longer have this tool to build a support and active system that gets things done.

Canute Commanded The Sea To Stop Climate Changers Repeat this Lunacy

King Canute, that foolish early English potentate, was famed for having his throne placed on the beach so he might command the tides from advancing. Of course he lost and blamed the serfs and peasants, putting many to the sword.

Roll forward centuries and we have the powers that be create their own peasant filled mobs all baying under order for the climate not to change, for the earth to stop its relentless cycles of natural change. Yet this command is dressed up with a somewhat different garb – to blame the whole of humanity as the cause and effect.

Once again a spirited attempt at lunacy as a lance into the boil of human made environmental toxicity. Easy to blame mere humans for their minuscule input being utterly responsible for what are overtly natural cycles.

These manipulations merely the cover for a huge new income stream for the few. Carbon taxes, banning this, replacing it with that, controlling movement, flow, production, etc, etc, etc.

The only thing predictable in all this is the insatiable appetites of the rich to get richer through fear, guilt and the delusion of self blame. Yes, we have made absolutely a total horlicks of our planet, environment and over consumption using toxic, indestructible legacies of plastic. The very processes the few have made their billions by. Yet these are not what causes the disasters set upon us.

To admit the real cause would be to declare the powerlessness behind ever being able to stop it, let alone change it. Climate change is currently happening to all the planets in our system, with not one human in sight. Our sun, the powerhouse of all life is going through huge changes as it has done for eternity, minus some. Nature has been changing, renovating, recycling its process forever – that is its very mission statement. A speck of human existence, as significant as an ant’s contribution to creating the Himalayas to the  power of 1000, is never going to be a deciding factor.

The deceit, hypocrisy and downright manipulation of a population fed and watered on making results fit a cause, by blaming others, has been fed the perfect banquet with Climate Change Collusion. Get the young, petrified generations to believe there is no future, no hope unless they shout and scream the lies fed them. Convince them to accept false figures, facts that support only the blatant lies. Refuse any critical thinking education, any alternative voice, be it scientific or rational and you have the perfect playing field tilted in favour of ‘Official Lunacy’.

For decades we all have been fed exact dates when the world will fall into doom, each date passing with not a nod to reality, just the ordering of refreshed doom dates. Each scientific study from the laboratories of the connived thrust into every medium as absolute, finite truth, persuade us to continue the fear and dread as it will surely be upon us in a mere twinkle of an eye.

Mass movements, such as Extinction Rebellion offered up, have been primed, directed and conceived in the art departments of Mind Control Inc and thrust with venom and child tampering excess onto our angry, self loathing psyches. Like the worst of the worst religious cults, all disbelievers are heretic. They must be placed on the bonfires and expunged.

We’ve all been thrown into the petrie dish of deception. We have all been put on boil from cold like frogs. We are just moments away now from when the waters become so hot our escape is irreversible.

Look, it is now the first day of 2020. Do you see any 20/20 vision being utilised to face the reality of our many real predicaments?

Do you see any messengers shouting at the ‘king’ to stop being such a fool as to deny Nature?

There are many messengers, alternative voices of truth, yet they are being shouted down, cast out as conspiracy theorists and traitors to humanity. Reality and a clear mind will prove them to be the harbingers of truth warning the deceived of the actual disasters to come, not by human effort, but through natural course.

Can we protect ourselves against such apocalypse?

Of course but that would mean a sea change not even Canute could have foreseen.

We can create damage limitation by building systems that work with Nature, protect ourselves as best we can against cosmic thumping. That would entail a whole different paradigm of change, benefitting the few not one iota. Thus those guiding the finger to point at the culprits over there are themselves the very culprits of our lemming like rush to doom.

There will be arks built, there will be warnings heeded, yet the many will be wiped from the theatre of life as easily as the incoming tide wipes out the designs of those drawing in the sand.

The only certainty is that low tide will again come as surely as the next high tide will follow it. Really, the only game in life is to go with the flow and be at one with Nature, our Great Mother!

