Action has been swift and taken disallowing any Israeli aircraft movement around the territories of Syria.

russian-Su-34-airforce-jetThe Russian government has informed Israel that, as a consequence of their actions which resulted in the shoot-down of a Russia IL-20 Electronic Intelligence aircraft, Russia is imposing a NO FLY ZONE for Israeli military aircraft around Syria.

This No Fly zone will be from Flight level 000 to Flight Level 190 until September 26.

Any Israeli military aircraft operating outside the sovereign territory of Israel in violation of this No Fly Zone risks being shot down.

The Russian government has instructed 14 Russian Naval Vessels in the Mediterranean to begin enforcing this immediately.


Yesterday Russia also asked Iran for permission to station Russian fighters, bombers and refilling craft and tankers at the Nojeh Military Air Base in northwestern Iran as seen on the map below:


positioning of such equipment will allow Russia full air superiority over ALL of Syria 24/7.

Iranian planes are already bringing the S-300 defence weapons into Syria.

The result of all this renegotiating of assets and the no fly zone will be interesting.

If Israeli war planes fly below 19,000 feet, they risk being shot down by Russian Naval Vessels “accidentally” during this “exercise.”  In order to avoid that, the Israeli planes must fly above 19,000 feet, which makes them sitting ducks for Syria’s old S-200 anti-aircraft missile defenses.

The Russians look as if they now have the antics of Israel ‘covered’.


Iran 747 Flight path

With the Russians having imposed a “NO-FLY” Zone against Israel, they are now unable to attack this shipment for at least a week without having their war planes shot down.  And in that week, the S-300 systems can be installed, set-up, tested, and made active  . . . . which then allows Syria to shoot down planes as far away as INSIDE ISRAEL.

This was a “Red Line” for the Israelis a year ago, and their sneaky actions which caused a Russian plane to be accidentally shot down, have now come back to bite them in the ass.  With these new S-300 systems, Israel will no longer be able to attack Syria with impunity.

This is, by far, the largest escalation of events inside Syria in recent memory.  This is a DISASTER for Israel; and they’ve brought it upon themselves.


  1. It’s about time that they get reined in. They’ve been doing hit and runs on Syria for quite a while. A shame that the Russian plane incident was needed for this to happen.


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