Revisionism Plastering Over Inconvenient History

We all have at some moment or other embellished events, slanted an experience to make it look better in the eyes and ears of the listener. These are human weaknesses around honesty and truth. An excess of this behaviour turns ordinary folk into inveterate liars, mendacious creatures and politicians that ultimately willingly scar their own souls at the expense of humanity’s humanity.

When perpetrated on a far vaster canvas, its purpose is for control, power and deception of a magnitude that effects the many. A personal rejigging of experience, life and events comes from a desire to be seen as more than one presently presents.

So too does the grander scale version, yet the effect on far more people traduced into believing these distortions has consequences far more radical, far more pernicious than most conceive. There is no innocence, no honest error of memory, no slip of the tongue. On the greater scale it is planned, executed and delivered in order to make truth fit agendas, facts bent to create a sick reality delivered.

Revisionism is one major tool in this kit of control.

History is full of these tweaks and twisting. Today, with technology and mass communication it has been manipulated to a degree never before available to the deceitful, lying psychopaths lording over us.

Keeping examples of this age old modality relatively modern examples are many, so choice is in this writer’s gift. Assuredly many will cite far more, and rightly so. These manipulations are the very stuff of control, in both mind and information that create beliefs supporting the twisted reality some presently impose. If there is any way to break this cycle of revising historical fact and truths, it has to come in  breaking the adherence, insistence that the truth of the powers that be is the only and unalienable truth.

In the late 1800s, a new venture was created. One that would reinvent the roots it sprouted from, so decisively destroyed in 1250 by the Persians and Russians. The remains of this destruction would grow into a monster, self named as Zionism. With zero DNA to any semitic race, it nonetheless claimed, like cuckoos, the nest of the Semites as its rightful origins.

It went on to sow itself into Bolshevism, where it perpetrated its horrendous retaliation on the destruction of the Russian royals and the Imperial State, in retaliation for its own destruction centuries earlier. Its modus operandi however made sure its incarnation was perceived as a just and rightful arm of the Jewish race. Its persuader, by its own admission, was to curse, blame and stigmatise any who questioned this historical make believe, as anti semitic. Today that process has been inculcated into every arena of power as defence against its indefensible actions.

That control and manipulation through media has been its stormtroopers heading the charge. It is also a major hurdle real truth disseminators have to break through.

I mention this as a prime example of revisionism since its talons and tentacles have over the centuries permeated so much of what we refer to as today’s world. There will be those, whose sole purpose is to maintain this fiction, that will jump up and down and themselves resort to the AS deceit in order to stamp out these verbal sparks. There will be others so drenched in the deception as to accept it as truth that profess any other version to be the rantings of conspiracy theories.

The phrase conspiracy theory being itself another invention and tool, gratis the CIA,  to distract, deceive and divert anyone from believing, giving credence to or merely investigating other outcomes questioning the ‘official version’ of John F Kennedy’s assassination. Its slap down of alternative inquiry was so successful initially, it became the go to revisionist tool rubbishing voices questioning anything except the ‘official story’ ever since.

Today this hollow drum has transmuted into a symphony orchestra, albeit trading resonance for dissonance.

Media today, most especially so called mainstream, diligently feeds us all information, news, call it what you will, that specifically sanctions and augments the message we are supposed to believe and digest. Historical inaccuracy or purposed omission is a major feed. Be it creating complete hoaxes such as the Douma gas attack, the 9/11 perpetration, the realms on why it has been so important to ‘civilise’ the indigenous peoples around the world, all these and so much more are specifically to feed fear, division and right and might of the day’s victors.

The genocide committed in Dresden by the British, the purposeful slaughter of hundreds of thousands in India and Ireland leave an indelible stain on the individuals and state controlled mechanisms responsible for these atrocities.

Modern atrocities committed in the Middle East and Far East are wiped from collective memory through the lack of any meaningful investigation or admitting attempts to understand via independent, non ‘official’ sources.

The promotion of the LGBTQ-etc-etc issues as headline news merely forms a smoke screen, diversionary cover for the stuff that is truly world changing. Minorities become the arbiters of conversation and topic – a mirror to the few that take the reins of power and control. Dress up the willing slaves to spread their overblown importance as information, giving them the sense their causes are seminal to a rights filled world – that is both drug and indoctrination. Not that each minority has no right to a voice, far from it. What it does not have is a right to be THE VOICE on the collective.

When it comes to feeding the big fear, in order to demand and get the public baying for false protection from great wipe out or pain, then the whole climate, human created global warming doom becomes the perfect vehicle for outright submission.

Look at it – create a corporatocracy hell bent on controlling everything in the economic, financial sphere as their own. A system of ‘owning’ the water, food, air and life arteries of our existence. Establish a scenario where toxicity is beneficial to life. Then, in order to hide the real outcomes of such a bent and criminally insane modality, create the fiction that it is our own despoliation of our world that is causing XY and Z.

Helped by another factor, the natural world’s cycles, it looks a fait accompli. Create and manipulate the youth, whose future depends on a world staying around in a supportive role, then bash, stigmatise and go after any who rightly say – Stop! Consider the natural cycles, the millennia of proven ups and downs. Have you factored those into the equation?

Well, no of course not as that would destroy the myth that it is almost all human made.

Natural cycles are as permanent as it gets. They are as predictable as night follows day and since they have been around for every second but one of our eternal 24 hour clock, it is lunatic at best to blame that second for the twenty three hours, fifty nine minutes and fifty nine seconds we were not around. Still revisionism rules today!

One wise person said:

“History, real history can only be verified as those alive presently, the rest is a collection of convenient and inconvenient fables created to keep whoever is in charge, in charge”. 

It would be far more beneficial if people could truly learn that truth and live by it rather than depend on the fairytales fed to them. This unfortunately is why critical thought, questioning everything, along with tolerance, interest in others and mindfulness is considered to be the enemy of the state.

That is also why revolutionaries, dissenters and heroes will always rise from the swamp and speak out. Choose who you prefer to be and then take full responsibility for that choice.

That, my friends is what living a true life is all about and how maybe learning from history is well and truly learned and offers a better legacy for those coming after!

How Extinction Rebellion is Being Massaged onto the Fallible (Part 1)

Let me be upfront with y’all at the start.

I wish for a Rebellion/Revolution like so many of us. I also do NOT wish we create our own extinction. However that means joined up collective action of the sort not gaining true traction through the likes of the distraction du jour today.

In the zeitgeist of the times a group called Extinction Rebellion is fluffing the feathers of the chattering classes. It is encouraging the lost souls of environmental elves and elvins. It offers the self important virtue signallers of environmentalists more juice and reason for dysfunctionality and entrances a rag tag army of so called Mind Body Spirit possessors, allegedly feeling they hold the upper ground of higher consciousness greater than mere mortals. All ready to save the planet and themselves from extinction and falling into the climate change fakery, hoping to avoid nothing other than their underpants getting stained.

This said group who have among their stated aims peaceful confrontation with the Powers That Be have produced online and in their protest movement a whole army of individuals, so empowered by group action as to feel good and fit to declare their own little territorial domain of fascist and totalitarian group speak and think. The power of the masses is strong yet utterly misdirected and I fear purposefully.

Out of interest to investigate my local group in the zombie/fair/looney/self promoting/ enlightened/unenlightened Glasterfarians in the sleepy Somerset town of Glastonbury , I joined the ExReb community – online, I hasten to add.It was not long before I discovered any divergence from the exact rule book/subject area of ExReb would bring down a censorial censorship, reprisal and admonition not seen since the days of Kristallnacht.

On doing a little research I found the connection of some of the shakers and movers of this outfit to have close ties with the very establishment they were out to turn. Hmmmm?

Thoughts and memories of the 60s and the masterful manipulation of the hippy and drugs culture movement came flooding back. MK Ultra has its reborn 21st century purposed on the people again. How could we have any element rocking the progress of world control unless it was steered for diversionary reasons by those au fait with the agenda?

There are many innocents abroad who are sick to the teeth of a system too divided and unfair to tolerate. They, having done little homework jump eagerly on the first bandwagon passing that reflects their supposed world view. Like barking dogs they believe they have caught the ride. The types that give to charity thinking this assuages their first world guilt without realising most of the donations end up in admin and founder pockets. Those white privileged Camden lot and Brixton/Bristolian brothers and sisters. The unhappy housewives of the shires, newly purposed to make their lives meaningful where meaning before was merely an episode of East Enders. The so called creatives, grannies from another dimension and loose limbed libertarians and a hellish host of vegans.

Along come and join the PC brigade’s best promotion artists thrusting the fist of “Anything not ticking all my boxes is wrong, against our cause and/or racist/misogynist/anti semitic” (honestly, choose your own insult here)

So in an honest attempt to find out more and reasons behind the three demands/principles they spout I questioned more. What happened next – I was admonished in no uncertain terms that going off piste like I did with innocent questions would get me ostracised and banned.

They quoted almost verbatim, GW Bush – “You’re either with us or against us” – at this you really have to laugh as all this is so pathetic as to be sorrowful.
The following convo on their wall ran as follows:

Me: “I become mystified at the crossroads of intention and action as displayed here – truly wonder where the actual is:
From your own principles and values:
1 – We openly challenge ourselves and our toxic System
2 – We value Reflecting and Learning
3 – We welcome everyone and every part of everyone

[Sounds brave and innocently inviting, does it not?]

EXREB input: The intention is very clear.

Me:     [I then unknit the three principles contained in the link]

“Government must tell the truth by declaring a climate and ecological emergency, working with other institutions to communicate the urgency for change.”

Getting the Government, any Western government to tell the truth is directly in opposition to their MO. So many have tried and been slaughtered, jailed and disabused – sadly that comes with the courage to raise one’s head above the parapet.

For the Government to declare a climate and ecological emergency it must by its very definition demand and confront the corporatocracy front on, rein in their centuries old practices and change them utterly. A rather lofty and unrealistic demand under the present regimes and circumstances. Thus any root and branch change on these lines needs a far more grounded, subtle and incisive attack.

Getting Government to work with “other insititutions” whatever they may be – UN, OPEC, etc? – is a mountain to climb when the major criminals in this are are breaking every international law they disapprove of daily, making and neutering Orgs such as the UN to be in name only, rarely concrete actions.

However I note the objective and intention is merely to “communicate” an urgency for change, not define and legalise specific change laws. Easy out there! Talk is cheap and easy to row back on.

That’s the first intention of the EXR

“Government must act now to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025.”

In 5 years you are asking Governments that thrive on polluting the planet to suddenly about face, clean their act and implement a change never before witnessed in any political or public life. Especially when these calls for action have been voiced exactly the same over decades with little or no action as you wish for.
The very actions they need to take are so huge even before self interest rules them impossible as to make this dream a wet one.

“Government must create and be led by the decisions of a Citizens’ Assembly on climate and ecological justice.”

Handing over the power to the people has never been in any shape or meaningful form the MO of any ruling elite. However handing power and rule to the people is the only way forward and demands the incisive knife to be brought into every major area of present rule and divide.

It is precisely that need that demands something like EXReb, cannot be just a one trick pony. The problems are too deeply embedded in the present cancer of governance.
Until we face these very truths and admit a far more wide ranging approach is called for, it will always easy to pick off, placate the well intentioned and bitterly ill informed public that really hold the power, albeit potentially.

EXREB input: You obviously disagree quite strongly with this group which you are a member of.

(Comments banned from hereon in.)

I merely question and ask pertinent questions re: the Principles you so kindly point me at. Since that gets comments turned off, I see little hope of having an intelligent coherent conversation without the die hard extremists getting all “better than thou” with their snide come backs and dismissive put downs that fail to address anything in the questions raised.

Ask yourselves: How easy will it be for Government to change its spots when they are so complicit in war crimes as their rule of thumb!

We have to ask ourselves are all the years of formulating an EXReb agenda saner than the insanity we are asked to believe from those we wish to change?

Since it seems that by asking perfectly relevant questions and having a decent discussion on core principles it seems is enough to get ADMIN to stop comments, shows a couple of fascinating things:
2: Always answer a legitimate comment with an “If you are not with us you are against us” sort of retort shows the intransigence and blinkered mindset we are confronted with. Is this seriously your pacifist civil disobedience you so loudly trumpet?

I would say no it is more like crude form of violent verbal passive aggressive rhetoric of a majorly totalitarian kind.

If honest critical thinking is not supported what difference is the group mindset from the devils we are allegedly confronting?

End of exchange!

Others like myself have been already shut down and out. I merely await my own execution!!

My own surmise is that with those who instigated this movement and had already discredited themselves by stealing funds from the Occupy Wall St and other Occupy movements along with other improprieties running and having fingers in this pie as well as those alliances with the criminal politicos themselves and Neo-NGO movements we are seeing a repeat and rinse of the Sixties MK Ultra manipulative movement.

Why? Oh, don’t be silly! Distract, Divide and Subvert as always…..

Rome Burns Even as the Fiddlers Play Out Of Tune

The Northern Hemisphere is riddled in snow. The Southern Hemisphere bakes its bones. Climate changes constantly, irrationally for those not attuned to facts. Nature is blamed, others are shamed, the real sufferers told it is their fault for buying into consumerism.

Those that rule over us dictate our rage. Insidious and more transparent methodology is levelled against the unwitting public to make them believe it is all their fault, their problem and their just desserts. Like rabbits in the oncoming headlights we freeze obeying the indoctrination we are powerless.

All the time the psychopaths, greed mongers and self serving crew of the Few bleed yet more resources, make-believe money and wealth from the life blood of our planet. Destruction is a means to an end not a violence to arrest.

The voice of the prophets and free thinkers is shouted down, silenced through mass targeting. Fake News, fake this and fake that  used as a blunt instrument to dull the sword of truth. Families turn on families, loved ones fall out of love through ignorance and blind adhesion to false premise. Division, the great weapon of subjugation is lanced into minds at every level and predilection.

Suffering becomes the go to joy of life. Self inflicted, purposefully owned through an incredulous belief in self guilt. Difference is shunned like a treason, then shamed as against the nature of being human. Mass acceptance of all sorts of sodomy, sexual predilection and bent is forcefully planted as politically correct. The belief that there is a black and white thought construct that is right leaving all other divergences from that thinking  outlawed runs rampant over society.

The human symphony has been whittled down to a mere handful of out of tune instruments playing a dirge so painful, so mournful it is promoted as Joy! The few conductors do so with one hand while their other is counting their coffers. It is filmed in such a way as to show only the conducting hand and the forced smiles of an audience so stunned into blankness it neither cares nor knows who it is or what they are listening and watching.

The question must be asked – Is this entity a.k.a. Humanity worth continuing with? – it would seem certain conditions have already decided that, yet mercifully have left out letting humanity know. As the cosmic conditions advance themselves as they have continued to do so through time immemorial no burning fires of human vanity and ignorance will ever be enough to staunch the inevitable.

It would seem the time is well overdue to make one’s peace within, to speak truth to the self and rejoice that emotional attachment is a mere frippery of transient thought. It is time to remind ourselves we are greater than the experiences we create for ourselves every moment. Now is the moment to open our arms, laugh at the ludicrous and welcome annihilation as and when it comes.

To believe we can change things is folly. Change has its own agenda and we as supposed stewards of the changelings have failed miserably. All we can do now is ride the change so far out of our control, stop endeavouring to sit in the driver’s seat and rest peacefully as a passenger. The price of such a ticket is humility, an embracing of our own magnificence and to engage in the view of wonders as they pass.

No Project Fear, no overarching Doom monger can ever invade the Inner Sanctum of the Infinite Soul. Be joyful and laugh at the rats as they leap from the burning armada. Harbour and the Deep Blue are two facets of the same destination so unbuckle and enjoy the ride!